港铁铜锣湾站 B 出口, 步行约4分钟 继续阅读
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金 银联
食记 (26)
等级2 2018-08-12
420 浏览
係哩間餐廳dinner已經不是第一次,但今去到感覺有所唔同,d人唔同晒,而且之前印象好似有酒精飲品,但今次去竟然無左,所以有d奇怪,(唔知係唔係換左班底)不過為一保持住就係食物味道依然不錯,由其個西班牙海鮮飯和牛柳,同樣地出色,甜品方面就覺得個冰糕同芒果拿破崙最好,為一要改進真係要有返酒精飲品,去到間西餐廳當然要又飲又食,不然就沒有意思,而且餐廳名有個Bar字,點可能會無酒精飲品不然會令人有所失望。 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-04-15
373 浏览
今天香港突然下雨,星期天遇上濕漉漉天氣,真是不想行出街,為醫肚在OpenRice尋覓食店,發現Gusto,在登龍街V points內,記得哪兒食肆環境乾淨,便同老公前去。去到食店已開門,服務員帶我們坐在窗口位置,餐牌來時服務員同我們講,午餐包沙律、湯、飲品,即時覺得超值,因為價錢不太高!主角到了,果然沒有失望!芝士沙律-🥗菜很新鮮洋蔥湯-湯味香濃南瓜的意大利飯-充滿南瓜🎃味道肉眼牛扒-7成熟剛好,配上海鹽帶出肉質鮮美甜品-不太甜,份量剛好飲品-凍咖啡☕️,凍檸🍋水,很大杯個人評分食物:A環境:A服務:A抵食:A起初看到食評,曾掙扎應否前去,到自己食後,沒有選擇Gusto錯誤,而且很滿意及飽足,主日驚喜! 继续阅读
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等级1 2018-04-04
243 浏览
作為一名打工仔,難得星期五下午可以放假,都想食番一餐好既,滿足一下自己個胃(然後腰圍繼續增長。。。。。。)。搜尋到公司附近有間新開既西餐,食西班牙菜,即刻拎手袋拿拿林出發!去到餐廳門口,見到餐廳情調有D浪漫,諗緊我一個女仔入去食,會唔會有D格格不入。。。。。。好彩,望多兩望,見到有一家大細食緊野(點解小朋友唔使返學既?!),又見到有一班朋友聚餐咁,我先覺得自己一個食無咁奇怪,睇黎呢間餐廳應該適合一家大細食,又適合朋友聚會咁,不過唔知適唔適合一個人去食呢。。。。。。不過,我係門口等左好耐都未見有職員出黎帶位安排入座(但係明明餐廳裡面仲有空位的。。。。。。),我都唔知應該繼續等落去定係自己行入去坐低好。終於等到有職員帶位入座,坐低即刻睇睇個午餐餐牌。我選擇左食一個簡單既海鮮橄欖油蒜蓉煮意粉,頭盤係沙律加南瓜湯,沙律裡面混合左幾種唔同種類既沙律菜(包括我最愛既火箭菜!),加埋適量既水果,酸酸地,幾開胃。南瓜湯都幾濃郁,份量適中,因為佢味道都幾濃厚,如果太大碗,反而會飲湯都飲飽左,一陣主菜都未食就已經無胃口。一份濃郁既湯,配一份清新帶有酸味既沙律,感覺都唔錯。我既主菜係海鮮橄欖油蒜蓉煮意粉。由於我病病地無咩胃口,仲特別要求左減少意粉既份量。全部既蜆都好新鮮,輕輕調味過之後,咬落去就有一陣天然既鹹味湧出黎,其實咁新鮮既蜆,只要廚師用適當既方法帶出佢既鮮味,已經好好味。意粉亦都軟硬適中,橄欖油唔會多到好似油浸沙甸魚咁。轉個頭,見到一個著廚房制服既職員行去我張枱,我驚一驚,以為咩事,原來係大廚出黎問下我對食物有咩意見,好少見有餐廳咁有心。不過,唯一美中不足既係,員工服務態度好似唔係咁理想,等帶位入座都等左一段時間,如果餐廳當時係滿座,咁我等下都無所謂,但係明明我去到嗰時都唔係繁忙時間,企正正係門口咁耐都無人理我,咁又真係有D說不過去。入左座寫單之後,全程都無員工走近過我張枱,仲黑曬我面扮見我唔到,其實,我只係想話。。。。。。你地唔記得放低瓶水俾我呀,我飲完檯面杯水之後仲係好口渴呀。最後埋單睇一睇,都只係100幾蚊,就食到我肚滿腸肥lamlam脷 I’ll be back! 午餐既野食都已經好好味,下次我一定會再黎食晚餐 !(點解一張相都無呢。。。。。。就係因為掛住食,連港女指定動作“相機先食”都唔記得左咯。。。。。。 ) 继续阅读
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Gusto Restaurant & Bar is a restaurant that has opened recently in Causeway Bay. Located in V Point, it has taken over the previous two ramen restaurants that had closed shop within the year. But this restaurant does not serve ramen. It isn't even Japanese.. This place serves western food.I decided to try it out for lunch and upon arrival, it was fairly busy. The restaurant is a decent size and seating was comfortable.I was presented with a lunch set menu. Menu is in English and Chinese and includes a salad, soup, main and coffee or tea. The waiter informed me that if I like their Facebook page I can get the daily dessert for free. Well ... out comes my phone!They also have a dessert menu during lunch. I guess no a la carte is available during this time frame.The daily soup and salad came delivered to me on a quaint little wooden board.Salad was basically some frisee, pickled onions and tomato slices. But there was no salad dressing as they were hoping for the juices from the pickled onions to give it some flavor. But sadly, the onions were pickled long enough to actually have any acidity to really seep in. It was just way too much