2016-11-13 2288 浏览
最近工作忙,工作以外也有很多事要辦,分身不暇,惟有午餐買外賣回公司食以爭取時間,疲累得很決定食好些、食健康些!以有機食材的西式素食,叫了polar bear burger combo, 是以紅菜頭及菇類做成的漢堡,很厚身,帶著紅菜頭本身的甜味已經很美味。combo 還有少許沙律菜及炸番薯條,雖然是炸物,但一點也不油膩,而且番薯比薯仔更有營養。食完整個combo非常飽,完全充了電,食素不飽肚實屬誤解。

以有機食材的西式素食,叫了polar bear burger combo, 是以紅菜頭及菇類做成的漢堡,很厚身,帶著紅菜頭本身的甜味已經很美味。combo 還有少許沙律菜及炸番薯條,雖然是炸物,但一點也不油膩,而且番薯比薯仔更有營養。食完整個combo非常飽,完全充了電,食素不飽肚實屬誤解。
143 浏览
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$130 (午餐)
2016-11-11 1467 浏览
As a foodie who enjoys her seasoning and meat, vegan meals have always been a little lacking in flavor for me but I do appreciate a clean meal now and then so I decided to try this place out.I chose to pick my own custom salad bowl to try more variations. I picked a kelp noodle with pesto base, purple rice with mushrooms base, nuts and dried fruits topping and also broccoli and cauliflower with quinoa topping. The kelp is shaped like noodles and very crunchy, along with a light pesto flavor (lig
As a foodie who enjoys her seasoning and meat, vegan meals have always been a little lacking in flavor for me but I do appreciate a clean meal now and then so I decided to try this place out.
Custom small sized salad
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I chose to pick my own custom salad bowl to try more variations. I picked a kelp noodle with pesto base, purple rice with mushrooms base, nuts and dried fruits topping and also broccoli and cauliflower with quinoa topping. The kelp is shaped like noodles and very crunchy, along with a light pesto flavor (lighter than normal pesto but I'm not mad at it). The purple rice with mushroom surprised me because the mushroom tasted like Chinese style sautéed mushrooms and had a good kick to it, which is great coz it satisfied my taste buds. Although it felt like I had a lot of crunchy stuff in my salad bowl, the quinoa with broccoli and cauliflower added a different texture to it and completed the overall coziness experience tastewise.
What I love most about this restaurant is their love for the world and their mindful, relaxed atmosphere. We were lucky enough to find a vacant spot at their sofa corner right next to the entrance surrounded by window walls reminding you how comfortable you are while watching HK people hustle through the streets during today's breezy and wet weather ;)
题外话/补充资料: Order "The Indian Elephant" their new Earth Bowl to help provide 6 meals for those in need via Foodlink Foundation! Smells vibrant with spices, warm and soft.. a little like tasty Indian porridge. Description of the Earth Bowl : Dalia, Lentils, Turmeric, Coriander, Seasonal Greens, Red Onion, Pumpkin seeds, goji Berries.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$78 (午餐)
Custom small sized salad
$ 78
2016-11-05 1499 浏览
The decor is friendly and nice as a place to hang out. The price is a bit on the high side but I do understand due to its locale and the target customers (Central lunch crowd, health nut hipsters/expats). I like its idea of trying to source locally and the wrap that I had had sufficient fillings. I did try one of its burgers which made me laugh and mad at the same time. Here's why: by definition a burger should have buns, patty and some kind of veggies), yes? So mine had the buns, one slice of t
The decor is friendly and nice as a place to hang out. The price is a bit on the high side but I do understand due to its locale and the target customers (Central lunch crowd, health nut hipsters/expats). I like its idea of trying to source locally and the wrap that I had had sufficient fillings. I did try one of its burgers which made me laugh and mad at the same time. Here's why: by definition a burger should have buns, patty and some kind of veggies), yes? So mine had the buns, one slice of tomato, one leaf of lettuce, one slice of avocado and one egg. For me personally none of that is a patty and I was half tempted to mash up my sweet potato fries and make it myself. When a burger doesn't have a patty, a burger it is not. It is kind of annoying when an establishment thinks that the customers are stupid. The desserts look nice so I might try that next time.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2016-09-28 3994 浏览
其實好想去呢間素食餐廳好耐 , 擺咗佢喺自己嘅頭位 must try restaurant list 道, 見到好多好評,以為唔伏, 點知試過就知真系麻麻哋, 呢個價錢嘅素食唔應該係呢個質素。 個舖頭裝修好靚 同其他中環嘅裝修有個大對比, 木色嘅擺設好warm 好舒服, 我同男友坐喺2樓對住個窗, 一睇中環街上嘅風貌,陣系好正。 餐牌上有好多選擇, 滿心期待試呢道嘅朱古力蛋糕即刻想叫佢嘅 榛子朱古力蛋糕試, 點知個陣夜晚6點鐘已經賣晒,所以轉叫另一隻朱古力香蕉慕絲蛋糕,身為一個 daily-free 嘅我平時好難揾到 df 嘅甜品 見到呢個蛋糕 當然好興奮,點知一試個陣,發現蛋糕極甜, 連平日食慣甜嘢嘅男友都頂唔順,香蕉味係濃嘅,但朱古力味就唔系,我食落去好似整係食緊一個極甜嘅香蕉咁,而且 $60 呢個價錢比出面貴成2 3倍 我就覺得唔值囉, 所以試下就算啦 。我地兩個都有正餐選擇困難症,我就叫咗個紅菜頭菠菜salad bowl,男友就叫咗個自選 roll,首先講吓個 salad bowl,我自問自己好鍾意食菜, 但系你洗唔洗除咗個面有幾舊南瓜同好香嘅南瓜籽之外, 全部都系菠菜呢,真系
其實好想去呢間素食餐廳好耐 , 擺咗佢喺自己嘅頭位 must try restaurant list 道, 見到好多好評,以為唔伏, 點知試過就知真系麻麻哋, 呢個價錢嘅素食唔應該係呢個質素。

