11:30 - 23:00
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食记 (11)
等级1 2012-11-24
121 浏览
The four of us waited for one hour, NOT for our table, but for the arrival of the chef. Chef was late, he came to the restaurant one hour after our reservation time. There were no other diners at the restaurant. At least the host was gracious enough to allow us to bring in take out beef noodle from the neighborhood shop so we wont starve waiting for the chef.As another reviewer noted, the chopsticks were sticky but so were the table cloth and everything else. We did not bother to wash, just drank a lot of cheap beer (only 25 a bottle) so we can laugh about the restaurant.We had preserved eggs with chili to start which looked promising but turned out to be way too SALTY. Then we had stir fried green beans. It is a very common dish in Chinese cuisine. Not sure where the chef learned his trade, it was not edible. We each had a bite or two and drank a lot beer to wash it down. Lamb skewers were next. Again, SALTY! It was so salty that my husband, who normally adds salt before tasting the food, found it unbearably salty. The meat also had an interesting sour taste. We speculated on what the chef had done with the meat and we drank some more beer. At last, the most famous Sichuan dish, water boiled fish (we ordered it with fish and beef). It was the best dish for the evening, not because it was amazing but because it was EDIBLE. The fish was almost good. The beef, way too SALTY!Overall, it was an unforgettable evening as I never had a restaurant food that was so terrible. Nonetheless, the company was great, we all had a hearty laugh : ) 继续阅读
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等级2 2012-09-10
67 浏览
My friends and I decided to visit this place as they live in Ap Lei Chau on a Saturday night. We were a group of six people and there was one other group in the restaurant so not exactly busy. First we ordered some hot tea so we could clean our chopsticks as they were sticky. We asked for a bottle of red and white wine. They had no red wine and then wanted to charge us $150 corkage for wine they couldn't supply! The white wine was acceptable but a little warm so I asked for it to be put in an ice bucket but they didn't have any ice. The menu had some interesting items on it. Two of our group were vegetarian. We ordered the preserved eggs to start which were delicious so we had high hopes for the rest of the meal but were sadly disappointed. We also ordered eggplant, tofu, another vegetable dish, ma po tofu, chilli chicken and fried sweat sour fish. The chilli chicken was the next best dish but there was so little chicken in it, not worth the money. The eggplant and vegetable