港铁北角站 A1 出口, 步行约2分钟 继续阅读
來自意大利的大師級百年烘焙品牌,Giovanni Pina於1920年在意大利創立,以甜點重燃意大利人在戰後對生活甜蜜與愉悅的情感。品牌第三代傳人抵港親自坐鎮,而此分店更提供西式料理。 继续阅读
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
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食记 (151)
等级4 2024-06-25
459 浏览
Revisiting during dinner was kind of let down. It was relaxing to sit into a quiet restaurant after whole day work hassle. Staff immediately came to pour water and showed their menu. Shockingly more than half of the menu was unavailable, including all salads, fries, lamb, chicken, few pizzas and sandwiches/burgers. All we could order were daily pasta set, nachos and pork chop. What a shame. Set included their house pumpkin soup serving alongside with a Parmesan crispy stick. Mine was served neat while my family one was rolled down the soup ending up soggy and messy. Parmesan was crispy with a hint of savoury. Pumpkin soup was incredibly hot. Light sweet. Smooth and light. Not bad. Nachos were relatively small sharing among three. Tortilla chips were delicious. Very savoury and smoky, plus with a hint of heat. Love the generous couple scoops of guacamole. Drizzling with sour cream and sprinkled with tomatoes. Not bad. Pork chop was nicely served. Grilled mark was definitely promising. Cooked to perfection. Easily to cut through while visually seen the juice oozing out. Love the portion of side vegetables. Well balanced such a big protein. Appreciate serving the gravy aside for self preference. Truffle linguine was well served. Hint of truffle. Visually very creamy in fact not as heavy. Al dante pasta well coated with the truffle cream. Cheesy but not gluey. Not bad.Set included a drink and a piece of cake. Pistachio mille feuille was delicate. Crispy puff pastry sandwiching pistachio custard. Nutty pistachio came through with a hint of vanilla flavour. Not too strong and could taste their quality extract. Mango mousse cake was simple and elegant. Real mango juice came through that uplift the cake. Refreshing but not too sweet. Love the top white chocolate flower. Mango and white chocolate were such a good combination.Overall, food wasn't bad but the menu in fact very disappointing to be read. I really hope my next visit can try whatever I want instead of their availability. 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-07-27
125 浏览
一入到Giovanni Pina Ristorante, Bar & Pasticceria就見倒落地大玻璃,可惜餐廳位於1/F,俾東區走廊遮咗大部份海景景觀🥲。餐廳裝修簡約,配合紫藤花嘅裝飾,都幾適合打卡。午餐價錢合理,包餐湯、主菜及飲品,亦可半價優惠換甜品🍮野菌牛肉粒意大利粉 $158意式辣肉腸蕃茄芝士貓耳朵粉 $138- 兩款意粉都煮得剛剛好,彈牙得黎又唔硬,兼有少少嚼口👍🏻;意粉完全吸收咗醬汁,味道真係唔錯😋,可惜意粉、牛肉粒或者辣肉腸份量偏小,女士食都只係剛剛好本身對呢間餐廳嘅咖啡冇乜特別期望,但反而有驚喜,咖啡味好香濃,亦係我喜愛嘅Nutty咖啡☕️開心果吉士千葉酥🍧 +$27千層酥都幾脆,但開心果味唔夠濃,吉士偏甜左小小,如果食開淡味嘅甜品愛好者,可skip😂 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-07-13
248 浏览
原本想去食炭爐pizza,不過又無意大利飯食,唯有搵間菜式選擇多嘅餐廳,無意中發現呢間環境同食物都唔錯嘅意大利餐廳,仲可以食埋飯後甜品,慢慢食都無人趕你走。🍴特級海鮮薄餅 12” $268 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️從未食過咁足料嘅pizza,有蝦有帶子有蚌等海鮮,蚌好似係蝴蝶蚌大大隻好鲜甜,其他海鮮好鮮同彈牙,仲有拉絲水牛芝士,真係好食到停唔到口。🍴烤伊比利亞豬鞍.紅酒汁 $208 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️豬鞍整得好出色,好腍好juicy,口感外脆內軟,薯蓉好香好幼滑,其他配菜都好味,呢個主菜仲有一杯咖啡或白酒跟。🍴墨魚墨汁意大利飯 $188 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️意大利飯口感剛好,唔會太腍或太硬,墨汁好香好creamy,墨魚大大條軟腍鮮味十足,一啲雪味都食唔到,利害!🍴輕芝士慕絲蛋糕 $52 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️三款蛋糕中最好味,唔會太甜太膩,比較輕盈但又不失芝士味。🍴My Tiramisu $54 ⭐️⭐️唔夠朱古力粉唔夠酒香唔夠層次感。🍴開心果慕絲蛋糕 $54 ⭐️⭐️⭐️如果無外層脆皮就perfect,因為過甜,內層蛋糕軟熟又有開心果味,不錯。三人共消費:907 继续阅读
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這間餐廳第一次幫襯。食物和飲品質素非常高水準!下午茶時段,客人不多,覺得有點可惜啊!推介Pizza!厚薄適中,平日吃pizza總會吃剩邊邊🫣但這個Pizza我整塊吃了!幾款主食都很美味!咖啡也很有水準。反而甜點一般般。眼看的非常吸引,但吃的話覺得有些略甜餐廳裝潢很舒服!紫色控必來! 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-06-19
225 浏览
我們說了有三位客人來,其中一個朋友OT到8點先來到,其他兩個人就邊吃邊傾。 大約8點不到,侍應就把沒有來那位朋友的餐具收走,也許當時餐廳last order,但是侍應並沒有詢問我們。 等那位OT朋友到左之後要落單,侍應突然說已經不能落單了,很奇怪,那為什麼早點不說?如果當時早點說,我們可以先幫朋友點完菜啊。最後朋友什麼都沒吃到。 雖然這家店味道和環境還可以,但是服務真的不行,服務員好像腦袋游離,應該不會再來吃了。 继续阅读
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