liquid and none was on the greens. I have never had a salad fail on me so badly.The daily soup was a cream  of pumpkin and oyster. The taste of the oyster was so overpowering, that was all I tasted. And not in a good way as it had an extreme fishy taste.I ordered a pan fried king prawn and mix seafood with garlic butter sauce ($168). This is what it looked like. What I got was on king prawn, a segment of cod, some calamari (the mix seafood part), roasted potatoes and asparagus. All covered with a garlic sauce that oddly tasted like the stir fried garlic that you find at Chinese restaurants when you order seafood. Not that I dislike the sauce but this was not what I imagined for a Western restaurant. The ones I've always had were creamier in texture. Aside from that, the fish was cooked perfectly. Literally flaked away beautifully. The prawn was firm and fresh though a bit under cooked at some parts.  The calamari was a bit soggy. The potatoes were good but the asparagus was overcooked and limp. The entire dish was sitting in oil.As  I liked their Facebook page, I received the daily dessert for free. Let me tell you ... after I had this, I promptly unliked their page. The daily dessert was a brownie and mini churros. This looked promising until  I stuck my fork into it. Or more correctly, I tried to stick my fork into it as the churro was hard as a rock. The brownie was dry and crumbly. But the churro. The churro was a crime. It was a rock.For what I paid for, I can get a much better Western lunch elsewhere in Causeway Bay. They tried. They really did. But everything was a miss. Even the ice lemon tea I ordered was just Nestea with slices of lemon thrown in. Why???  WHY?????? Service was also ok at times but then there was much to nick pick about. One was serving the food to me. I know my table was in the corner, but do you have to slide my plates along the side of the wall? Does it take that much effort to walk in front of me to place the food there? Also, food was not served to me unless I noted that the table next to were all served first when I had ordered and arrived a good 15 minutes before them. And whenever I asked, the food arrived in less than a minute. Did they just have my order hanging in the kitchen? But then they gave my dessert when I didn't finish my main? I know I'm not expecting fine dining service as this is not that type of place but seriously?? Yeah ... really won't be back but I can't say never because I have friends who like restaurants like this and I don't say no to whatever they choose. 继续阅读
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等级1 2018-02-23
358 浏览
This restaurant disappointed me. I’ve order smoked oysters, lamb, and seafood paella. The portion of the food is really small and the food doesn’t taste good at all(especially the lamb stink which taste really bad). Never visit this restaurant again. 继续阅读
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