港铁會展站A1出口, 步行约7分钟 继续阅读
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Visa Master 现金 银联
食记 (16)
等级4 2024-12-28
387 浏览
This Shunde restaurant is located on 6/F of Kwan Chart Tower in Wanchai. It is set up with only VIP rooms, so customers need to make reservations and there is no walk-in. Hearing that the owner has his own farms to secure the best ingredients we come here with high anticipation.Seated at a room with two tables, we occupy one of the smaller ones, but as there are no other customers we are able to secure the whole room. The decoration is quite basic, but the staff are very friendly and helps to recommend the signature dishes for us.Starting with 酥炸鯪魚球 ($98), the minced dace meatballs are much larger in size than in other restaurants, and has a softer texture also. Nicely seasoned, another highlight is the clam dipping sauce, which has rich savoury taste and not excessively salty.Next, we have 順德拆魚羹 ($98 each). Served steaming hot, the thick soup has plenty of ingredients. Apart from the shredded fish meat, there are mushroom, pork, luffa, with a bit of chrysanthemum petals too. The soup is tasty and not fishy, suitable for all ages.Per the recommendation of the manager, we also order 陳皮欖角骨 ($188). The spare ribs are deep-fried and then cooked together with a thick sauce made with black olive and mandarin peels, with a nice fragrance, touch of sweetness that is appetizing. A bit too many pieces for just of two though.Then we have the signature Shunde dish 砂鍋啫啫大魚嘴 ($258). Served in a sizzling hot casserole, the big fish head has been deep-fried to crispness, with the chef using plenty of ginger, garlic, and shallot to give a fantastic fragrance, and the sauce is also delicious. What I like most is that the dish is not too oily, unlike most other Shunde restaurants, which I give high marks. Must try.For dessert we have the famous 手磨薑汁撞奶 ($38 each). The milk custard is appropriate in sweetness, with rich ginger flavours, and soft in texture. Happy that the staff recommends us to try this and helps to reserve for us as they are of limited availability.The bill on the night is $975, very reasonable. Service is good, with the staff helpful and eager to recommend. At the end the owner of the restaurant comes to chat with us and introduce his farm in Shunde and how he ensures the quality of the food. A good place to try Shunde cuisine. 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-02-16
2630 浏览
非常之鍾意食順德菜,可惜香港冇乜特別好食嘅,曾經試過特登坐車去順德食。好耐之前去過順德聯誼會,識咗佢哋個經理,後尾原來經理自己出咗嚟開餐廳,叫咗我哋去咗呢間新餐廳試吓餐廳裝修大致上同一般順德菜差唔多,餐單亦都有相同之處。叫咗幾樣餸:糖醋小排、蠔烙、順德拆魚羹、魚飯(即係凍魚) 、海參柚皮。大部份嘢食都屬於正常之作,冇特別話好驚艷,不過個海參柚皮真係唔錯,芡汁整得幾好食,眾所周知,柚子皮一向難整,一唔小心就會整到好苦澀,呢個真係唔錯👍🏼 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-11-28
2527 浏览
因為屋企人生日,決定訂位食飯 、餐廳懷舊主題,到店侍應招呼問要咩茗茶,之前聽聞過食正宗順德菜 提前配好菜單,值得一讚食物菜式都好好 👍🏻 順德拆魚羹 、脆皮乳鴿 、 大良炒牛奶 、 煎焗大魚咀 等等好味菜式,加上服務又好 成晚侍應生都好客 經理又推介菜式 又介紹食物菜式,環境同服務態度都好好 ,最後上蛋糕有驚喜 ,有提供生日歌慶祝生日,真心值得一讚 。會下次再黎食。 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-11-18
1901 浏览
服務質素極差,價錢不講明。強行推薦不需要啲菜品。啲嘢食起來都麻麻哋,選擇好小。本來係想請美國來的朋友食啲地道粵菜,點知選擇好小,不合客人口味之餘伙計又極力推銷根本沒興趣的菜品。試左幾個所謂特色菜都只能講係普通,沒有任何驚艷之處。乳鴿比起唐宮小聚都遠遠不如,令人失望。最失望係伙計態度可謂極其惡劣,訂位個陣不講最低消費,臨場都不講明直接亂加嘢改份量,無人願意食擺個度噁心人。有咁樣伙計以後絕不會幫襯!! 继续阅读
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等级2 2023-11-04
2165 浏览
順德是魚米之家,傳統菜式有特色,以淡水魚為本要,再發展出不同菜式。拆魚羹是必訂菜,坊間做出同樣口感和功夫的順德餐廳已不多。尤其老闆是順德勒流人,親切好客,光顧時可和他交流煮食心得。當日包房,燒乳鴿較乾身,但份量剛好。梅骨有驚喜,朋友搶著吃,蒸淡水魚講究時間,剛好魚肉熟而不碎。我最喜歡的炸鯪魚球配上蜆芥,味道偏咸但合我口味,甜品有白糖糕和雙皮奶,甜味清淡易入口,比一般粵菜多變化。而且多包房房間,適合朋友聚會和招待客人。自行泊車可到新鴻基大廈,步行幾分鐘過橋就到。 继续阅读
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