個舖頭裝修好靚 同其他中環嘅裝修有個大對比, 木色嘅擺設好warm 好舒服, 我同男友坐喺2樓對住個窗, 一睇中環街上嘅風貌,陣系好正。

餐牌上有好多選擇, 滿心期待試呢道嘅朱古力蛋糕即刻想叫佢嘅 榛子朱古力蛋糕試, 點知個陣夜晚6點鐘已經賣晒,所以轉叫另一隻朱古力香蕉慕絲蛋糕,身為一個 daily-free 嘅我平時好難揾到 df 嘅甜品 見到呢個蛋糕 當然好興奮,點知一試個陣,發現蛋糕極甜, 連平日食慣甜嘢嘅男友都頂唔順,香蕉味係濃嘅,但朱古力味就唔系,我食落去好似整係食緊一個極甜嘅香蕉咁,而且 $60 呢個價錢比出面貴成2 3倍 我就覺得唔值囉, 所以試下就算啦

我地兩個都有正餐選擇困難症,我就叫咗個紅菜頭菠菜salad bowl,男友就叫咗個自選 roll,首先講吓個 salad bowl,我自問自己好鍾意食菜, 但系你洗唔洗除咗個面有幾舊南瓜同好香嘅南瓜籽之外, 全部都系菠菜呢
,真系嚇親寶寶了, 重要無咩芝麻汁,令到我真系好似食草咁,呢個 salad bowl 絕對係我嘅素食惡夢。 至於個roll, $90 只有一個卷無其他薯菜配菜已經覺得有啲單調, 仲要個 roll 勁細個唔系好食得飽, 入面嘅料因為係自己揀嘅, 男友揀咗個炸中東丸子好香,但系成個roll 啲材料都好唔均衡加上無咩汁, 令我將呢個 falafel 同西九某間相同嘅菜式但系價錢平差吾多3倍而且份量多啲同埋有配菜有所比較,亦令我以後唔會想再花錢係呢間餐廳道。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2016-08-22 5248 浏览
第二次為home eat to live 寫食評,今次上樓上點餐。來了數次,偏愛他們的flatbread, 尤其是pre-set 既blue whale (他們的食物以動物為名)$50半條,有重口味的falafel, hummus ,誰說食素會很寡?falafel是中東食物,由豆類加大量香料調味去炸而成,但我想這裡應該是去烘不是炸的,沒有油膩感,hummus跟外面有點不一樣是它比較水狀,但味道也是夠的。最近好愛喝西湯,尤其是將材料都打混而成看不到材料的濃湯,今是是茄子湯:)推介他們的湯!他們的湯上面會放一塊小脆包,加上小小秋葵點綴,小脆包味濃惹味得很,配湯真是一絕!如果香港其他地區也有像這樣的素食有多好啊!
第二次為home eat to live 寫食評,今次上樓上點餐。

