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香港蛋撻界又添一名新成員 - LUBUDS Group 旗下的手工麵包店 Baker by LUBUDS。開設於住宅區的太古城中心,每日依然大排長龍,為的就是品嚐到人氣的招牌蛋撻。千層酥皮的蛋撻外皮酥脆分明,滑嫩的蛋漿香氣四溢,整個蛋撻平衡而不過於甜膩。蛋撻每次出爐都迅速售罄,記得留意出爐時間提早到場排隊。Located in Cityplaza, Baker by LUBUDS has been drawing long queues every day, all for a taste of their signature egg tarts. The egg tarts have a crispy pastry, with a smooth egg custard filling that is perfectly balanced and not too sweet. They sell out quickly every day, so be sure to arrive early and join the queue to get your hands on these
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