港铁湾仔站 A3 出口, 步行约5分钟 继续阅读
食记 (7)
等级1 2024-06-11
159 浏览
以前常常經過但無幫襯過。今日係3年以來再經過,竟然仲喺度,就幫襯下無骨海南雞飯連例湯。估唔到雞好滑,豉油好味。$46絕對對得住價錢。墊底嘅芽菜也不錯!例湯係南瓜紅蘿蔔,唔淡仲好清甜。男店員s好有禮貌親切。下次有機會經過會再買。 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-09-07
1373 浏览
一直都想寫食評講吓老廣味小排檔嘅兩餸飯,點知次次都唔記得影相,一打開個外賣盒就開餐!每次去到老廣味,佢地都會用記得起你嘅街坊口吻話....."又見面喇""今晚想食咩呀?"女友小熊就認為佢地真係認得到我地倆條友,我就有D保留,不過.... 咁高明嘅銷售人法當然要俾個讚啦!老廣味嘅兩餸唔算平,相比起岱民無敵低價25蚊相差成13蚊,扣肉重要加錢!所以.... sorry.... 唔會日日嚟幫襯.但係.... 佢地嘅豆腐蒸魚實在太嫩滑太好味,久不久就令人想念而去幫襯.魚肉用上龍脷柳,放上豆腐上面蒸,再打個茨汁,簡單但好味,哩款菜色其他兩餸飯唔多見,可能易爛處理麻煩吧!另外今次點咗豬手,魚香茄子同蘿白牛腩,豬手入味可惜豬毛有D未燒乾淨,魚香茄子當然無咩魚香味,哩個問題都唔係單單發生係老廣味店上,蘿白有一兩件味道過重,牛腩有點韌,真可惜.....最好味嘅竟然係例湯,足料而且味道偏甜夾自己口味!原本想支持吓D小店,但餸菜失色之餘價錢又有D貴,只可以俾個 okay. 继续阅读
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等级1 2022-04-11
769 浏览
三餸飯,平,靚,正! 款式多! 兩位哥哥仔都好有熱誠 去招待每一個客戶 。 區內有好多其他三餸飯供應商,但味道不及尼一間 ... 分量亦都非常之十足。 我仲要求張飯減半, 喜歡吃住家菜的人兄,不妨 到巴路士街”老廣“一試。推介 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-03-12
547 浏览
With the pandemic and all its restrictions, up and coming restaurants have geared towards take away. One that has become extremely popular is "Two Dishes One Rice". There are so many of them! And more opening as I type. Once found only among the working class, due to pandemic dining restrictions, many people of all walks of life are ordering from there. The concept is simple. They offer a choice of two mains and one serving or rice for a set price. And prices are very cheap. Majority under $40. Some even include a serving of Chinese soup. All of them are take away while some have a small dine in area.One such place is 老廣味小排擋. Located in Wanchai, it's layout is like every other place offering this type of takeaway, I decided to venture and try one for the first time. Why this one? The food looked good and turn around seemed decent. The staff here was extremely nice! They were polite and friendly. Greeted everyone with a smile. Probably one of the most polite service I've ever had.Like many of these establishments, the set up is the same. The kitchen is in the back. And the front is several trays of cooked food. Always labelled in Chinese. I have yet to find one with English. But that's clearly ok because all you need to do is point.Menu is also in Chinese only. But basically it's a choice of two mains served with one serving of rice for $38. They also serve Hainan chicken rice and other dishes as well. But  I  was here for the two dishes one rice. Everything is served in a styrofoam container with partitions. The serving of rice was huge!I did reheat it when I got home. I'm always worried about food safety. The two dishes were braised fish tofu and deep fried pork chop. Yes, they look the same but we're not fine dining here. It taste ok. Not great but fairly decent. The pork chop was tender. It wasnt too salty. Portion was enough for boyfriend and me to share.First foray into the 2 Dishes 1 Rice. Will venture and try another stand next time. 继续阅读
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等级2 2021-09-14
582 浏览
成日出街都冇菜食於是諗住去食素菜點知附近有間素食店個三餸飯5:00就冇於是周圍行路過呢間兩餸飯見到好多款揀價錢好實惠$36有兩餸飯就入去試一試佢揀咗好耐先揀到馬拉盞芥蘭同咕嚕雞球由於本人皮膚敏感唔係好食菠蘿問老闆可唔可以少啲菠蘿老闆非常好禮貌又善解人意話:哦,即係多啲肉。冇問題呀!我聽到一樂買完坐低咗先發現原來有湯送兩個餸都好好味馬拉盞芥蘭好夠味,只係唔係好夠熱咕嚕雞球好夠味,雞球又滑又抵食又健康有機會會再嚟 继续阅读
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