09:30 - 21:00
食记 (63)
等级2 2012-10-17
394 浏览
小女子不常到北角/炮台山,剛巧星期一要到那邊上課,當然事前在這裡做功課看看有甚麼地方多人推介。 找到這間小店,有小女子本人最喜愛的牛肉,還是手打牛肉漢堡,當然要去試試。到了那裡,點了一個磨菇芝士醬手打牛肉漢堡餐,跟薯條和芒果梳打(原來除了一般奶茶咖啡汽水的飲品之外,還有一系列梳打可供選擇,不用加錢,正!不過芒果梳打的味道當然就是一般糖漿溝梳打一樣沒特別啦!)說回那個磨菇芝士醬手打牛肉漢堡,最突出的當然就是那一塊又鬆軟,又多汁的牛肉漢堡,調味剛剛好,在芝士醬和沙律醬襯托下還吃到濃濃牛肉味,不似別家的又扁又實又乾。由於小女子又喜歡吃牛肉又喜歡吃芝士,所以這個漢堡對正小女子的胃口,其他配料甚至麪包做得中規中矩也無所謂了。薯條方面,小女子偏好能食到薯仔的厚薯條,這間店出的薯條比「漢堡王」的更大條,吃過漢堡再吃半杯這個薯條小女子已見飽,所以這裡的薯條都合小女子心意。當日小女子下午六時許到達小店,已有數人在前頭等取食物,小女子大約等了十分鐘左右(若果你趕時間的話就要小心了,畢竟此小店只得2個人坐鎮,「廚房」又細,就算不停煎牛扒和翻熱麪包都需時啦!),還有這裡沒有堂食,周圍環境不算端雅,就算硬要坐在店鋪對開的花糟食都食得不安樂,住在附近的居民可幸福啦!服務方面,做街坊生意,請不要預期會有5星級服務。如果下次有機會再來附近的話,我是會再去食這個手打牛肉漢堡的! 继续阅读
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等级3 2012-06-15
234 浏览
Burgers can be as cheap as local Hong Kong style ones or McDonald's yet it can also be as sophisticated as gourmet food. There could be such a huge difference, from a very economical price to an expensive one. There ought to be some at the middle in between such extreme.Located in North Point, at a very local area, I really wasn't expecting a decent restaurant or shop selling great western food. The presence of Burger Mix sort of caught my attention easily then but I also kind of expected it to be some sloppy Hong Kong style burgers as well.This is a take-away shop, with no seats around. There are some public benches nearby though. I ordered a burger set and then sat at one of the public benches to wait.I thought it was going to take some time but the burger was ready sooner than I expected. They packed everything into a paper bag, and the quality of the paper bag is certainly better than those in many fast food restaurants. And that has impressed me a bit.I returned to the bench and decided to start my supper. A burger set included a burger, fries and a drink in about $30, depending on what burger you picked. I picked the Mushroom Cheese Burger, costing $22 for a la carte, and $33 for set. Both the burger and the fries were freshly made and hot. I allowed them to cool down a little bit and then first started with the burger. The burger bun is very warm and fluffy, with sesame on top. The mushrooms used were merely normal canned button mushrooms, and the cheddar cheese used, I believe, were merely common cheap ones either. Nonetheless, even with cheap ingredients, it tasted good, thanks to the beef patty. The beef patty was not very thick but it's flavorful. It delighted me as it's not dry and remained some juiciness. Even though the mushroom may not taste exactly fresh and that the cheese may not taste rich enough, the beef patty was indeed better than I expected. To me, it felt like it's a