Three on Canton

Restaurant: Three on Canton

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here,

Exit A1/ C1/ L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit F, Austin MTR Station continue reading
Three On Canton is a restaurant inside the Gateway hotel that serves a wide variety of food including Western and Asian cuisines. They offer an afternoon tea buffet on weekends and public holidays that guests an enjoy. Some of their popular dishes include the Wonton in Chili sauce, Original smiley burger and Chicken takka. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 23:00
*Last Order Time: 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE JCB WeChat Pay Tap & Go
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Three on Canton
Three on Canton is the ultimate gourmet destination where your lifestyle is celebrated with a trilogy: Dine, wine and be all you can be at Three on Canton. Experience tempting selections of the world’s most popular cuisines, charge up a hip night at the lounge and bar, and unwind at the vibrant al fresco dining space - Be on Canton. Host your private parties at the wine room or four exclusive function rooms.

About Reward Scheme
Review (594)
Level3 2024-12-14
選擇這店同親人慶生實在後悔莫及。本不對香港自助餐有什麼期望,因見太多虛有其表的店比食客網上負評。做了一輪research,見呢間近期負評算相對‘’無害‘’,而且多年前試過印象算正面,故此胆敢再試,結果十分強差人意。貴為老牌大酒店,自助餐食品與擺盤卻更似一般飯堂。菜色無心思,烹調無心機。最令人驚奇的是竟然有一區全是汁煮青口,有成四五煲,分別只在於汁的味道。濫竽充數至此,面皮真的要好厚。全場最吸引人的必然是燒烤區,豬牛羊雞齊備。可惜近睇發現大部份都甚乾柴,似放了好耐。但明明自助餐才剛開始,難道是昨晚翻熱貨?!其餘食物都毫無靈魂,毫無特色,不談也罷。雖然不至於超難食,但就似食堂食飯一樣無趣。印象最深刻的是甜品區竟然有廉價五色啫喱,實在令人啼笑皆非。以前那個即焗的心太軟似乎已壽終正寢。看來有生之年,不破地獄是不會再見面了。服務方面,整體不過不失。唯一要點名‘’表揚‘’的是切魚生的姐姐。全程沉默寡言黑臉,與客人零交流。但與同事閒談時則有講有笑。同親友慶祝聚餐見到她真的十分掃興,永無下次。一葉知秋,坐落尖沙咀一級地段的大酒店出品,吃得出的盡是疲態畢現、無心戀戰、行屍走肉般的衰落之味。抬頭望向窗外,正是曾經尖沙咀最繁華的街道,再看看周圍默默低頭,不顧一切,只管食食食食到夠本的食客。驚覺我近年的胃口越來越少,自助餐越食越少,原來是有原因的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-02
星期日下午去尖沙咀廣東道 Three on Canton 嘆個 下午茶.座位闊落舒服,  悠閒享受 Tea - Set 暢談了兩小時.   確不錯. Tea - Set 食品豐富, 服務員送來一座粉紅色架, 好別緻, 浪漫的粉紅色實在吸引.   連架上食物顏色都匹配, 有份溫馨感. 後面看都好特別. 再來個左右 Post.    打卡至靚.   先食 鹹點,  有五款:  黑朱古力燴牛肉酥盒, 炸芝士雞柳 (伴有炸薯條),蒔羅紅菜頭三文魚多士, 杏脯火腿芝士卷, 鴨肝慕絲配無花果醬法包.接着食甜品,  甜點有七款, 士多啤梨奶凍, 粉紅鮮果撻, 精選馬卡龍, 香橙朱古力蛋糕, 紅桑子金寶, 傳統英式提子鬆餅, 配奶油忌廉及果醬.另外有 粉紅朱古力火鍋, 備有燭台點了火.配料糸:  棉花糖, 蜜瓜, 士多啤梨, 芝士蛋糕. 士多啤梨, 新鮮又好味, 沾上 粉紅朱古力,  勁正. 再食  棉花糖送咖啡/茶  $568-   兩位.   飲品一般. 食物中規中舉.  唯一一個缺點,   3:00 正才可以入座, 落單後, 等了約 50 分鐘才送上 Tea-Set.   (要 改名:  浪 慢 下午茶)   !  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-17
Three On Canton 位處尖沙咀廣東道海港城,港鐵站出海防道步行5至20分鐘便可到達,交通非常方便,飯後可順道欣賞一下維港夜景。 晚餐食物選擇多,環境舒適,重點美食磯燒鮑魚味道濃郁,口感軟滑;長腳蟹肉多嫩滑,惟有點偏鹹,龍蝦有很多膏,但有點韌,所有海鮮均供應不絶。甜品有 Häagen-Dazs 雪糕、芝士蛋糕、拿破崙蛋糕、林明頓蛋糕等。 免費任飲泡沫咖啡、鮮奶咖啡、港式奶茶、蜜蜂柚子茶、草莓芒果茶、薑蜜檸檬茶、伯爵茶、大吉嶺茶、果汁等飲品,任君選擇,最為驚喜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-25
最近去咗港威酒店食自助餐 – Three on Canton,朋友話佢哋嘅選擇夠多,食物質素都幾好,有好多新鮮嘅海鮮同甜品,就過嚟試一試啦!🍽️🍫 朱古力噴泉呢個朱古力噴泉真係超吸引,睇住啲朱古力不停咁流落嚟,第一下已經忍唔住要試吓!配埋哈密瓜、棉花糖同其他甜點,沾滿濃郁嘅朱古力,口感豐富,啱晒甜品控!😋🌮 Taco StationTaco station可以mix-and-match,真係好玩又好食!有唔同嘅配料揀,無論係牛肉、雞肉或者素菜,全部都好新鮮。🌽加埋自己鍾意嘅醬汁,真係可以整出屬於自己嘅獨特Taco!個人覺得係自助餐嘅亮點之一!🌮🦀 凍海鮮(蟹腳、青口、帶子、小龍蝦、鮑魚)凍海鮮區真係好新鮮,蟹腳啲肉係甜嘅,帶子同青口都好新鮮,鮑魚仲有彈性,食落去真係一啖啖清甜嘅海味!🦞尤其係小龍蝦,肉質鮮甜,食完仲想再拎!🦪🍣 壽司魚生壽司魚生區嘅選擇都幾多,魚生好新鮮,切得啱啱好,唔會太厚或者太薄。🐟🥓 Ham Station (4 options: chicken and mushroom sausage, lyoner ham, salami spinate, coppa ham)Ham station有唔同種類嘅火腿可以揀,我試咗salami同coppa ham,兩款都鹹香味濃,配埋少少酸瓜更加開胃!🍖🍖 厚切火腿呢個厚切火腿煮得啱啱好,唔會太乾,外皮仲有少少焦香,鹹香啱啱好,食完真係好滿足!🥩配埋一啲自助醬汁,味道更加豐富!🍰 Dessert Station甜品區選擇都多,蛋糕好靚,試咗佢哋嘅芝士蛋糕,唔會太甜,芝士味濃郁,口感綿密。🍮🥂 Drinks Station飲品站都有唔少選擇,果汁都有三種揀!我喺網上平臺book位,有5折,折左唔駛500蚊~抵食啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-18
主打帝王蟹,18:30一開始嗰個份量只夠4至5個人,之後就要等……龍蝦又係好多時出去都無晒……又係要等,帶子刺生係無既,離曬譜!鮑魚幾入味,份量夠,片皮鴨味道可以,燉湯味道比較淡,肉檔選擇多。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)