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熱辣辣嘅天氣都近乎滿座,就知道呢間打邊爐咩料啦🤣雙拼鴛鴦鍋底($190)可以試晒兩款味道,麻辣小辣湯底唔算好辣,但係都食到台式火鍋嘅精髓😍有齊鴨血同豆腐~另外推介超爽珊瑚蚌($109)大大碟每一粒都超爽口😍呢度嘅菜同埋肉都可以叫半份,如果兩三個人嚟食都可以試到好多款式🥰.It’s hotpot time! United with your friends and family during the long weekend. The Red Sea cucumber was so fresh and tasty! Try their half portion of meat and veggie if you would like to come with 2-3 people. The portion was just right 💕
It’s hotpot time! United with your friends and family during the long weekend. The Red Sea cucumber was so fresh and tasty! Try their half portion of meat and veggie if you would like to come with 2-3 people. The portion was just right 💕