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櫻木煙熏糖芯蛋 $15店舖用上日本產既雞蛋 再用櫻木煙熏烹調 入口有陣陣香氣🪵 而且熟度剛好 蛋黃既流心得黎好creamy😋 值得一試🤍Soil boiled eggs were cooked just right, it was smoky, creamy with the liquid egg yolk🥚 Loved this so much🥰評分: 8.5/10🌟鯛白湯とろり $138 鯛白湯用咗天然真鯛同幾種貝類熬製而成 飲落比較濃厚同鮮甜😚 拉麵上仲有鮮味十足既鯛魚肉同嫩滑既豚肉🤩 最特別係加咗碗邊既柚子醬同碗中既辣椒粉一齊食提升咗魚湯既層次感 令到湯底帶微辣、橘子香同更加清新✨ 唯一係麵質偏淋扣咗少少分數🥲Bookmarked this shop for so long!🔖 Maru De Sankaku was rich, creamy & with a hints of freshness from the soup🍜 Sea bream was tender and has a natural sweetness🐟 The highlights of the lun
店舖用上日本產既雞蛋 再用櫻木煙熏烹調 入口有陣陣香氣🪵 而且熟度剛好 蛋黃既流心得黎好creamy😋 值得一試🤍
Soil boiled eggs were cooked just right, it was smoky, creamy with the liquid egg yolk🥚 Loved this so much🥰
評分: 8.5/10🌟
鯛白湯とろり $138
鯛白湯用咗天然真鯛同幾種貝類熬製而成 飲落比較濃厚同鮮甜😚 拉麵上仲有鮮味十足既鯛魚肉同嫩滑既豚肉🤩 最特別係加咗碗邊既柚子醬同碗中既辣椒粉一齊食提升咗魚湯既層次感 令到湯底帶微辣、橘子香同更加清新✨ 唯一係麵質偏淋扣咗少少分數🥲
Bookmarked this shop for so long!🔖 Maru De Sankaku was rich, creamy & with a hints of freshness from the soup🍜 Sea bream was tender and has a natural sweetness🐟 The highlights of the lunch was the soft tender pork, loved it😍 The whole flavour was enlightened with adding the yuzu sauce🍊 & chilli powder🌶 to the creamy soup, turned into a soup with spice, citrusy, freshness🤤 but a bit disappointed to the soggy ramen, hope this problem will be fixed soon🥺
評分: 8/10🌟
最欣賞店舖既貼心 由係門外落單到步入店內都係滿滿既禮貌,而且餐盤中仲有獨立包裝既濕毛巾可供客人抹手、即棄圍裙以防客人弄污糟佢哋既衣物,呢幾點都值得一讚👍🏻
○de▽ 鯛白湯らーめん (中環)
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