好耐冇食麥當奴(都係講緊幾個禮拜),到了IFC,就去最平既地方醫肚點咗最平$23蚊套餐,辣雞腿包+薯條+汽水.... so far so ...fair...唔可以用Good...但又唔係Bad...$23蚊,你想點 但係個包真係比以前差咗,汽水又淡咗,反而薯條比想像中好(因為人流多,薯條剛剛炸好),鬼叫你叫個$23蚊套餐咩,又唔叫$3X或者$4X幾嗰D...又唔加多$4蚊...這間新舖,比以前細咗好多,尤其是坐位,但係設計幾好,以自修室設計形式,有獨立式,也有長枱(3)人式。一大班人就唔係咁好坐食緊包,見到有個阿嬸,好似60幾70歲,係做執好枱面D垃圾,看上好似好勞累,冇咩笑容。咁大年紀,重要出來揾食,又要企咁耐,厨房要幫手又要去...雖然都係為咗生活,而且可能比其他做極厭惡工作的人要好,但都係覺得好唏噓 我走嗰陣,都順手清理好枱面自己D垃圾,掉入垃圾箱(我係餐廳睇到客人,好多都已經有這個習慣),希望大家做嘢,雖然唔可以話好開心,但都可以開朗D
After having two crappy McVeggie burgers in the New Territories decided to try it again in Central.Here you get a ticket and collect your order when it appears on the screen.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★McVeggie burger:As expected, the McVeggie burger was good.The patty was bigger too.There was a decent amount of sauce and the patty was golden brown and not dark brown like the previous two I had.The taste was ok but not as good as the first one I tried at Cheung Chau last year because they have modified t
After having two crappy McVeggie burgers in the New Territories decided to try it again in Central. Here you get a ticket and collect your order when it appears on the screen.
The taste was ok but not as good as the first one I tried at Cheung Chau last year because they have modified the patty recipe. It had a soft chewy texture with pieces of vegetables and a tiny amount of shiitake mushrooms. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ ◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ Price: $1x Service: OK Yummy factor: ok English Menu: Yes Air Conditioning: Yes ◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