港铁西湾河站 A 出口, 步行约6分钟 继续阅读
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 21:30
食记 (7)
Pleasantly surprised to discover this quaint little shop that offers high quality/restaurant-worthy Western takeaways (like seafood and homemade pasta) and snacks (I ended up ordering tapas-style) at very reasonable prices (all set dinners are under HKD100, ranging from HKD48 to HKD90 and comes with a free drink and soup if you add HKD8, and snacks range from HKD38 to HKD54) in between Shau Kei Wan and Sai Wan Ho, two districts where residents usually stick to traditional Cha Chan Tengs, BBQ Meat Shops or Chiu Chow-Style Braised Meat Shops. So tonight, we tried1) Homemade Spaghetti with Prawns and Beef in Port Wine GravyExcellent homemade pasta (with beef mixed into it) and two prawns served at the side. Most restaurants/takeaway shops would stick to either beef or prawn and it is really good value to be able to enjoy both along with homemade pasta at this price (HKD85)!(2) French-Style Sauteed Clams in Butter, Garlic and White Wine SauceThis is on the snacks menu (HKD48). A classic combination and hardly ever disappoints!(3) Pan-fried Ox TongueThis is also on the snacks menu (HKD54). Generously-sliced ox tongue pan-fried in garlic - simple and delicious. A family favourite on the menu.(4) Sauteed Mixed Greens in XO SauceThis is on the snacks menu (HKD44). Not a particularly interesting option, but it offers a healthy portion and variety of greens!There were seats in the shop where you can sit while you wait. My takeaway was ready after around 15 minutes. Shop attendants were friendly and attentive. P.S. This shop also offers cheaper options that spells "boring", but I guess that is needed to capture different market sectors in these districts. 继续阅读
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等级4 2021-02-07
834 浏览
我知佢係喺大街搬去細舖。之前喺大街都成日經過但係一直冇食過。某年7月22日起我變得更揀飲擇食,唔肯定嘅食店都想避免,呢間係我見到佢因為肺炎疫情而出notice之後我先確定食左唔會後悔。而食過一次之後就開始每次諗唔到食乜就想食呢間我對意粉冇乜要求,但係原來手工意粉真係比較彈牙五十幾至八十幾蚊仲要係手工意粉,仲可以喺邊度搵第一次食蒜味蜆肉意粉,魚餅,已經驚為天人,可恨自己食量太少,不能叫更多台灣醬油雞肉意粉,唔係平時出街會食到嘅味道,打破豉油沉悶嘅感覺唔記得咩魚活蜆意粉,魚煎得超香脆,一啲都唔腥(我很怕腥)。燒牛肉好淋,連薯蓉都非一般嘅好吃Pizza餅底係薄嘅,超香脆魚餅個醬都會令人上癮佢連配菜都好用心,有好好調味同炒,唔似好多其他餐廳求其烚幾塊椰菜就算南瓜湯同菜湯都超濃,調味剛剛好好多款都會令人上癮,搞到次次都要糾結到底試唔試新嘢好...推介菜式寫唔晒....... 继续阅读
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等级4 2021-01-24
604 浏览
其實之前佢係電車路既,個時好想去試,但佢無啦啦唔見左,係有次去Jariya見到,都拖左陣,終於去試左啦..點解會拖呢,因為真係覺得比較貴,但其實如果真係手工意粉又唔同講法,不過好老實講真心唔太ok,唔知係咪因為外賣啦,但我認知既手工意粉唔係咁既口感,量亦比較少...但個扒係足既,可能係我大食同對意粉有要求...另一個問題係,佢開係呢個位,好難有生意,又好難去預食材,所以其實呢... 如果多尐人起幫襯,佢地預既應該會好尐就可以改變而家呢個困局,不過都明既去邊到搵舖... 扯太遠了,真心有好大進步空間,唔好浪費左手工意粉呢樣野 继续阅读
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等级2 2020-10-07
787 浏览
呢間舖細細,又係巷仔入面,但係就非常有心,全部意粉都係手打夠新鮮,今次食左個蜆肉意粉好好味,蜆不是雪藏的,小驚喜係個餐湯好好飲,注意返佢地依家只係得外賣,不過可以送。下次想試下佢個招牌牛柳。 继续阅读
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等级2 2020-09-27
622 浏览
今時今日, 以實際行動支持小店,是愛香港的做法。位置不太難找,但屬小店關係,容易行過了不為意試了兩款意粉,其美味程度超出所想。手工意粉一般較粗身,但更能掛起意粉汁,個汁超好味另一香煎魚柳也不要小看!魚的份量很足,不是得一小片,煎得很香脆!堂食一流!遺憾未能一嘗威靈頓牛柳就此留過機會再幫襯 继续阅读
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