2014-06-18 30 浏览
The Mira近月在灣仔, 銅鑼灣的交界開了一家全新的酒店Mira Moon, 位處謝斐道, 在銅鑼灣地鐵站走過來也不用太久. 是晚就在公關朋友的邀請下前來Mira Moon的餐廳Super Giant, 一試這裡的西班牙菜.先要讚讚Mira Moon的環境是相當不俗, 貴為香港少數的Design Hotels, 在設計上自然是相當獨特, 不少細微位也做得很精緻. Super Giant在酒店的三樓, 一切也是來得很有格調呢.Hou Yi $90: 9分, 先來點喝的吧, 就選來了一杯Hou Yi, 后羿是也, 跟這裡的月亮主題是很匹配的呢. 材料包括有Grey Goose Vodka, 蜜桃Schnapps, 荔枝以及蜜桃, 要了個低酒精版, 入口是更加甜美, 帶荔枝及蜜桃的甜味, 我一向愛喝蜜桃的飲品, 這杯Hou Yi就很合我心意了.Tea-tini $90: 亞茵的選擇是Tea-tini, 賣相很玩味的雞尾酒, 用上茶壺盛載, 材料包括有Tea Infused Rum, Frangelico, 豆奶以及蜜糖. 對, 餐廳現正推出Super Happy Hour推廣, 每天下午
The Mira近月在灣仔, 銅鑼灣的交界開了一家全新的酒店Mira Moon, 位處謝斐道, 在銅鑼灣地鐵站走過來也不用太久. 是晚就在公關朋友的邀請下前來Mira Moon的餐廳Super Giant, 一試這裡的西班牙菜.
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先要讚讚Mira Moon的環境是相當不俗, 貴為香港少數的Design Hotels, 在設計上自然是相當獨特, 不少細微位也做得很精緻. Super Giant在酒店的三樓, 一切也是來得很有格調呢.
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Hou Yi $90: 9分, 先來點喝的吧, 就選來了一杯Hou Yi, 后羿是也, 跟這裡的月亮主題是很匹配的呢. 材料包括有Grey Goose Vodka, 蜜桃Schnapps, 荔枝以及蜜桃, 要了個低酒精版, 入口是更加甜美, 帶荔枝及蜜桃的甜味, 我一向愛喝蜜桃的飲品, 這杯Hou Yi就很合我心意了.
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Tea-tini $90: 亞茵的選擇是Tea-tini, 賣相很玩味的雞尾酒, 用上茶壺盛載, 材料包括有Tea Infused Rum, Frangelico, 豆奶以及蜜糖. 對, 餐廳現正推出Super Happy Hour推廣, 每天下午四點至到關門前, 所有杯裝飲品都有半價優惠, 如這兩杯雞尾酒就只賣$45, 大超值!
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Duck Habana Cilindro $95: 9分, 有酒喝, 自然要有下酒小吃, Mira Moon大部份菜式皆是tapas, 份量皆是sharing portion, 很適合一班朋友一同分享. 先來的是Duck Habana Cilindro, 賣相已經先聲奪人, 很像雪茄呢. 其實有墊像我們中式的春卷, 質感帶點脆身, 不會太油, 入面的是Duck Confit, 鴨肉絲份量不少, 幾香口, 是賣相跟味道也令人滿意的.
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"Yin-Yang" Squid $90: 8.5分, 接下來的是"Yin-Yang" Squid, 鴛鴦魷魚, 其實即是用上墨魚汁去煮魷魚, 魷魚的質感很爽口, 跟墨汁是相當匹配的. 另外還跟上亞支竹以及露筍等等, 正好中和了墨魚汁的味道.
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Garlic Frog's Legs $95: 8分, 這裡有不少菜式是加入了中式元素, 如這客蒜蓉田雞就是一例, 是幾香口的, 帶點辛辣, 質感亦嫩滑, 送酒一流.
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Tuna Tataki $95: 8.5分, 下一道菜式是Tuna Tataki, 份量十足, 火候控制得很好, 入口是相當鮮嫩的, 帶點胡椒香, 是幾惹味的.