combination of the local taste of burger and that of the western. It has its rough local characteristics and also something kind of exquisite as western gourmet food. Burgers are such popular food item around the globe and different people have different standards for it. This shop makes me feel like it stands at the middle in between the two extreme standards, just to satisfy different people. People who couldn't afford a decent burger may have a chance to get to know a little bit more about it from here, while those who normally have an exquisite burger may also get to understand how a local street style one tastes. It seems to me it got both the elements but of course its standard is far from that of a decent gourmet burger and not authentic enough for a local street style one. As I say, it's somewhere in the middle, and serving mediocre. 继续阅读
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等级1 2012-03-25
114 浏览
present 完後肚餓了, 突然想起open rice 裡蠻多人給buger mix 笑面, 就嘗試一下! 和一隻貓一起要了2個餐, 一個是泡菜手打牛肉漢堡 (我的), 一個是芝士蘑菇手打牛肉漢堡(貓的) 學生優惠價很便宜呢! 連一杯飲品, 薯條! 飲品有很多選擇. 最驚喜的是不是只有普通的汽水, 而是梳打類飲品! 而薯條是 X記的脆薯皇之類的~ 很滿意! 那麼多驚喜, 也只需$29 跟外面其他大型連鎖集團的差不多吧!等了不一會兒就有了! 效率很高 待不及要吃了! 泡菜不太辣, 可以接受到~ 而牛的質感很密~ 而且不薄! 貓的漢堡也很好! 我喜歡它的芝士! 即使不是學生優惠, 這家的套餐價也不高, 與 BURGER _ _ _ _ 的差不多! 而且份量很足! 當是LUNCH 也很足夠~ 不足夠的話可以加錢買別的小食唯獨缺點是不設堂食, 是外賣的. 到附近的公園吃也別有風味~ 继续阅读
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近日因為工作和讀書, 忙得沒時間去寫食評. 每一天朝九晚十的生活, 很痛苦.現在每日一六點就趕放工, 趕在7時前要到北角, 認真痛苦, 飯也沒時間食要在上堂時候厚臉皮的吃, 很辛苦.這一天我沒時間吃飯....就在小息時, 我就遇到了.....安格斯....係你啦!! 係香港 , 唔食自己 , 食咩野!!! 咁有緣比我見到自己(?) , 就一於食自己!!!好奇怪的見面, 我唔係比門面吸引, 而係比自己(?)吸引.........哎呀....算啦~ BURGER MIX北角店既位置係橫街既一個小地鋪, 一般外賣店既裝修沒什麼特別.我就一於指名點自己(?) , 睇下自己夠唔夠火喉先一個手打安格斯漢堡包餐, 連飲品同薯角或洋蔥圈, $48一個餐, 其實以北角既價錢, 唔算貴, 再貴D既大有人在. 這個餐既SIZE, OK啦.很厚實的安格斯牛肉, 有如我一樣 (?) , 但是咬起來, 並不會覺得佢很乾很老, 滿棉棉的, 肉汁也有, 味道唔錯上圖因為手機+手持, 影得唔係太靚, 不過其實內裡都真係好多業丫茄丫等等漢堡包會出現既材料, 可能新意有D欠缺, 不過佢個牛打救左, 而且醬汁剛剛好, 不會一口咬下去就彈出來或者太乾沒醬汁, OK啦.洋蔥圈沒有什麼特別, 口感其實就真係好例牌.......所以沒評語...... 飲品 ....玉泉CREAM罷了.......我沒飲評哥寫個餐其實都幾好味又夠大, 我LEE隻大肥牛都食得飽, 如果講這店舖有什麼不滿, 可能就是等得滿耐的, 我到的時候沒什麼人, 只有1個在等餐, 可是我也要等8-10分鐘才能取餐, 最有趣的是我見我的包已經完了包好了, 但是他應該在等洋蔥圈.......如果是剛做好時即食, 味道應該更好....另一樣野要留意既係, 沒有坐位的哦! 如果要叫完即食, 就要在店附近的石坐位上吃, 環境並不美觀...... 继续阅读
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等级1 2011-08-23
64 浏览
其實成日都心郁郁想寫下食評 今次為左佢 終於寫第一次行行下街肚餓 咁岩見到有幾個人排緊隊 睇下個menu都唔錯 決定一試叫左個推介既芝士蘑姑手打牛肉漢堡 原來佢地係即叫即煎既 見到入邊兩個著住制服既哥哥即刻整 愈睇愈肚餓!好啦野食到啦個包既表面好多芝麻好香口,打開個飽,芝士好多,睇到流哂口水,岩哂我呢d芝士怪!!而蘑姑又夠多,好正! 不過最正都係塊牛肉,厚身之餘又juicy,真係食得好「芝」味!!跟餐既薯條都幾大條幾脆,唔錯唔錯。自問我本身對漢堡包興趣麻麻,但食過burger mix之後都一直好想再食。其實咁既價錢有咁既食物質素,真係絕對食得過。臨走之前cashier哥哥仲要好好笑容咁講「歡迎下次光臨」,絕對係加哂分!咁好服務態度 抵我幫佢寫食評 继续阅读
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