來了數次,偏愛他們的flatbread, 尤其是pre-set 既blue whale (他們的食物以動物為名)
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$50半條,有重口味的falafel, hummus ,誰說食素會很寡?falafel是中東食物,由豆類加大量香料調味去炸而成,但我想這裡應該是去烘不是炸的,沒有油膩感,hummus跟外面有點不一樣是它比較水狀,但味道也是夠的。
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$95 (晚餐)
2016-08-08 4332 浏览
素食界新寵。Home eat to live 開張第一日已經食了,之前食過佢既wrap, 一食覺得同mana 8,9成似,以為係copy cat or 飲食新興個個都整相似素食。後來睇食評又有foodie話home係mana sister company, 後來8卦係mana問一問,staff又話絕無其他sister company, 真係不得而知🌚羅生門。Home eat to live有兩層,上層主要係熱食、signature wrap, set salad, burger, openflat (toast)同super bowl, 地下個層主要賣salad同甜品。今次先介紹地下個層,下次介紹上層食物,下層salad 係4個base + 3 toppings, 每日都唔同款,曾經食過好食係海澡麵同意大利青瓜,調味得好好。今次4個base係mixed green, bb菠菜+南瓜,kale+zucchini , 同mushroom.3個bass揀左蛋,tofu同tomato,豆腐值得推介,比傳統豆腐濃郁。如果係細食既可以選擇去上層食set salad, 有4款揀,味道都係設計過,但份

Home eat to live 開張第一日已經食了,之前食過佢既wrap, 一食覺得同mana 8,9成似,以為係copy cat or 飲食新興個個都整相似素食。
133 浏览
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後來睇食評又有foodie話home係mana sister company, 後來8卦係mana問一問,staff又話絕無其他sister company, 真係不得而知🌚羅生門。

Home eat to live有兩層,上層主要係熱食、signature wrap, set salad, burger, openflat (toast)同super bowl, 地下個層主要賣salad同甜品

今次先介紹地下個層,下次介紹上層食物,下層salad 係4個base + 3 toppings, 每日都唔同款,曾經食過好食係海澡麵同意大利青瓜,調味得好好。

今次4個base係mixed green, bb菠菜+南瓜,kale+zucchini , 同mushroom.

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如果係細食既可以選擇去上層食set salad, 有4款揀,味道都係設計過,但份量就無下層咁多,價錢一樣$78,所以我一般都係食下層take away.

呢間signature wrap都幾好食,但質素有時不太穩定,wrap其中一款可以揀leafy green,即係用好大塊既菜代wrap,更加健康,但係有時食落會覺得唔新鮮,林林地。

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2016-07-30 3426 浏览
HOME Eat to Live 的老闆也曾經營Mana Fast Slow Food,所以flatbread皮的味道十分相似。但這兒裝潢簡約清新,具大自然林木氣息,環境比Mana坐得舒服,加上沒有限時,氣氛輕鬆,是朋友聚會閒聊的理想地方。Clouded leopard $90 ( long ) / $50 ( half ): 點了flatbread,這兒配搭較新穎,標榜無油的餅皮更是香脆煙韌,值得一讚flatbread 餡料豐富,內有嫩滑豐蛋香的奄列、羽衣甘藍等蔬菜、炒得濕潤的雜菌、烤紫洋蔥以及蒜香蛋黃醬aioli。比起Mana,這個flatbread更具新鮮感,滑溜溜的奄列配上aioli真是十分美味,這個組合在Mana是吃不到的,值得一試不過吃到最後,雜菌的水份令flatbread變得濕軟,吃得十分狼狽,建議改善一下餡料的濕度,以免影響質感。Silky Sifaka $118碗子很大的Earth bowl,但其實用料不算豐富,亦因蛋白質不足使人很快感到飢餓。先嚐一口以八角及丁香熬製的湯底,味道帶濃郁的菇菌香,吃時擠一些青檸汁可令湯底更清香,碗內還有高纖kelp noodles、爽
HOME Eat to Live 的老闆也曾經營Mana Fast Slow Food,所以flatbread皮的味道十分相似。但這兒裝潢簡約清新,具大自然林木氣息,環境比Mana坐得舒服,加上沒有限時,氣氛輕鬆,是朋友聚會閒聊的理想地方。
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Clouded leopard $90 ( long ) / $50 ( half ): 點了flatbread,這兒配搭較新穎,標榜無油的餅皮更是香脆煙韌,值得一讚
flatbread 餡料豐富,內有嫩滑豐蛋香的奄列、羽衣甘藍等蔬菜、炒得濕潤的雜菌、烤紫洋蔥以及蒜香蛋黃醬aioli。比起Mana,這個flatbread更具新鮮感,滑溜溜的奄列配上aioli真是十分美味,這個組合在Mana是吃不到的,值得一試
93 浏览
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Silky Sifaka $118
碗子很大的Earth bowl,但其實用料不算豐富,亦因蛋白質不足使人很快感到飢餓。先嚐一口以八角及丁香熬製的湯底,味道帶濃郁的菇菌香,吃時擠一些青檸汁可令湯底更清香,碗內還有高纖kelp noodles、爽甜的豆芽洋蔥、份量算多的牛油果粒、一些香料如芫荽、九層塔和jalapeno,可算是東南亞及墨西哥風味的fusion 素菜