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Egg Waffles $85: 8.5分, 其中一道最特別的菜式要數這客雞蛋仔, 跟小食店不同的是質感會是比較軟綿, 蛋香十足, 配上的是Serrano Ham, 帶有很突出的鹹香, 這個做法, 跟傳統雞蛋仔大有不同, 但出來的效果, 也是幾夾的, 創意度滿分.
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Suckling Pig $155: 9分, 也來一客傳統一點的tapas, 說的就是吃西班牙菜少不了的乳豬, 由於是慢煮的, 肉質自然是相當的嫩滑, 但除此之外, 乳豬皮仍然能夠保持相當脆身, 愛吃乳豬的朋友, 來到這裡, 就不要錯過這一味了.
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Rainforest Snails $95: 9分, 有創意的菜式繼續有來, 這客就是森林田螺, 為何有這名字呢? 原來是用上菠菜去包著入面的田螺, 清新的菠菜正好中和了田螺的濃味, 更易入口. 田螺本身的質感亦控制得很好, 有水準.
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Pissaladiere $85: 9分, 也來客薄餅作填肚之用吧, 這客地中海薄餅特別之處是用上了酥皮去作餅底, 入口自是更加酥脆. 配料方面, 包括有甜洋蔥, 鯷魚, 橄欖等等. 我就很喜歡鹹香味道突出的鯷魚, 風味十足, 很討好呢.
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"Che Che" Ravioli $170: 9分, 另外也點選了一客車仔麵. 對, 是車仔麵, 吃西班牙菜吃車仔麵, 究竟是甚麼樣式呢? 當然沒有中式麵條, 而是變成了Ravioli, 質感不俗, 入面的餡料是魚肉咖哩, 是用來取代咖哩魚蛋的. 另外, 沒有了豬紅, 就變成了血腸, 味道很濃. 除此之外, 還跟上辣肉腸, 蘿蔔, 甜豆等等, 陣容豐富. 這客車仔麵, 再一次印證了Super Giant大廚的滿分創意度!
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Apple Crumble $75: 8.5分, 甜品方面, 先試的是Dessert of the day, 是晚供應的是Apple Crumble, 金寶質感香脆, 蘋果不會太酸, 配上香滑的雲尼拿雪糕, 那一冷一熱的效果, 教人陶醉.
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Valrhona Chocolate Fondant $80: 8.5分, 當然少不了的是店方的招牌甜品Valrhona Chocolate Fondant, 用上了Valrhona朱古力, 味道是相當香濃的, 流心度對辦, 質感亦不會太實. 繼續配上香滑的雲尼拿雪糕, 冷熱之間的對比做得很好.
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Super Giant的菜式創意度滿分, 而出來的效果也相當令人滿意, 當中的Duck Habana Cilindro, Rainforest Snails, Pissaladiere以及Che Che Ravioli皆是必試的項目. 這些帶中式風彩的tapas, 無論在賣相, 味道, 以及配搭皆是很高水準的, 值得推介.
