07:30 - 22:00
07:30 - 22:00
07:30 - 22:00
*最後點餐時間: 21:30
今日因緣際會跟著一位木球會會員嘅同事嚟呢度食lunch上一樓餐廳必經之路,見證木球會進程Weekday一樣客似雲來,大概等咗5分鐘左右先至被安排入坐,聽同事講星期六日排隊等位係常識選擇困難症…食set解疑難但落order同埋單嘅時候遇著「百年一遇」…侍應周身唔得閒~今日冇service可言喱度似乎同坊間食肆一樣…面對人手不足湯頭濃厚足料,啖啖雜菜,係多士有啲硬煙三文魚、紅菜頭、烤合桃,用意大利香醋調味,酸甜中帶有煙三文魚微鹹,好開胃嘅starter鍾意食tandoori,喱個羊架啱口味雖然羊肉帶有微微羶味,但灑啲檸檬汁、點啲印度酸乳酪就中和哂可惜配菜係小紅薯&豆豆!如果用上naan就perfect西班牙海鮮飯用料豐富,有藏紅花、西班牙香腸、大蝦、魷魚、帶子、青口…份量十足海鮮生熟度剛好,用魚湯燴飯,粒粒鮮味有咬口西式「鳳梨酥🍍」面層白朱古力~甜甜脆脆内層係海綿蛋糕同鳳梨~酸酸綿綿…不過口感有啲乾餐廳門口設有「小賣部」有乾濕貨品供會員選購餐廳菜式多元化,行多國菜路線,一碟灼菜亦可order木球會所有活動、餐廳都係行會員制,想玩搵會員、想食搵會員想做會員?入會費6位數、月費$1800…咁就想玩就玩、想食就食言歸正傳~撇開今日service而言,喱度出品味道唔錯、唔收加一(原來no service🤔),算係value for money
午餐晚餐都經常嚟食,就係好少試早餐。早餐嘅選擇都好多,西式中式都有。11:30嚟到,還趕得切尾班車可以叫早餐食。兩位朋友就點午餐菜單。健康版嘅egg Benedict有得揀三文魚,火腿,或者雞胸肉我就揀咗雞胸肉,食完兩件真係好滿足,好飽。朋友揀咗印尼炒飯朋友讚不絕口,我都試左啖,炒飯炒得好香,用咗印尼香料去炒, 十分地道。 配上炸蝦片,兩串串燒另一位朋友就點左喇沙有新鮮嘅蝦肉豆卜同雞肉,朋友都覺得好食,唔太辣,好有椰汁香味。
今日表姐帶我去香港木球會打波,我都係第一次,入面環境好靚,可以打波,游水,燒烤,打完波順便係入面食野我地叫左Chicken makhanwala,有飯,薄餅,雞整碟野都好足料,雞差唔多多過六件,雞肉好嫩唔韌另外叫左garlic naan(印度薄餅),雖然有一條辣椒,但係唔辣的,本人唔食辣都接受到,所以唔洗辣的人都唔洗驚。薄餅好味唔油,而且好有蒜頭味,配餸食一流。薄餅點同唔點咖哩都好食,如果想食到蒜味就唔好點汁食因為我想食到薄餅的蒜味,所以個汁我用左尼撈飯食正!!另外我地叫左杯gintonic,係白酒尼。我地飲飲下出左去草地,侍應好貼心將杯gintonic變做膠杯比我地拎出去 好好啊有機會我想再尼!!
今日跟朋友去左位於黃泥涌埉道既香港木球會食晚飯。入口無人查証件或會員証,但食完埋單,只係會員既朋友可以簽名結帳,我諗坐低叫野食野飲既時候已經查左。 (因為我遲左去,所以唔係太知詳情)叫野食既時候,全份菜單都係英文。有東南亞菜(咖哩、炒粉麵、勒沙、炒菜心等)、漢堡、牛扒等。結果差唔多全枱人都叫印度菜。而我就叫左呢個慢煮羊肉。所有羊肉都已經配左炸餅。飯、Nann bread 可以另外加。我就加左蒜味Nann bread. 右邊既前菜唔太肯定係青瓜定其他爽口既瓜類。配左蕃醬。試左一啖,辣到飛起,仲有好酸既味道。就無再食喇。慢煮羊好林,第一啖食既時候以為自己食左肥膏。點知係d 羊煮到林到好似肥膏咁樣。有羊味但唔係羶味。好味野飲係power breakfast! 係Smootie 既一種。入面包括乳酪、燕麥片 、莓!飽肚。唯一可以投訴既就係支飲筒太短,我要連住個杯邊飲。
The HK Cricket Club (HKCC) on Wong Nai Ching Gap road is often confused with the Craigengower Cricket Club (CCC) on Wong Nai Chung Road in Happy Valley. The main differences are that there is no cricket being played in the one in Happy Valley, that club has mainly local Chinese members and the HKCC in the Gap has mainly Australian and British members and does have cricket being played.The HKCC has 6 restaurants. Spinners is the family coffee shop. I decided to review it since it has been renovated last year, the food has really improved and it is good value. That night, we didn't eat much as my daughter and I ate a lot at late tea till 6pm. She ordered her favourite berry smoothie which is a very refreshing drink. We ordered clam chowder which came with a nice bread basket. The bread basket included some home made cheese straws which in my view taste nicer than the ones served in Cova as they are not as dry and there is more cheese on the outside, so more cheese flavour. The soup was creamy and had lots of chopped pieces of clams and other seafood inside. It was just a bit too salty to drink without having bread with it. Waldorf salad with smoked duck breast was nicely presented although the duck looked a bit fatty. Once the fat was removed, the meat was tasty, smoky and moist, not like the smoked duck that you can buy from most of the delis in HK. The salad had celery, walnut and apple chopped up, quite authentic. Smoked salmon Caesar's salad was great on this occasion as there was not too much dressing nor was the dressing too thick as it can sometimes be, the grated parmesan cheese added a nice flavour. Salmon was light and a good taste, probably from Scotland. Really good for us as we were not hungry.Mixed fried vegetables probably came from the Chinese restaurant kitchen. There were choi sum, broccoli, baby corn, bean sprouts, carrots, tinned mushrooms, straw mushrooms and Chinese cabbage. It came very hot straight from the wok and the vegetables were crunchy and done to the right degree. I only didn't like the tinned mushrooms.We ended with 2 scoops of ice cream which we shared. Nothing to report as it was Movenpick brand and not home madeThe drawback of this restaurant is that it is for members only. Otherwise, I can truly recommend it for its authentic casual Western dishes, good service and good value. It's sister restaurant is Dot Cod in Central also owned by the club but the food there is more expensive and in a basement with no windows.