Maison Du Mezze

60695800 (WhatsApp)
The romantic style design features olives, flowers, and traditional Middle Eastern patterns. It serves Middle Eastern Cuisine, especially in Lebanese items, such as grilled seafood and skewers that are made with traditional herbs and a special charcoal stove. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
Wed - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:15
Dec 25
12:00 - 23:00
Dec 26
11:00 - 22:00
Dec 31
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Online Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Welcome to Maison du Mezze: Culinary Escape to Lebanon
Maison du Mezze a delightful gastronomic journey that celebrates the rich flavors and traditions of Lebanese cuisine. Nestled in a warm and inviting atmosphere, our restaurant is not just a place to dine; it's a place to feel at home.
Our art of grilling menu, featuring an selection of fresh, high-quality seafood and succulent meats, all prepared on our traditional charcoal grill. Each dish is crafted with authentic ingredients, carefully sourced both locally and imported from Lebanon, ensuring that every bite bursts with flavor and authenticity.
As you step into Maison du Mezze, the inviting aromas of grilled delicacies and the warmth of our ambiance will envelop you, making it the perfect setting for family gatherings, romantic dinners, or celebrations with friends.
Join us at Maison du Mezze, where every meal is a celebration of Lebanese culture, hospitality, and the joy of sharing good food with great company. We look forward to welcoming you to our house of mezze, where every visit feels like coming home

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Review (205)
🌃 餐廳位於東涌世貿喜來登酒店的灣景匯內,為地中海菜酒吧,主打黎巴嫩傳統地道菜式,餐廳室內設計典雅,以庭園風為主題,充滿異國風情的裝潢,讓你味遊黎巴嫩的情懷。-🤠平時大家都知小編係食肉獸,小編心知身體都積聚好多毒素,所以今次要食素清一清佢😌,最近impossible foods @impossible_foods 聯乘酒吧,推出了全新impossible菜式,平時小編接觸impossible菜式嘅時候,通常都會喺連鎖快餐店接觸到,主要係好簡單嘅菜式,今次估唔到連 fine dining 嘅場景都食得到,今次品嚐了新主打菜式Impossible Khasnkash ,採用了植物素肉丸 烤植物素肉、辣椒番茄醬,一上菜嘅時候 賣相與一般肉扒無異,十分厚切,加上火紅鮮豔嘅辣椒蕃茄醬,十分吸晴,素肉扒食落十分有驚喜,富有彈性的口感,幾有咬口,滿足到食肉獸嘅需求,加上惹火的辣度同酸甜的蕃茄,十分開胃。.🌮 Mix cold Mezze👉 富有黎巴嫩特色的前菜拼盤,分別有鷹嘴豆蓉、煙燻茄子蓉、炭烤紅燒合桃蓉、新鮮薄荷乳酪蓉,小編獨愛煙燻茄子蓉,煙燻味十分濃郁,味道餘韻悠長,搭配鬆軟熱辣的手抓餅十分惹味。.🧀 Grilled Halloumi Cheese with Dried Fig👉 身為芝士控的小編,每次見到芝士菜式都會必點,但以無花果作為配搭都係第一次嘗試🤩,估唔到炭烤嘅Halloumi Cheese同清新嘅無花果係可以夾得到,芝士嘅口感像豆腐般質感香而不膩,加上甜甜的無花果十分開胃。.🍮 Umm All Pudding👉 小編最喜歡材料豐富嘅甜品,所以見到乜都有嘅布丁,所以二話不說叫咗呢個,由於即叫即製,需時約20分鐘,所以要提早叫,準備嘅時候,已經從遠方聞到好香濃嘅開心果同杏仁味😍,上菜後原來係咁大份,可以同多個朋友share,食落有好香濃嘅蛋香同果仁香味,層次感綿密同埋豐富,食完仲想encore🤪。.