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日式吉列豬扒定食 $128定食可走五辛 而且採用新豬肉去製作吉列豬扒 味道其實同真肉幾相似 當然口感上有分明🙈 配上金平蓮藕、番茄漬、海帶味噌湯、梅子金菇漬配珍珠米真係非常豐富✨ 最鐘意佢既珍珠米 軟硬度適中夾埋吉列豬扒食真係輕鬆清哂成碗飯🍚Tonkatsu made by the impossible pork meat, which had a similar taste to the real pork meat😎 while there’s a slightly different of the texture between impossible and the real one😌 Set meal included Lotus Root Salad, Seaweed Miso Soup, Japanese Rice with Golden Needle Mushroom🍱 Japanese rice was cooked just right & matched with the tonkatsu🥰評分: 8/10🌟聖誕特別版不可能漢堡 $138漢堡同樣採用不可能肉配白甘筍
定食可走五辛 而且採用新豬肉去製作吉列豬扒 味道其實同真肉幾相似 當然口感上有分明🙈 配上金平蓮藕、番茄漬、海帶味噌湯、梅子金菇漬配珍珠米真係非常豐富✨ 最鐘意佢既珍珠米 軟硬度適中夾埋吉列豬扒食真係輕鬆清哂成碗飯🍚
Tonkatsu made by the impossible pork meat, which had a similar taste to the real pork meat😎 while there’s a slightly different of the texture between impossible and the real one😌 Set meal included Lotus Root Salad, Seaweed Miso Soup, Japanese Rice with Golden Needle Mushroom🍱 Japanese rice was cooked just right & matched with the tonkatsu🥰
評分: 8/10🌟
聖誕特別版不可能漢堡 $138
漢堡同樣採用不可能肉配白甘筍、牛油生菜🥬、酸雜茄醬🥫、絕素芝士🧀同蕃薯條🍠但當日冇哂蕃薯條要轉普通薯條就失色咗啲🥲 薯條熱氣得黎又唔夠脆口 所以都冇食太多就放棄咗喇🍟 反而漢堡整得唔錯 食落口感同味道都似真肉 而且個包烘得好脆好香牛油味 套餐仲送熱玄米茶/凍伯爵茶都算抵食值得一試😚
Christmas edition burger was composed of parsnip, vegan cheese, butter lettuce, impossible meat, fried sweet potatoes chips🤣 but it’s not available on that day, and changed to fried potatoes chips🥺🥔 Fries were not crispy yet & quite heavy while the burger did surprised me🤩 Impossible beef patty was juicy, meaty & tender🥩, and the bun was buttery🧈 & well grilled🍔 The set was included a hot Genmaicha or iced Earl grey tea with such a friendly price was super worthy to try!🥳
評分: 8/10🌟
香蕉火龍果燕麥奶 +$36
雖然要加36蚊有啲貴 但都係值得的😆 飲落有好香濃既香蕉味同火龍果既香味 仲有啲天然既甜味 配埋燕麥奶去飲好夾🤤
Upgraded to fruit drink by adding $36 was quite expensive but it was definitely worthy as it’s rich, fruity and healthy with a natural sweetness from the banana & pitaya, nice😋
評分: 7.5/10🌟
素年 (紅磡)
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