12:00 - 22:30
肉骨茶 乳鴿 招牌雞 馬拉盞炒菜 喇沙 黑糊椒及香辣炒蝦或蟹
食记 (71)
等级1 2012-08-19
519 浏览
昨晚跟兩位朋友去咗一間馬拉餐廳吃飯,本想不去因為朋友話佢看過Openrice的最近評語十分差。但另一位朋友話要去,因為她有一位馬拉朋友前幾天去過,佢介紹一定要去,佢話佢去之前也有睇openrice,但佢冇理會人地點寫,佢話個個有囗都話自己係食家況且依家啲人有彈冇讚居多,佢係馬拉人我地緊信佢馬拉人口味,所以便去了,更何況佢話上次去時見倒劉以達,所以我們便更加上去,因佢話這間餐廳好多明星幫襯😁約八點到,不須等位。門口真的好多明星相同簽名板。我們三人叫了都幾多野食,有二人叻沙餐,包括有海鮮叻沙、墨丸蝦湯丐、馬拉盞炒通菜、雙併小食(咖喱角配春卷)及兩杯飲品,另叫了香辣炒蟹、肉骨茶、黑色炒蘿白糕、新加坡式沙律羅惹、例牌雞及多一杯涷青檸話梅水。夠哂份量。叻沙較重椰子味真的好似當地味道,蝦丐好重蝦味,肉骨茶不太濃薬材味比較清香,最愛羅惹全水果做的好好味,但我另一位朋友不欣賞,總體非常好,好彩真的沒有信食評所言,若不是真的走溜眼了。 继续阅读
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(非会员) 2012-08-10
244 浏览
WHAT A HORRIBLE DINING EXPERIENCE!!!!!!Knowing there isn't much nice restaurant choices in Mong Kok, we thought we gave this restaurant a try especially seeing that it was selected as one of the Michelin restaurant. How wrong were we!!As you entered, it feels like a mini canteen/cha cheng teng rather than a restaurant. We ordered 2 drinks - 1. Hot Honey with Lime, it tastes like some honey syrup in hot water, not to mention there was not even one slice of lime in it!! We asked the waitress about the lime, she then ask the guy who made the drink. Not only he did not come to our table to explain, he simply said: No, we dont put lime in. 2. Cold Lime water with sour plum, i guess i was expecting the same drink as ones you have in Malaysia but this drink is basically cold water with 2 slices of Lime and 2 sour plum. A drink that a 3 yr old can make! We then ordered below:1. Seafood Laska, presentation was ok, taste was okay but disappointed the prawns were cut in half so it makes it look like you get 4 pieces while in fact there's only 2 prawns in it. Noodles was a mixture of yellow noodles and vermicelli. It isn't expensive but not worth for the value you get.2. Fried fish cake and spring rolls, you get 3 fish cakes and 2 spring rolls, frozen stock deep fried at $38! Go figure!3. curry chicken and rice set, we chose to add $2 extra for chicken oil rice (not good!) When the set came, it did not look anything like the pictures on the wall. There were no Choi Sum as shown on photos, we had 2 slices of iceberg lying on top of the rice! On to the chicken, they were definitely cheap frozen chicken, we first thought the chicken weren't cooked because the middle was pink, then we figured out it's the terrible quality of chicken!4. Garlic fried vegetable, it came