無可否認,香港的高質素食定價愈來愈貴,知道HOME Eat to Live的創辦人有意推廣素食快餐,宣揚健康的環保飲食 ( 所以店內設有垃圾分類
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
5 分钟 (堂食)
$100 (晚餐)
2016-07-14 3103 浏览
First time to try out "Home" AND with an event in place! Birthday party for my best friends whom follow strict vegetarian diet. I have no idea what to expect since I have never been here before. I have had a peek at the place at its closing hours and think it's very well decorated and spacious, should be good for party. Have no clue until I went in the next day realized its "order at the counter type" operation. However it actually make no different and it's service and assistance provides durin
First time to try out "Home" AND with an event in place! Birthday party for my best friends whom follow strict vegetarian diet.
I have no idea what to expect since I have never been here before. I have had a peek at the place at its closing hours and think it's very well decorated and spacious, should be good for party. Have no clue until I went in the next day realized its "order at the counter type" operation. However it actually make no different and it's service and assistance provides during the meal / party even better than a formal / usual restaurant.
Manger Kim has been great and very helpful. They take reservation for big group dinner with excellent service. Foods are fabulous and I'm going to make this place my new "Home" for sure . Highly recommended !
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
  • Earth  bowl!
The recently opened organic vegetarian/vegan restaurant HOME EAT TO LIVE! has become the latest trend here in HK and has received raving reviews from local bloggers including Green Queen, The Loop. That's when I know I have to go find out how good this restaurant is even though I already have my long-established go-to Top 5 Vegan/Gluten-Free restaurant in Hong Kong for Eating Healthy (on my blog).Disclaimer first: I’m not paid that’s why I’m being so honest about my review here. LOLThe founder o
The recently opened organic vegetarian/vegan restaurant HOME EAT TO LIVE! has become the latest trend here in HK and has received raving reviews from local bloggers including Green Queen, The Loop. That's when I know I have to go find out how good this restaurant is even though I already have my long-established go-to Top 5 Vegan/Gluten-Free restaurant in Hong Kong for Eating Healthy (on my blog).
Disclaimer first: I’m not paid that’s why I’m being so honest about my review here. LOL
The founder of this newly established vegan café is the co-founder of Mana! Fast Slow Food, which has been a hit for almost everyone really, vegan or non-vegan alike. But on the other hand, with this new restaurant, he’s basically doing the same thing and serving similar food at a different location and within a larger space. I understand this café is more dedicated to environmental protection and endangered animal species, but today we are only focusing on the food here so as a food blogger I’ll only comment on the food related stuff. XD
I came here on a weekday night with a friend and surprisingly this place is packed full of people. Apparently it’s catching on among the vegetarian and healthy eating community in the area haha. On the ground floor they have various food items and other snacks/to-go items on display, including take away salads, kumbucha, etc. Everything in the counter looks extremely fresh and appetizing. What’s very special in their ground floor setting is a small corner stacked with the menu of this restaurant combined with the latest news & blog coverage of the newly opened café. It’s such a great idea since it not only is a promotion of the restaurant but also gives the customer a glimpse of almost everything on the menu, what it looks like, how it tastes, making it so much easier to make a decision as to what to order since almost everyone is new to the eatery.
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Compared to the ground floor the upper floor is surprisingly packed full of people and there is another kitchen/counter to order food from. The restaurant owner and a group of his friends are also eating on the upper floor.

