食记 (7)
等级4 2014-08-05
595 浏览
經過早前一輪薯條狂熱之後,現時薯條專賣店已經越執越少了就好似new york fries,以前係尖咀,旺角嘅大型商場入面都會搵到佢嘅蹤影,現時都只係得返赤柱同將軍澳分店,而且佔位亦都好少,門前只有2-3張圓形高枱供食客享用身為芝士薯條迷嘅我,每次行經必定底受不住薯條嘅誘惑最常叫嘅喺the works 同 PoutineThe works內含芝士醬,酸忌廉,葱粒,煙肉粒等. . .味道較為豐富,除了有芝士嘅咸香味外,還有酸忌廉另外,芝士配上煙肉簡直係prefect match,不過佢係採用新鮮煙肉粒,味道較淡,如果轉為經烤焗過嘅煙肉粒,相信味道會更香更可口Poutine內含芝士粒同燒汁燒汁及芝士味道較淡,不會蓋過薯仔味由於比較喜歡半溶嘅芝士,試過因為薯條熱力不足,導致芝士粒無法溶化,所以寧願等多一點時間,亦會要求即叫即炸~薯條方面連皮薯條是以人手巧切及以葵花籽油製成,薯味需不算太濃,但可以接受雖然整體表現不太突出,但作為下午小吃,仍會感到十分滿足~ 继续阅读
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等级4 2014-06-04
266 浏览
睇戲梗係買D野咬下啦叫左個combo $60 ,有份量足嘅薯條如果加$10,差$10份量係2倍,薯條薯味夠,要自加味粉。熱狗,腸夠脆皮,但包就軟身D,另自加芥辣,茄汁。Drink 就自選枝橙汁 继续阅读
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等级2 2014-04-19
363 浏览
果日係我生日dinner,去完kpc就去睇戱。專登唔食甜品留個肚食new york fries點知失望而回。大概$23買咗一杯勁細杯既original fries。拎出黎雖然係熱辣辣,但係d薯條軟lailai...薯仔味無mut仲要得幾條有落鹽下次唔會幚襯... 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-08-05
163 浏览
這天到Star Cinema看Pacific Rim,看到旁邊剛好有一家New York Fries,就心思思想吃。上次吃New York Fries已經是一年多之前了,這次到手後發現已大不如前,薯條比以前炸得「燶」、sour cream的份量也很少。還記得以前用叉吃,每啖都有豐富的source, 這次除了topping那一層外,其他和Burger King的薯條幾乎沒甚麼分別。Veggie WorksNew York Fries的賣點完全在於它的source,如今只不過是掛著New York Fries招牌的普通薯條店,魔力已減半。看來租金和人工的壓力真的不小! 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-07-01
157 浏览
New York Fries used to be the talk of town with their first branch at Harbour City. Then they opened another one at Langham place and more popped up.Unfortunately, there are now two branches left in Hong Kong and I wonder how long they will stay before they pack up!I used to get New York fries at least once a week but since they localized the fries I don't really like them.For some reason Hong Kongers do not like fried foods. Ireland's potato is a good example.The fries here are meant to be soft but they have now localised them and made them crispier by frying them longer (in my point of view - burnt!!).The colour of the fries are really dark.The fries I get from Chinese shops are over done, but this is how the locals like them.At NYF, they have the usual condiments for hotdogs, eg olives, sauces, onions etc.My favourite is always the vinegars, and Cajun seasoning.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Poutine:Compared to the fries I got when they opened a few years ago, these are much darker.The cheese is not cheese curds, they are basically cubes of cheese.The fries were ok, but not as delicious as they used to be because they were too crispy and overdone for my liking.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 继续阅读
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