in a broken clay pot, hardly any veg in it. Any crappy Cha Cheng Teng can serve this dish better than they do!5. side dish Vermicelli in soup, soup was taste-less, even at a cost of $8 was a waster of money!Luckily that all we ordered, we did eat it all as we dont want to waste food but did not enjoy it and did not complain because we know there is absolutely no point from the response we got about the lime. Worse service ever, staff were too stuck up!Finally, we asked for the bill, but we have to pay at the counter ourselves. No receipt provided, the so-called celebrity owner Miss Ho told me the price. The bill added 10% service charge for what?!!?P.S. Toilet condition is worse than any public toilets in Hong Kong. 继续阅读
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等级3 2012-08-06
186 浏览
天氣悶熱, 人們都鼠進商場避暑, 六點幾, 入了書局隨手拿了《蔡瀾常去食肆165間》,揭了幾版, 被福建炒面的圖片吸引住, 發現該食肆就在商場附近, 便一心向該店出發黃色招牌, 容易找到, 門口貼著兩個車胎人的貼紙, 心想質素一定有保證, 二話不說, 開門直進, 一眼望晒, 兩個伙計, 裝修茶記格局, 可能時間尚早, 只得一檯客人, 頭頂電視正播著奧運乒乓男團, 坐低一陣, 開個openrice app, 睇下有乜招牌菜, 再睇下d食評, 好奇怪, 樣樣食物都好壞參半, 十五十六, 最後揀了細肉骨茶配油飯, 海鮮喇沙, 馬拉盞通菜, 講左咁耐, 水都冇杯, 問了伙計兩次, 最後端上兩杯滾水(hot!)原來細看貼在牆上一角的提示, 為響應環保要顧客揚聲才會奉上, 差點誤會這是該店的待客之道, 廚房不消一會便出菜, 肉骨茶香味比<大食代>food court的稍遜, 附的醬油有大量辣椒子, 小心中伏, 油飯亦沒<kitchen 65 >的鬆軟香口, 整體只僅合格海鮮喇沙半碗滿也不夠, 幸是海鮮份量不少, 四粒獅蚶, 三片開邊蝦, 三塊魚片, 四件開邊豆卜, 半隻蛋, 四粒獅蚶是亮點, 不是很多香港的喇沙敢用此食材, 他敢, 而且搶戲, 獅蚶的鮮(腥)味在口腔爆發, 仿如貴幾倍的藍貝 在<Assaggio >的夜景下互相映照, 雖然如此, 但喇沙的靈魂應該是湯底, 這碗比較辣和椰香較淡, 它沒<天后叻沙>的合港人口味, 亦沒<林太喇沙>的洽到好處, 性價比當然與<好時沙嗲>差天共地, 要比, 應該會險勝<莎巴>的售價馬拉盞通菜是可取的, 嫩且夠鹹, 要彈是份量少, 難度是三款菜式最低的經典的事情原來是壓軸登場, 唔該埋單的時候, 伙計話”出去埋”, 一名貌似十大再生勇士司徒志強的收銀話”多謝180蚊”, (?)心諗應該百六蚊左右, 連單我一眼都冇俾我睇, 我就問佢俾張單我check, check完原來之前計多左, 應該179蚊, 發現該間出去埋的小店是有加一服務費, 我忍不住問了司徒志強”點解要客人出收銀找數都要收加一服務費?”好多間都系咁咖喇, 而家唔同晒(一秒停頓)你好少出去食一語中的, 我真系未食過要加一既茶記, 而要加一但又去收銀埋單既餐廳, 我記得有一間叫風月堂, 但要選服務態度最差, <馬拉盞>一定系首位 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-06-27
141 浏览
旺角區的小店水準極參差,但也有不起眼而做菜有心的店子...不經不覺,原來這間家庭式經營的「馬拉棧」今年已經是《米芝蓮》推介,肉骨茶來了,配料無關宏旨,反正大鍋煲好,再將以上提及配料取出、分拆,豬雜只得豬耳、豬肚,不夠「雜」亦非新鮮,沒去留意。 继续阅读
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等级1 2012-06-16
102 浏览
路過好多次,今晚終於選擇去試吓......兩個人叫咗招牌雞連油飯套餐,海鮮叻沙,雙拼小食係咖喱角拼蟹肉炸蝦餅。招牌雞味道普通得很,油飯亦缺乏油香味,份量唔算多,收$40會比較合理!雙拼小食有五件,兩件咖喱角+三件蝦餅,味道唔錯,承惠$38,值唔值就見仁見智!海鮮叻沙算係最值得讚,湯底幾香濃,份量、味道同價錢($50)叫做成正比!杯特飲"粒粒青蘋果汁"都幾香幾好味!但最莫明其妙係要收加一服務費!餐單自己剔好交比侍應,杯清水都要叫至有,由始至終都係茶餐廳模式招呼,究竟"加一服務費"嘅意義係咩呀? 继续阅读
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