One thing about this place really stood out for me, that is, this place is almost the exactly same duplicate of Mana, only with a different menu (and you can even argue even the menu and the food are essentially no different from each other). And honestly, I don’t know if this is a good thing or bad….especially for a new born restaurant. The deli salads, the wraps, the eco-friendly core spirit, the staff, and the way food is ordered and picked up all make you feel you are literally eating at another Mana, flagship edition maybe…. XD
Al’right let’s move on to the food here. Having heard so much about their signature flats, I had to go with a flat for my first visit here. I ordered a custom made flatbread. The red base was recommended by the staff who said it has more spice in flavor and who wouldn’t love that lol! For the four toppings I chose kale, roasted mushroom, avocado and rockets. And last you get to choose a sauce. Upon asking, I was informed that all of the sauces have garlic in it…. Normally I don’t eat garlic but since I’m eating here for the first time I decided to go with the creamy cashew as a recommendation from the staff, also it’s pretty special compared to other sauces like hummus or tahini. I was glad I did!
My friend just went with her regular order and got the Blue Whale, first one listed on the pre-designed flatbread options and also seemed to be a popular choice. As a salad addict coming to a vegan eatery who boasts of its healthy eating choices, I had to try their salad here and give my ratings. We chose the Manta Ray to share as it’s the most appetizing looking among the salad bowl choices.
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Originally I intended to go gluten-free and try the green lettuce wrap substitute offered here. But apparently I got completely overwhelmed at the counter when ordering the flatbread with so many steps to go through and so many options to choose from filling my flatbread I completely forgot about asking for the lettuce wrap instead of the whole wheat wrap…T。T
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Anyways, the wrap was actually nothing like I expected and boy was I DISAPPOINTED… Yes I know the wrap is made with healthy whole-wheat flour, but the texture and taste might be a little too “healthy” even for me, a health food addict. Being made with no oil or sugar doesn’t have to mean the flatbread must be dry, tasteless and extremely hard to swallow, does it? For the toppings they are just average, to say the best and nothing stood out at all, even the roasted mushrooms came with no flavor, and I’m usually a big sucker for mushrooms of any kind. Furthermore, the RED base that was supposed to have a lot of spices and bring much flavor to the wrap, for me I couldn’t even taste it…. The only thing that stood out was the creamy cashew sauce. Very creamy and flavorful!
The salad! I went to the Matay Ray which looks very good with spinach, beets, broccoli, quinoa, various seeds topped with a tahini dressing. But first of all, the portion at the price was pretty outrageous. Even at the small portion, the price came at 78 and neither the flavor nor the portion can be anything on par with any of the deli salads at Mana. The entire bowl of salad felt pretty much like eating everything without seasoning and the tahini dressing added nothing but dryness to the salad. I would never ever order this kind of salad every again… especially at this price. My friend and I couldn’t even finish the small salad.
I was dying to try their expansive dessert options which all look very delish with wholesome ingredient listed on the menu when I first came. But unfortunately I lost all my appetite after the flatbread and the salad so I was desperately wanting to get out of HOME to find something else to fill my hungry tummy…..
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All in all, if you want food of the same or even better tastes, go to Mana. Despite their smaller number of options, the food tastes much more flavorful and comes at a much more reasonable price. But if you only want to hop on with the trend and go with the hype, maybe this place wouldn’t be that bad….
My ratings:
Flavor - ★
Environment - ★★★☆ (Very spacious and decoration very appealing but the upper floor can be noisy.)
Price - ★★ (Pretty expensive even for healthy food considering the portion and flavor IMHO.)
Location - ★★★★★ (in the heart of central)
Overall - ★★
Recommendation: None….maybe creamy cashew sauce, maybe
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
2016-05-21 3732 浏览
今日好夜先收工,想食得light d,天氣又熱,就決定去公司附近新開嘅home eat to live 食salad! 去到見到間餐廳冇乜人既,擔心係未唔好食! 職員問我堂食定外賣,因為ground floor主要係做外賣,堂食可以上2樓! 上到去2樓都有八成滿,先冇咁驚。一心諗住食沙律,見到有flatbread,又好似好吸引喎,仲要係全麥包添!揀咗好耐,都係揀預設好既配料,唔使煩。但short都要$50,有d貴。好在唔使五分鐘已經有得食,一拎上手仲好熱! 打開個包裝啲汁已經留使出嚟,好juicy咁! 食落去好香麥味,又有烘過既香味!最鍾意佢好多菜同茄子,所以好飽肚。d菜唔知落左咩sauce,一啲都唔掛!鍾意食包嘅嘢一定勁like !今日睇到飲食男女個介紹 ,先知佢嘅flatbread都係自家製,仲係無油無糖,超級健康!係鍾意食包嘅人一大喜訊 !
今日好夜先收工,想食得light d,天氣又熱,就決定去公司附近新開嘅home eat to live 食salad! 去到見到間餐廳冇乜人既,擔心係未唔好食! 職員問我堂食定外賣,因為ground floor主要係做外賣,堂食可以上2樓! 上到去2樓都有八成滿,先冇咁驚。一心諗住食沙律,見到有flatbread,又好似好吸引喎,仲要係全麥包添!