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
過去的一星期很有食神,週三才品嚐完豐富世界盃主題自助餐,週四又來到新開不久、格調非凡的Mira Moon酒店,品嚐Super Giant的精緻又特色的西班牙Tapas盛宴。Mira Moon位於謝斐道388號,在銅鑼灣及灣仔中間;擁有91間設計獨特的客房,為Design Hotels的成員之一。它最特別之處,是將中國傳統神話精髓來個全新的現代化演繹,每間客房均配以先進的科技設備,再加上不少個人化的服務及設施,為住客及食客都帶來不凡的創新經歷。Mira Moon的設計藍圖,就是古中國關於月亮及嫦娥的故事 (有興趣按此觀看)。透過Wanders & yoo的創意演繹,酒店的91間客房各自流露獨特氣質,兼具中國的傳統魅力及香港的時尚氣息。甜魔媽媽不夠時間到訪客房了,但由大堂那巨大又別致的三盞手造燈罩,已經見到傳說中的月兔了。加上火紅的沙發位及古董花瓶,那份揉合古今美態的裝修是令人難忘的。電梯大堂的雕花也是令人驚嘆的精緻!順便一拍都像一張藝術照;講回餐廳正題,Super Giant位於酒店3樓,主打西班牙Tapas,但,也與酒店一樣有著不少中國特色元素在內~一進去先見到酒吧,由於餐廳現正有Su
過去的一星期很有食神,週三才品嚐完豐富世界盃主題自助餐,週四又來到新開不久、格調非凡的Mira Moon酒店,品嚐Super Giant的精緻又特色的西班牙Tapas盛宴。

Mira Moon位於謝斐道388號,在銅鑼灣及灣仔中間;擁有91間設計獨特的客房,為Design Hotels的成員之一。它最特別之處,是將中國傳統神話精髓來個全新的現代化演繹,每間客房均配以先進的科技設備,再加上不少個人化的服務及設施,為住客及食客都帶來不凡的創新經歷。
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Mira Moon的設計藍圖,就是古中國關於月亮及嫦娥的故事 (有興趣按此觀看)。透過Wanders & yoo的創意演繹,酒店的91間客房各自流露獨特氣質,兼具中國的傳統魅力及香港的時尚氣息。甜魔媽媽不夠時間到訪客房了,但由大堂那巨大又別致的三盞手造燈罩,已經見到傳說中的月兔了。加上火紅的沙發位及古董花瓶,那份揉合古今美態的裝修是令人難忘的。
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電梯大堂的雕花也是令人驚嘆的精緻!順便一拍都像一張藝術照;講回餐廳正題,Super Giant位於酒店3樓,主打西班牙Tapas,但,也與酒店一樣有著不少中國特色元素在內~
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一進去先見到酒吧,由於餐廳現正有Super Happy Hour推廣,每天4pm開始至關門所有杯裝飲品都有半價,所以酒吧生意很好!如此高貴的環境下,事實上這裡飲品定價並不貴,大家有興趣可看看網上飲品餐牌。
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餐廳用上甜魔媽媽及老公都極愛的黑、白、紅為主題顏色,最特別是在摩登現化氣息中,又透出古典中國風味,就是大師的功力。而在我們用餐的廂房內,就是黑色為主題,留意到牆上那些月兔的畫像嗎? 房中間還有一盞大明燈,沒錯,它就是代表了月亮了!事實上,在用餐的餐碟上,也印有一個月字。
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好了,開始用餐:大家首先點下各自心水飲料,在侍者推介下,甜魔媽媽先試了招牌Cocktail中的Tea-tini ($90),飲品以茶壺盛起,除了賣相別開生面,以減量的Infused Tea Rum及Frangelico,再加上豆奶及蜜糖沖出來的雞尾酒,十分清甜清新,有點似台式飲料,極易入口,十分的討喜呢!
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當晚難得出席的CEO點了Hou Yi ($90),成分包括Grey Goose Vodka、蜜桃味Schnapps、荔枝及蜜桃,聽上去已知果香濃郁,據他講味道的確很不錯的。
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來到食物環節,首先帶來無限驚喜是Egg Waffles, Hong Kong style, topped with Serrano Ham ($85),原來它是火腿味的雞蛋仔呢!它沒有街邊檔的鬆脆感,而是中間質感較軟棉又實在,蛋味也會濃得多,吃著偶爾中間還會有火腿絲,帶來咸香感受。最後,面層又有大量的美味西班牙火腿,襯上雞蛋仔同吃,估你唔到又幾夾呢~
Egg Waffles, Hong Kong style, topped with Serrano Ham
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接著有"Yin-Yang" Squid, Artichoke & Ink Sauce ($90),到底魷魚是怎樣鴛鴦法啊?原來是墨魚汁煮魷魚,又一道生死戀菜式。喜歡鮮爽可口的魷魚,襯上墨汁更加鮮美,也欣賞同上的阿支竹及露筍,令菜式更添清新感。
''Yin-Yang'' Squid, Artichoke & Ink Sauce
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這是甜魔媽媽最喜歡的Duck Habana Cilindro, Duck Confit, shredded & rolled into a cylinder ($95),大家覺得它像甚麼?其實它的菜名已經收歛很多了,沒錯,之前它真的叫Duck Habana Cigar呢!不是嗎?煙草加上煙灰都齊備了,還有火花未熄呢,罪證如山啊! 
