Bayview Restaurant Sashimi Oyster Bar 擁有超過165款高級餐廳的新鮮優質美食及甜品,由一級大廚煮理,不但少鹽少油,不含味精,主菜使用高級靚肉質,用不飽和脂肪芥花子油及橄欖油,而且 BAYVIEW CAFÉ DESSERT RESTAURANT BAR,擁有180度維港景緻。 继续阅读
星期日至四: 12:15-01:15; 星期五、六及公眾假期前夕: 12:15-03:45 (可因需要延長)
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日本A5和牛 刺身 芝士焗波士頓龍蝦 挪威三文魚凱撒沙律 新鮮法國生蠔 德國魚籽醬煎鵝肝
食记 (5)
等级1 2009-06-23
237 浏览
唔好畀網頁同廣告d 靚相呃左你.冇錯, 間餐廳係可以睇海景兼食西餐,又細細間,靜靜地.但成$1280既燭光海景2人餐. 勁貴, 兼好多野食都話冇供應.仲有, 原來一點差不接近海邊. 眼前只見很多高樓大廈的樓景.所謂看到幻彩詠香江, 原來只見一角.廣告推介既日本A5和牛, 冇. 法國生蠔, 冇. 成千蚊, 但係真係冇乜野食.個煙三文魚沙律, 原來得2片煙三文魚, 仲好細好薄. 不過, 有一大堆生菜.龍蝦湯好鹹. 幾塊細麵包, 放上面, 不過, 係"林"既.主菜叫左咖喱雞意粉, d 雞好霉, 意粉又冇過冷河, 冇炒過, 好黏口. 食左幾啖, 都唔多想食. 最慘係咖喱味欠奉. 真係大家樂同大快活都好食過佢多多聲.另外, 個海鮮天使麵. d 魚好腥, d 魷魚好硬, d 汁好鹹, 天使麵好"林". 最好笑個甜品, 竟然係得hagen dazz雪糕球. 仲係超迷你既size.連廣告提過既"心太軟", cheese cake都冇.叫野飲啦. 點知, 呢樣又話冇, 果樣又話冇...從來未食過一間餐廳, 會有咁差既水準.佢仲要客人落訂金留位. 一個人$100訂, 訂兩個位, 要$200. 我諗住畀左訂, 唔好浪費, 先留低坐定定食. 但實在冇諗過食物質素如此差劣.雖然間餐廳, 又話係有營食肆, 又話參加地球一小時, 又有少飯減$1, 上網print coupon又便宜$150.但餐廳除了個waiter/ boss服務質素尚可. 實在乏善可陳.臨走, 個boss仲叫我地做members. 成$150年費. 真係多謝晒. 我一定唔會做member咯.個洗手間, 仲得人驚. 放滿圓椅子. 連轉身地方都冇. 好得人驚. 继续阅读
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等级1 2009-04-28
120 浏览
Me and 4 of my frds went to this cafe last week... had the WORST experience EVER! We arrived around 9:30pm. When we were sitting down, the waiter/boss asked if we needed a dinner menu. We told him that 4 of us just finished dinner so we just need 1 dinner menu. As we were going through the 40 pages menu we were surprised by the prices. The cheapest thing on that menu was around 70 dollars. So end up, we order a 心太軟 ($98), a strawberry waffle ($88), 3 drinks, and a duck breast roll or something. After awhile, the waiter/boss came and told us some of the drinks were “sold out”. So we order something else. The waffle came and my frd said it tasted weird. So 2 of us tasted a tiny piece and it was obviously 壞咗. We complained and the waiter changed it reluctantly. My frd then order a strawberry juice. Then the waiter came with the juice and told us that he upgrade the size of it for free b/c of the waffle. Then the lava cake came and he asked me to order a drink too. I said I don’t need one then he told us that there was a min charge of $200/person. We asked him why he didn’t tell us when we sat down. Then he said b/c it was stated in the menu few times and he said “你地有5個人,十隻眼。你地應該睇到囉!人地隔離個台都食左千幾蚊野啦!!” So after the argument, he said it’s okie don’t worry about it. However, when we finished and asked for the bill some of us were charge an extra $58 dollars. We asked him why and he said It’s b/c we didn’t meet the min charge. And during the argument… a lady came out from the kitchen. Saying the waffle tasted fine it is how it should taste like… and they were being very generous for not charging us $200/person. End up we didn’t need to pay for the extra $58 dollors/person. However, my frd noticed that waiter charge an extra 10 dollars for the plus size strawberry juice which he said he would give it to her for free. But we were really tired about this whole situation and just left.As for the food:1)Duck breast roll. My frd said the duck breast tasted like turkey and the 皮were very tough.2)心太軟 - 個心一D都唔軟。完全冇野流出黎。個waiter/boss重話因為佢地左D超貴既朱古力所以咁wor…. 呢個唔係心太軟…只係一個朱古力蛋糕。3)Strawberry Juice – water down4)As for the other drinks… doesn’t worth the moneyP.S. Following link is the same restaurant but with a different name. They are at the same location and with the same boss.http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=22147 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
(非会员) 2009-04-22
51 浏览
Actually, I had dinner there a few days ago, and I really don't want to mention about it as it was one of the worst dining experience I had.but I think I should write down my comments here for warning people NEVER to eat there as it taste like fast-shop food with a hotel price.Also, the guy asked me for putting in deposit, which I did, but SO REGRET after eating the first dish of so called "salad". The funniest thing is the guy said the spice on it worths $1400HKD per pound, which I think is totally non-sense.In order to "limit" my loss, I take the membership price...but still I was charged about $650 per person.Be careful! Don't be cheated by its celebrity photos and all sorts of marketing skills (i.e. good looking website).... 继续阅读
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