揀咗好耐,都係揀預設好既配料,唔使煩。但short都要$50,有d貴。好在唔使五分鐘已經有得食,一拎上手仲好熱! 打開個包裝啲汁已經留使出嚟,好juicy咁! 食落去好香麥味,又有烘過既香味!最鍾意佢好多菜同茄子,所以好飽肚。d菜唔知落左咩sauce,一啲都唔掛!鍾意食包嘅嘢一定勁like !

今日睇到飲食男女個介紹 ,先知佢嘅flatbread都係自家製,仲係無油無糖,超級健康!係鍾意食包嘅人一大喜訊 !
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Hawaiian  Monk  Seal
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$50 (晚餐)
Hawaiian  Monk  Seal
$ 50
2016-05-20 2545 浏览
As a vegan living in Hong Kong, I have always wondered why a world class city like this one lacks a world class vegan restaurant. I travel a lot for my work & the most vegan friendly places include New York, Ubud (Bali), Los Angeles, Vancouver and I crave the food in those places every time I come Home to Hong Kong.For those who know these cities/ places, HOME by CGM is better than Cafe Gratitude, Candle 79, Elephant (Ubud), Plant Food & Wine (LA) & others...After doing some research, I found th
As a vegan living in Hong Kong, I have always wondered why a world class city like this one lacks a world class vegan restaurant. I travel a lot for my work & the most vegan friendly places include New York, Ubud (Bali), Los Angeles, Vancouver and I crave the food in those places every time I come Home to Hong Kong.
For those who know these cities/ places, HOME by CGM is better than Cafe Gratitude, Candle 79, Elephant (Ubud), Plant Food & Wine (LA) & others...
After doing some research, I found that HOME is run by a French/ American restauranteur (the original co-founder of Mana) & a classically trained French Chef who worked for 3 star Michelin star chef Alain Ducasse at Plaza Athenee in Paris. This explains the great food!
I have been to HOME every day for the past week it's been open & my absolute favorites are:
Silky Sifaka - the kelp soup noodles (a healthy version of Pho) with garden vegetables (kale!)
Red Panda - an open toast on organic sourdough bread with vegan cheese that is to die for!
Manta Ray - the best feel good salad with spinach, beetroot & all the veggies that you can go home with feeling nurtured and nourished.
Siberian Tiger - a Healthy macrobiotic bowl that beats any macrobiotic bowl I've had overseas
and finally the Polar Bear - the best veggie burger I've ever laid my lips on with a beetroot & mushroom patti that doesn't shy from any real (meat burger) from the old days when I used to still consume meat.
The best juices in my opinion are Scarlette, Coral & Jade depending on whether I feel like a green juice or a beetroot one/ fruity one.
The desserts are a marriage between vegan goodness & French artisan pastry (beauty & substance combined)
I can't speak more highly about this place which is also eco-friendly, zero-waste & an animals activist (all their dishes are named after endangered or extinct species).
Like I said, finally a place to call HOME!
Pros: great food, great atmosphere, free wifi & many plugs
Cons: so much goodness it's hard to choose, more noodle options please, self-service
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$120 (晚餐)
  • Silky Sifaka
  • Manta Ray
  • Red Panda
  • Siberian Tiger
  • Coral
  • Scarlette
  • Jade
間中茹素一下,讓腸胃休息一下,未嘗不可;茹素不等於要像牛般、味同嚼蠟的吃著菜葉,其實還有變奏。想吃西式素菜,付上近百元,但真的能吃飽的沒多少。這家素食餐廳,到目前為止是我吃過最抵食、飽足和佔地最大的一間。***********Just happened to be randomly browsing the Facebook page of Green Monday, I spotted this newly opened, plant-based eatery in Central. Located adjacent to the Central Oasis (ie. the Central Market), HOME Eat to Live ("HOME") is highly accessible and surprisingly large - a rare gem in the vicinity given the low spending-to-floor-space ratio. This 2-floor space was previously occupied by
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Just happened to be randomly browsing the Facebook page of Green Monday, I spotted this newly opened, plant-based eatery in Central. Located adjacent to the Central Oasis (ie. the Central Market), HOME Eat to Live ("HOME") is highly accessible and surprisingly large - a rare gem in the vicinity given the low spending-to-floor-space ratio. This 2-floor space was previously occupied by Burger King, but is now renovated in a green way which seems to be an absolute opposite to meaty and junk burgers. The "word cloud" banner on the exterior well hinted its health-conscious positioning.
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HOME is founded by Christian CGM who was previously a partner of "Mana! Fast Slow Food" (if you happened to be in its cafe for health-conscious food) and operated by ZS Hospitality Group Limited who also runs a Vietnam restaurant at the same mall, the "Viet. Kitchen". Seeming foreign for the branding and the founder, it however sources farm produce locally in the New Territories - HOME by Kau Kee. How its symbol is generated comes raw as well, like the 5 elements in Chinese (金木水火土) but without 金. (If it does great business, I bet 金 will flow in..)