dishes were inedible. The ma po tofu was a tiny portion and the worst I've tried in HK - no depth of flavour in the sauce just chilli. They didn't have the correct fish for the fried fish dish and when it finally came it wasn't worth the wait - more batter than fish. As we were eating Sichuan we also asked for some bottled water - we were supplied with one small bottle so one of my friends had to run out to a local shop and buy some for our table. We discovered there was only one person working front of house and one person in the kitchen so service was slow. However, even if the restaurant was short staffed it doesn't explain why they had run out of so many items especially fish - Aberdeen fish market is around the corner! Needless to say we won't be going back. 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-08-22
52 浏览
朋友帶我來到鴨脷洲搵食, 原來這裡食肆琳立, 有很多小菜館, 還大排長龍, 十分熱鬧, 我們選了一間特色小館, 幸好不用排隊, 門外大紅燈籠高高掛, 店內用木器傢俱, 很有國內食街氣氛, 一坐下來, 人流便陸陸續續進來, 店面不大, 幾張檯很快便坐滿了, 店內有飲酒的吧位, 飲著啤酒吃著川菜, 好好消暑一下, 可以看到鴨脷洲海濱長廊和香港仔灣, 先來一個前菜, 話梅涼瓜, 好入味有話梅的酸甜味, 可能是醃了很久, 涼瓜沒有很多纖維沒有苦味只有少許甘味, 很讚的一道菜, 炒雜菜, 有薯仔有些菜加了大量花椒, 不喜歡的人, 可能滿口都是花椒雞煲, 不太辣, 有點不爽, 而且雞肉不多, 很多骨和蔥蒜薑, 但味道是可以的醬肉配青瓜菠蘿, 醬料好像叉焼醬配合起來很好, 如單吃肉便太咸了羊肉串, 一般沒有驚喜, 有點羊肉蘇味 继续阅读
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等级1 2012-08-03
17 浏览
整體來講太咸後來廚師 soso, 話係地度風味, 可以早d叫佢地調整其實呢間川菜, 有風味, 廚師又有誠意, 值得讚但如果可以早d同客溝通, 地度風味係偏咸, 咪大家都好想去試既朋友, 記得問清楚先order 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-07-22
40 浏览
四川成都市武侯祠大街旁的有條錦里街是當地著名的夜市,許多有名的小吃都能在這吃得到。相信店名源由於此。今晚坐在店裡欣賞美食,碰巧其中一部冷氣出了點問題,上升的氣溫令我們感覺有點像錦里老街,夏天的老成都風味。聽說這裡是一位投資有道的法國大廚的玩票之作,這店面最早是做希臘菜,跟著試泰國菜然後到現在的四川菜;雖說是玩票性質但是每種菜式都也做得有型有格。這位法國老板為了開這間川菜館,專程請了香港的大廚前往成都實地考察、搜集資料、訂購食材及裝修材料回港後才開業的。今天約了幾位好友專程來試這裡的川菜。過來之前老婆大人的老板送了條龍蠆給她,與店家商量後,也願意替我們弄了個「龍蠆三吃」。人齊之後先上的是「四川珍菌煲豬湯」,一上桌就聞到濃厚的豬及菌味因為這裡沒上湯渣見唔到珍菌的真身,但是湯沒喝完已經一身大汗;走的時候又因為喝多了兩杯不記得問清楚是什麼菌,只有下次再問吧。喝湯時太熱眾人向經理投訴那冷氣後,來了位年輕的服務員開動了吊扇再次搞了那冷氣機的控制器之後又涼了許多。跟著來的拼盤一上桌大伙就搶著拍照,「六小福拼盤」(冰鎮話梅涼瓜,彩虹仙子,蔥爆孜然羊肉春卷,陳醋脆香銀魚仔,蒜泥白肉,金鉤伴四季豆),老婆大人喜歡涼瓜的話梅味及銀魚仔,我覺得以川菜來說話梅涼瓜能減一點甜味就更好,我喜歡這裡廚師親自包的羊肉春卷,孜然與羊肉配合得很好。「彩虹仙子」,不記得為什麼叫彩虹仙子。銀魚仔味道調的很好但是感覺上有點像日式小食的魚仔乾(不好意思啊,大廚)。「金鉤伴四季豆」,作為加入六小福的冷盤好像有點奇怪,因為這裡有其它更好的選擇;上次我在這裡吃的幾款涼菜都很好,例如簡單的「涼伴尖椒皮蛋」、「香油木耳」、「巴蜀撈肚絲」及「口水雞」都很有巴蜀風味。「唐皇玫瑰太后雞」,皮脆肉滑有玫瑰露的香味一下子就吃完了,一致好評。聽說這是要預定的菜式。「芥蘭炒龍蠆球」,這是港式的作法並無驚喜。「秘製家鄉炆豬腳根」,因為大廚遷就我們不吃辣的朋友,特地做了一個不辣的版本可惜用的麵豉醬鹹了一點。「香辣爆龍蠆骨」,能辣一點更好。「水煮牛肉」,不夠麻辣牛肉一般,原來是遷就我們的好友L小姐。下次要預訂大廚所介紹的安格斯牛肉(另加$100)必定要來一個辣的。「川北孜然燒羊腩肉」,羊腩肉真的「好味道!」,才上桌一下子就掃清了。服務員收了羊腩肉的大碟後又上了個大湯窩原來是「三婆家鄉龍蠆腩骨湯窩」,很濃厚的魚湯有鮮味,酒喝多了來一碗魚湯正好。最後上的甜品是「脆炸南瓜餅」,看起來很厚大以為吃不下了,試著咬一口雖然是脆炸但不油膩,一人一個一下子就吃完了。在我們眾人吹水之際A姐靜靜地埋單,連賬單多少錢都不肯說真的太客氣了,多謝A姐。去洗手間時可以看到法國老板的心思,連廁所的細節一點也不忽視。餐廳給客人的感覺舒適有格調,看餐牌上的價錢收費不貴。這餐飯可能是在訂座時曾經提及有兩位朋友只能吃小辣的原因,所以今晚的出品有點「失真」由此可見大廚亦用心良苦,會再來。 继续阅读
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