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跑馬地這豪宅區, 也有茶餐廳, 熟食市場及燒臘飯店等較平民而功能性的食肆, 也許真的有時”鹹魚白菜也很好味”. 永祥在養和醫院附近, 有時探病或工作之後也會光顧, 它較出名的叉燒和燒腩肉, 叉燒給我太甜而偏肥膩的味道與口感, 外脆內腍, 但不是我心中最好的叉燒.今次吃燒腩位, 外皮全黃氣泡豐富, 的確是很香脆, 中間脂層份量適中, 也是皮肉間的緩衝劑, 肉層很厚, 鹹度適早, 色水白裡透紅, 肉質夠腍而不死實, 鹽度也可以, 整體的平衡度比叉燒好得多. 當然在沒有任何裝修, 服務也是一般的情況下, 要花接近$100吃燒腩肉飯, 這就是考驗你對港式燒味的忠誠, 以及你錢包的深度就是.Wing Cheong is the famous siu mei restaurant at happy valley that provide the higher price with higher quality Sau Mei. The Cha siu and roasted pork belly are two signature dishes but I think Cha siu is so
今次吃燒腩位, 外皮全黃氣泡豐富, 的確是很香脆, 中間脂層份量適中, 也是皮肉間的緩衝劑, 肉層很厚, 鹹度適早, 色水白裡透紅, 肉質夠腍而不死實, 鹽度也可以, 整體的平衡度比叉燒好得多. 當然在沒有任何裝修, 服務也是一般的情況下, 要花接近$100吃燒腩肉飯, 這就是考驗你對港式燒味的忠誠, 以及你錢包的深度就是.
Wing Cheong is the famous siu mei restaurant at happy valley that provide the higher price with higher quality Sau Mei. The Cha siu and roasted pork belly are two signature dishes but I think Cha siu is so so because it is too soft, fat and sweet. The roasted pork belly is much better with crispy skin, spongy fat layer and soft meat. Giving that the price is quite high compared to the others, having this restaurant or not is depend on your money and passion to Siu Mei.