"Hi! Welcome HOME", the server greeted me in a friendly grin.
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Although cashiers are seen on both floors, the two floors, basically with similar decor, serve in different modes - the ground floor is for grabbing takeaways (though there are casual seating) and the upper floor is for dine-in. Food to be served is similar for the two floors, but with cheaper, lighter and easier-to-eat-out options available only on the first floor, such as salad box ($68-108), pastries ($30-60), bottled drinks ($45-68).
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For most items in the restaurant, short forms such as "V","DF","GF","R" are listed next to the names of dishes, meaning vegan, dairy free, gluten free and raw respectively. It truly caters for customers with particular food allergies and makes them well-informed of the specialty of each item other than the most intriguing factor - flavour.
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Although these assorted bites taste good (thanks to the petit samples), it may be quite pricey if each of these costs $30... Slices of cheesecake are reasonably priced at $60 which is fair enough.
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For drinks, bottles of Taboocha fermented tea ($50) filled up one of the refrigerated shelves. For a health-conscious eatery, it seems that one cannot go without cold-pressed juice ($68) these days, having 6 different kinds of them at $68 - not marked up in the category as Pressed Juices sells a bottle at $50-80.
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Although it serves customers who come for grab-n-go, there are still seats at wooden, communal tables and sofas around the floor-to-ceiling window. Undoubtedly, if you reach upstairs, decor here sems so standard and if you are here to kill time, dine-in is a must-go option.
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It comes to the true discovery of what HOME offers when you reach upstairs by the wooden staircase. 
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It is not at all exaggerating to opine that this is the true "central oasis" instead of the one nearby which is still left undeveloped. With potted plants around the edge and dim string lights hanging low, the ambience resembles a mysterious garden. It should be imitating a greenhouse (not the eatery named "Greenhouse" in Causeway Bay) - the interior is awash in natural light let in by windows with greenery inside.
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There are same big wooden tables like the ground floor, but the seating is much more gathering-friendly. One of the rare things to be spotted among nearby restaurants is that there are as many as 100 seats available but it is just a restaurant with items not costing higher than $128 each (as far as I spotted). Having free wifi and even sockets (electricity is crucial if one would need to work), it is a good place to chill or just have a quick meal as one may not need to wait too long to get a seat.
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Seats facing the sunlight are the best ones to grab if you are paying a solo visit, watching over the hustle and bustle along Des Voeux Road Central.
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As it doesn't charge for service (ie. no 10% service charge), it is very reasonable to queue for orders and takes your own food when your alarm gadget rings. Part of the kitchen is in fact visible as it is just next to the cashier.
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It is a difficult task to summarise its menu without getting you bored. If salad is what comes to your mind for vegan food, you may be amazed by how little this category occupies the menu - just the tiny left bottom corner with 3 combinations ($78-118).
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What occupies most of the page is bread in various forms - "flatbread" ($50-90+), "toast" ($60-90) and "burger" ($88-128). Flatbread is not commonly found in western cafe in town, a soft and thinner one of which that resembles its appearance and usage will be Mexican Tortilla. One can choose to have oven-fired one with preset fillings, or customised ones for your own choice of toppings, herb base and sauce.

