港铁铜锣湾站 B 出口, 步行约6分钟 继续阅读
18:30 - 01:00
AlipayHK 支付宝 现金
食记 (16)
等级3 2021-09-10
334 浏览
呢間串燒我哋成日都會幫襯,原因好簡單,因為好食又抵食🤨🤨,大部份都係$12一串,有得揀泰式酸辣/沙爹/子然粉。推介必試沙爹味,最正😋😋雖然佢嘅種類唔算太多,而且無咩好特別嘅款式,不過有時簡單就是美,所以就算成日食都仲會覺得好味😝😝⋯而且响公司附近,放工經過買嚟做宵夜fit哂🤩🤩仲有佢個袋都好正,上面印住《生活很苦,但我超甜》⋯其實美食同快樂一樣,都可以好簡單⋯開心D啦香港人💪🏻💪🏻 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-11-16
893 浏览
原本等過馬路坐車返屋企,但背後傳來陣陣牛雜香味,擰轉見好多人係度掃街買魚蛋、雞蛋仔...,因為個陣香味,我不禁行咗去排隊買牛雜😋,有兩種價錢$25同$30,分別在於多少,最後我買咗個大size加咗甜醬同芥辣,之後返屋企慢慢食,$30雖然唔係好多,但種類非常豐富的牛肚、牛肺..樣樣有D,最讚嘅係,D汁滲曬入牛什度非常入味。 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-01-26
761 浏览
I had the fake shark fin soup and i found it pretty tasty with lots of ingredients. It was pipping hot which is nice on a cool day. I didn’t get a chance to try their other menu items but the egg waffles smelled pretty good. I’ll probably try it out if I walk by again. 继续阅读
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在現今的世代,百物都貴到媽媽聲。街頭小食首當其衝!多得了近年的旅遊業,令到有香港本土特色的小食,變得大受追捧,這樣的條件下,怎能不加價。平時食開得雞蛋仔,HKD7/8 一底,現在一個Doub…特別是旺區,HKD 15.00 一底是常有的事。今天,來到旺區,食個牛雜,已經價值不菲。真係感嘆街邊的小食不再平民。必食之選 牛雜 HKD 30.00我同肥膏兩人一碗。說真的,其實入面有十幾舊牛雜,沒有蘿白,算是不錯的了。牛膀好味,食落口有陣回甘的牛味。牛肚很稔!不過就有點過鹹。其他的都OK,但我們發現有粉腸?為甚麼在牛雜入面有粉腸呢?還是我們食錯?不過都係好好味的街邊小食。只是仍然不習慣,甘貴姐。貴但耐何好味。 继续阅读
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等级1 2016-06-14
997 浏览
The food is average. The spicy fishball's too spicy. The price for a bowl of fishballs and siumai was never stated clearly. Got three bowls of fish balls and siumai. They stated $25-$30 And they had me $90 total. After giving a $500 banknote, i went across the road and discovered that i got $310 changes only, crossing back to the side of the store, I told them they gave me $100 less. That woman argued and insisted that she gav me $410. And trying to pressure me by asking other customer if I have dropepd the money while coming back to ask for that $100.Food is average, acceptable somehow. But this attitude cant get u any further, HK food stalls are known to be humane isnt it? disappointed to max. 继续阅读
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