The last time I had the fondue was in February, ten months later, HLS have introduced a better fondue, and the fondue items were slightly better than last time.This time, there are two chocolate flavours for the fondue, white chocolate and strawberry and chocolate and orange.The white chocolate and strawberry was sweeter than the chocolate. The strawberry flavouring was not as fake as expected.As for the fondue elements there were: melons, cantaloupe melons, kiwis, strawberries, bananas, marshma
The last time I had the fondue was in February, ten months later, HLS have introduced a better fondue, and the fondue items were slightly better than last time. This time, there are two chocolate flavours for the fondue, white chocolate and strawberry and chocolate and orange.
As for the fondue elements there were: melons, cantaloupe melons, kiwis, strawberries, bananas, marshmallow, finger biscuits and frozen mango cream cake. The finger biscuits were slightly soft and stale. As usual I think its weird to put melons and kiwi’s into fondue, but maybe its Asian style or the availability of fruit, usually it is berries and banana’s.
The chocolate fondue was not as sweet compared to the strawberry, and there were pieces of orange rind, which gave it some orange flavouring. The chocolate fondue was nice with the banana, and the rest tasted nice with the strawberry fondue especially the strawberry because the sweetness of the fondue took away the sourness of the strawberry. The marshmallows were better than last because there was no colour in it.
Lastly there was the frozen mango cream cake, I would have preferred more fresh fruit instead or the cookie cake because the cream was just tasteless and not really a cake if it was just plain frozen cream and mango. It is similar to the serradura, but just made with fake cream.
The candle beneath the fondue was not that strong because the chocolate did not become hot after sitting there for a while, and I tried to burn the marshmallow by placing it close above the flame nothing happened!
係旺角區突然想食甜品...唔想去五代同糖排隊...又唔想食冰..唔想食滿記0個d...突然叮一聲諗起好耐冇食過許留山...就黎左lee 間食啦!1曾經我好鐘意飲佢既多芒小丸子飲品...不過自從佢加左價之後就好少飲了!!今日就黎食佢個多芒小丸子西米撈...睇佢menu d 野...真係睇到頭都大...好多不同既組合..d 名又差唔多...但想講...太耐冇食...覺得佢價錢貴左好多呢~今次食lee個就不過不失啦!!真係好多丸子....都好多芒...好濃烈的芒果味...但冷氣太凍..好趕客...食完拿拿臨走人
Ordered the chocolate fondue, which is practically as good as the fondue else where, the fruit could have been fresher and the fruit selection could have been more appropriate.Usually it is berries, but I suppose in Hong Kong, I have to make to with the locally available fruit such a melon. I consider melon as more of a fruit to go with savoury items such as Parma hamThe fondue set comprises of chocolate fondue, ice-cream, plate of cut fruit consisting of banana, kiwi, strawberries, honeydew mel
Ordered the chocolate fondue, which is practically as good as the fondue else where, the fruit could have been fresher and the fruit selection could have been more appropriate. Usually it is berries, but I suppose in Hong Kong, I have to make to with the locally available fruit such a melon. I consider melon as more of a fruit to go with savoury items such as Parma ham
The fondue set comprises of chocolate fondue, ice-cream, plate of cut fruit consisting of banana, kiwi, strawberries, honeydew melon and cantaloupe melon, finger biscuits and 3 marshmallows.
Although the waitress forgot to light up the candle beneath the chocolate fondue until I was halfway through eating it, I could have done without because the type of chocolate they used dosnt harden.
The fondue set costs $58 but there are vouchers to download on their website.
Apart from the chocolate set, I also got the curry mixture, which consists of fish balls, sliced stomach, squid tentacles and white carrot. The curry was a little too spicy for me and there was a film of chilli oil at the top, which made it even spicy. The sliced stomach was a little too soft, but the rest was ok.