Most items are available in two sizes. It may be a bit difficult to guess and put your bet if there are no photos to give you an idea on the portion. Lack of photos on the menu (or anywhere around the cashier) is probably a drawback for locals like me, who is not an insider to vegan food nor to English names of the ingredients.
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The other page of the menu shows mainly drinks and desserts, which are all available downstairs. What customers ordered as dine-in are mainly those on the first page.
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Instead of going for a burger, me the curious cat was fascinated by the stranger "oven-fired flatbread". As I can enjoy 15% discount at its soft opening period, I went for the combo option at $118 (discounted to be $100.30), including a short flatbread (a la carte: $50), a side dish (a la carte: $45) and a lemonade (a la carte: $45). Not feeling to swallow bubbling drinks down my throat, I asked for alternative to lemonade - a fresh whole coconut.
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Just seated for around 5 minutes, the alarm gadget lit up and I dashed to pick my food at the counter.
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My coconut wasn't here yet, which was only served later on. I picked "Baked & Loaded Sweet Potato" as my side dish but how it looks was out of my expectation! As for the wrap, it is the short flatbread.
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Green Turtle Combo ($118)
Short Flatbread + Side + Coconut/lemonade
Green Turtle Combo
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I don't expect a coconut to be that fancy - when I took it at the counter, the server (later I discovered that he is the founder) told me that the flower was edible! 
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Not much value for me to comment on the taste of coconut water as it is just one that is freshly opened - it cools me down in the soaring sun outside, with a naturally sweet and nutty taste. Credits go to the presentation with the edible Viola and logo in ink on the coconut!
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Baked & Loaded Sweet Potato
Baked & Loaded Sweet Potato
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Without photos, I imagined that there would be baked sweet potato slices with toppings like tartines. All quinoa, tomato and onion cubes were in fact hidden in the word "loaded" and were served in a bowl!
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As told by the founder after the meal, "toppings" that make sweet potato "loaded" are different from time to time, making up by daily and seasonal vegetables available at the moment. Together with feta cheese on top, tomato and red onion illustrated fresh flavors of summer. Tri-colourd quinoa was mild in taste, the savory flavour of which mainly came from feta cheese. Without sauce, quinoa wasn't binding and was pretty loose, making all these not going together. Marks deducted further for not serving a spoon in the culinary set, as quinoa is like dry soil which is hard to pick by fork (this suggestion was brought to the founder's attention after my meal.)
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The big piece of sweet potato must satiate you with starch if quinoa doesn't make a perfect substitute - it was so huge that it stretched across the bowl and I paid effort to lift it up by a fork! Surprisingly creamy and moist inside and a little bit grilled on the edge, it even outperformed those sweet potato which I am used to buying at the street stalls in winter time.
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It was so tender that it basically melted inside mouth, making quinoa and all other loaded ingredients less loose to be eaten with. What's more, its skin was not peeled, but was so thin to be eaten together without realising any roughness. After the whole bowl of "salad-like loaded ingredients" and the sweet potato, I was in fact 80% full and luckily I had this before the flatbread, as the latter one can be taken away in a decent wrap.
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Short Flatbread
Short flatbread
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It is around 20cm long (approx my hand span) and it should be a good-for-value item at $50 for a la carte orders. Unwrapping the folds, the flatbread didn't look really appealing in appearance given its truly healthy content - whole wheated with leaft green substitute.
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It looked like rough carton box paper (to be honest) and was quite hard in texture, unlike tortilla which is usually thin and smooth. If one is afraid of not feeling full for this combo set, having this flatbread can occupy your stomach as it tasks your stomach with much grinding work.
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My pick is named "Hawaiian Monk Seal", and same for other items, it is named after endangered animal species - to remind you of the good you have done by enjoying greens instead of animals for this meal!
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For the herb base, there was mixed green, rockets to give the freshness and roasted bell peppers, mushrooms to give the grilled aroma. Further smoothened and moisted by smoked eggplant caviar which was creamy, shredded pieces of semi-hard halloumi cheese was binded perfectly with rest of the greens and emitted its unique briny flavour.
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Flatbread, though it doesn't look good, tasted fine in slight savory aroma. Probably sacrificed because of its leafy green substitute and the process of oven-fired, it was not soft enough to hug the ingredients tight - they started to come out on the other end while I was eating at the other. 
Earth bowls
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It was such an unexpectedly full lunch that I need to take away half of the flatbread to be my teatime snack. The main reason is that the baked sweet potato is too fulfilling! The lady next to me was having the Earth Bowl (something like salad + starchy items) and the portion is acceptable too.
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Pencils here are not decorations, but for you to fill in the questionnaire for feedback that is placed on all food trays. The founder even came to talk to customers and listened to their opinion - I do appreciate his open-mindedness which keeps the momentum to improve and run smoother! 

Food is of high quality with variations, despite the fact that being vegan, plant-based in nature turns omnivores off most of the time. It is moderately priced in the vicinity, if I were to compare it with Ovocafe or similar eateries in Sheung Wan. I intended to have a light lunch but at the end so full that $100 can make me a lunch + teatime snack, so I must be coming back even if it isn't discounted like this - $118 still makes it a worthy go!
题外话/补充资料: Soft opening until 7 May 2016 (Saturday) and offers 15% discount.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$100 (午餐)
Green Turtle Combo
$ 118
Baked & Loaded Sweet Potato