🤠到最後叫咗兩杯signature cocktails🍹,分別係 Passionfruit Yakult 同 Ginger Berries ,兩款嘅 賣相都好適合打卡,配上熱帶生果,酸酸甜甜嘅感覺,另外一款更加上薑味,好適合寒冷嘅冬天享用,加上一點點的溫暖驅寒作用。..❤️為地球出一分力,減低碳排放嘅影響,及保持身體營養均衡,建議大家轉食Impossible植物肉,成分有大豆、馬鈴薯、椰子油和葵花籽油,具豐富蛋白質和各種營養。當中的大豆蛋白能為素食者提供與動物肉類相似的口感和營養。植物肉在生產過程中消耗的資源更少,碳排放更低,有助於減少環境影響。..📍Maison Du Mezze @maisondumezzehk怡東路9號灣景薈地下G10號舖...#ImpossibleFoods #ImpossibleFoodsHK #植物肉 #vegetarian #素食 #anglisshk continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-10
約咗好耐冇見嘅朋友食飯知佢平日都好注重健康有跑步嘅習慣所以提議不如去食素 幫身體清一清毒素驚喜係素菜其實都可以煮得好好食😋今次去左東涌喜來登酒店內嘅 - 🔹Maison Du Mezze係一間好有氣氛嘅地中海菜個日嚟到仲有聖餐裝飾 好有節日氣氛🎄Order咗2道素食前菜同Impossible meat做主菜。主菜Impossible Khashkash 用植物肉做成燒肉嘅樣子,食落同真嘅牛漢堡好似!口感同真嘅肉好似、味道好豐富好好食😋!再配合酸酸辣辣嘅tomato sauce,惹味!食多幾舊都唔會覺得膩。平時fine dining 都係食肉較多,可以食到製作得如此精緻嘅素食,真係好驚喜。.而且食植物肉好健康,成分有大豆、馬鈴薯、椰子油和葵花籽油,具豐富蛋白質和各種營養。當中的大豆蛋白能為素食者提供與動物肉類相似的口感和營養。植物肉在生產過程中消耗的資源更少,碳排放更低,有助於減少環境影響。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-04
餐廳裝潢優雅,非常光猛,坐得幾舒服。今次食咗餐廳Weekend Brunch Buffet,有多款素食菜式,同時有少量肉食及海鮮,照顧不同客人需要。 Weekend Brunch Buffet (每位$298)🥬開胃前菜及沙律選擇幾多,有鷹咀豆紅菜頭蓉、炭燒紅椒核桃蓉等。🥬個人幾喜歡炸茄子配蕃茄蓉,茄子好juicy,同酸酸甜甜嘅蕃茄好夾。黎巴嫩蔬菜沙律亦好豐富,蔬菜夠新鮮。🥬炸蔬菜鷹咀豆餅味道唔錯,質感幾紮實,配搭鷹咀豆蓉醬更美味。 Impossible Khashkash $228另外仲點咗主菜,雖然食過多款不同Impossible meat菜式,但每次食都會有驚喜,呢個菜式用impossible meat製作成肉條,食落真係好有肉嘅質感,口感一啲都唔鬆散,同時配搭辣椒蕃茄醬,酸酸辣辣好開胃,而且幾喜歡佢有豐富蛋白質,食完好飽肚。 最後仲食埋甜品及水果,好滿足。😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-28
老公生日🎂想搵一間有特色嘅餐廳同佢慶祝,喺偶然情況下發現呢間主打中東黎巴嫩美食嘅餐廳,就決定試一下吧!去餐廳之前巳睇定食評,選定自己想試的食物,順道打下卡🤭。位置有少少隱蔽,不過好快就搵到。入到餐廳覺得好靚好有特色,服務員細心介紹,原來當日中午有自助餐,仲有生蠔同熟蝦任食,都係三百蚊一位(唔記得咗實質係298定289/位😅),飲品另計。最後我哋都係冇散叫,選擇自助餐。食物好有水準,最鍾意食鷹嘴豆蓉,生蠔不太肥美,但好新鮮,其他沙律熟食甜品都唔錯😋。最緊要係連生日主角都覺得ok好食。而飲品我都係叫咗網上食評推介嘅MDM mulue同埋Passionfruit Yakult✨,本人就覺得後者好飲啲,大家都可以一試啊😊最後值得一讚嘅就係經理同埋服務員都好友善,希望下次有機會在去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-27
I’m impressed with their exquisite mixed hummus platter and succulent lamb skewers. The platter was presented beautifully and featured an array of hummus variations, each with its unique twist. I particularly loved and recommend the truffle hummus, which boasted a rich and creamy texture. The lamb skewers were grilled to perfection, tender and juicy, with a tangy garlic sauce that complemented them beautifully. The ambience was warm and inviting. The staff were attentive and knowledgeable, eager to guide you through the menu and ensure that your dining experience was nothing short of exceptional.Highly recommended, would definitely visit again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)