港铁九龙站 C1/ D1 出口, 港铁柯士甸站 B5 出口
Mango Tree 位於圓方,景觀可飽覽維港海景。
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
Um....Before sharing the dining experience, would like 'highlight' their greetings. I was walking in asking for a table for nine, which understandably we were a huge group and should be better to make a reservation. We were happy to wait a bit. Staff looked surprised and didn't bother to take our group. Just randomly gave us a ticket telling us to wait for their call via phoning us. I was pretty shocked and asked how do you even call if you didnt ask for my phone number? Just to ask us go for a shop and come back? And what I saw at the entrance, there were plenty of empty seats and some even by combining, it easily made out a table for nine. When rest of us were pretty upset and would like to make a move leaving, the manager came saying they would arrange the table immediately and gave them a minute without leaving. Um....Anyway, it's one of our group's birthday and if he didn't mind, we kept our decision. Their pomelo salad was alright. Good portion to share. Refreshing and tangy. Love their cashews for a crunch. Funny to serve the whole big dish with one shrimp to share. Soft shell crab rice roll was okay. Not until you bite through, you could even visibly find the soft shell crab. Rice paper was fresh that it wasn't chewy or dry. Mango slice gave a hint of sweetness. Fish sauce gave some saltiness. Whole dish wasn't bland at all. Another funky dish served. The lettuce wrap with Thai stir fry mince. Restaurant served the heart of lettuce. How do you expect heart of lettuce could wrap the mince? It couldnt even tear in pieces but we ate in chunks mixing with the mince. Mince meat itself was delicious with limey and spiciness. Shrimp cake and fish cake were bother the highlight of tonight. Shrimp cake was crispy and bouncy. Strong scent of shrimp flavour. Fish cake was herby and with a slight chewy texture. Very savoury. Perfect size for sharing. Roasted chicken was also a great dish. Chicken was charred with crispy skin. Smoky, moist and juicy. It was served with sticky rice which definitely need to eat instantly. It went cool easily ending up tough and hard. Difficult to digest and bite. Salty fish kale stir fry was my all time favourite. In spite of the saltiness, absolutely loving its fishiness and wok taste. Perfect to serve with rice. Kale was still crunchy and green. Water spinach stir fry was also one of my all time favourite. Love the crunch and chilli for a kick. Water spinach was fresh. Both vegetables were perfect to share. Overall, food was alright. Just that we could not feel the warmth or sense of welcoming from the service.
Mango Tree has been around for quite some time. I had been there once a few years ago.The usual Thai items such as the pad thai and the pineapple fried rice were authentic and good. The fresh pineapple on the side was juicy and sweet.The ‘Thai-tastic Twists’ Afternoon Tea Set for two was very nice. Nearly every table had that. The taste of the fresh abalone all came from the dipping sauce. I was expecting some marination. The lobster on top of the peanut sauce on rice cracker also did not have its own taste, while that was understandable as the peanut sauce had strong lemongrass flavour that I liked. The angus beef skewer was also great. While the traditional Thai mung bean dessert was very pleasing to the eye, we didn’t quite like eating them. The black sticky rice with fresh mango was terrific. We ordered the mango smoothie and the lychee smoothie. Both had real taste and with just-right sweetness. 😋
前幾天,好朋友黎香港玩,塔完高鐵之後,我地去了西九龍高鐵站旁的圓方逛了一會。經過Mango Tree這家餐廳,給它高貴且有格調的裝潢風格吸引進去,望著落地玻璃窗外面的景色享受晚餐,絕對是約會和聚餐的好去處。我們叫了幾款招牌菜式,簡直震懾了我們的味蕾!🔸冬蔭功湯酸辣鮮美,一口下去,彷彿瞬間穿越到泰國街頭,熱帶風情撲面而來!🔸招牌泰北燒雞配糯米飯菜式非常驚艷,燒雞肉質鮮嫩多汁,配上糯米飯的口感非常有嚼勁,而且還有一種淡淡的甜味配料和調味非常恰到好處,讓我地能夠品嘗到地道的泰國風味!🔸海鮮鳳梨炒飯炒飯味道好鮮味,而且飯粒不會偏硬,海鮮數量好多,而且種類多,鳳梨的酸甜配上海鮮炒飯簡直一流!🔸泰式蝦餅蝦餅外層香脆,內裏彈牙多汁,配上特製的醬料,酸酸甜甜,口感豐富。🔸芒果糯米飯芒果又甜又大塊,配上軟糯的糯米飯加上旁邊的椰漿作點綴,十分香甜!🔸粟米椰子新地外表很精美,用了原個椰皇掏空後放入幼滑細膩的自家製椰子雪糕、椰子肉、花生及粟米,賣相別緻,口感豐富味道清新,每一口都散發椰子香氣,感覺置身於泰國😌
前幾天,我和閨蜜一早去了深圳玩了大半天,結束了一天的遊玩後,我們便返回香港吃晚餐。這次我們選擇了西九龍高鐵站旁的圓方,逛街後決定在Mango Tree晚飯。Mango Tree的餐廳真的特別美又吸引人!裝潢風格獨特且高貴,落地玻璃窗讓整個空間顯得更加明亮通透,感覺非常舒適,絕對是約會和聚餐的好去處。我們點了每一道都讓我們驚喜:🌟 泰式蝦餅: 外脆內嫩,配上特製的醬料,口感豐富。🌟 冬蔭功湯: 這個湯令我重新愛上了冬蔭功湯,跟平常的好像有點分別,味道特別美味,酸辣開胃,蝦肉鮮美,真的是泰國料理的經典之作!🌟 招牌泰北燒雞: 雞肉超滑,醬汁是這道菜的精華,我用來伴飯,特別開胃!🌟 海鮮鳳梨炒飯: 色香味俱全,鳳梨的清甜與海鮮的鮮味完美結合。🌟 芒果糯米飯: 香甜的芒果配上Q彈的糯米,簡直是甜點界的明星!🌟粟米椰子新地: 配上鮮花襯托,精美得來又可以打卡,視覺與味覺的雙重享受,太棒了!
今朝喺大陸坐高鐵返嚟,想食泰國菜就喺OpenRice訂咗圓方嘅mango tree ! 去到11:40仲未有客!隨便安排我哋坐咗一個三人枱喺中間嘅位!我哋要求轉位服務員唔承認,可能人哋訂咗位!但當時全間餐廳得兩個人坐真係好奇怪今時今日香港的服務行業係咪越嚟越差?服務員個個真係黑口黑面!好似個個爭佢幾百萬!落單好似好唔情願咁!咁又收咁高嘅服務費?真係冇下次啦,雖然我哋好鍾意食泰國菜但mango tree black list