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Duck Habana Cilindro, Duck Confit, shredded & rolled into a cylinder
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也試了Garlic Frog's Legs, Typhoon Shelter style, garlic croutons & crispy bacon ($95),菜式用的是避風塘的炒法,帶點微微香辣口味,不過始終爆田雞這菜式,還是大排檔做得更有鑊氣及風味啊。
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再吃Tuna Tataki, Seared, Potatoes & Piquillo peppers ($95),吞拿魚用料靚,火候又剛好,簡單調味已經很好吃。吃著這味時,甜魔媽媽唯一的疑問是:這真是平日的serving size嗎?答案是肯定的,因為店內的Tapas是sharing size。那麼,以份量計這裡定價其實很抵食呢!
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Tuna Tataki, Seared, Potatoes & Piquillo peppers
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另外也很欣賞Appetizers中的Rainforest Snails, snails wrapped in spinach ($95),前一晚才吃完焗的田螺,這晚再食菠菜包著慢煮的版本,原來會來得多汁鮮美得多,一件真不夠喉,甜魔媽媽很不客氣極速消滅了兩件。說真的,如此清新又好吃的菜式,吃上半打也不是問題呢!
Rainforest Snails, snails wrapped in spinach
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接著吃Pissaladiere, Mediterranean "pizza" with caramelized onions, anchovies & olives ($85),它最特別是用上酥皮取代薄餅皮,因此食感特別酥脆,而食材中除了香甜的洋蔥味,還帶有鯷魚那鮮濃的咸香味,再加上橄欖的點綴,口味帶有濃濃地中海風情。喜歡鯷魚的,不要錯過呢~
Pissaladiere, Mediterranean ''pizza'' with caramelized onions, anchovies & olives
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最後一款Tapas是Suckling Pig, slowed cooked, crispy skin, zucchini & apple puree ($155),慢煮的乳豬皮脆又肉嫩,調味也恰到好處不會太咸,吃時皮下的脂肪慢慢融化,真令人享受!美食當前,又是不客氣吞下兩件進肚。
Suckling Pig, slowed cooked, crispy skin, zucchini & apple puree
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菜式太豐富關係,又點下一杯由Bombay Gin, Mint, Pineapple, Cucumber組成的Pepino ($90),口味又是十分清新富有蔬果香,不過飲多兩啖開始有點熱... 是時間停一停了~
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甜品前,我們最後試了"Che Che" Ravioli, our interpretation of classic Hong Kong cart noodle ($170),這碗升級車仔麵到底有甚麼秘方?我們慢慢看一看。
''Che Che'' Ravioli, our interpretation of classic Hong Kong cart noodle
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最後來到甜品環節,這是Dessert of the day的Apple Crumble ($75),香甜熱暖的蘋果粒,舖上香口酥脆的crumble粒,再襯以冰凍美味的雲尼拿雪糕,沒有不好吃的道理。再加上清甜好吃的雜莓,更加豐富討喜了。
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另一款甜品Valrhona Chocolate, fondant ($80),朱古力心太軟味道香濃,中間又流心,襯上香甜美味的雲尼拿雪糕,冰火美妙感受,當然又是滿意收貨。
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Valrhona Chocolate, fondant
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最後還參觀了餐廳的室外花園,美麗得有如童話故事中的仙境,迷人之極~ 還有更多的餐廳/酒店細節位都美不勝收,在銅鑼灣/灣仔一帶想找地方飲野、品嚐Tapas,甜魔媽媽會推介這裡。
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最後,其實這裡的平日午市套餐只由$148起,還有$388起的Sunday Brunch也很吸引,有機會甜魔媽媽也會去吃吃看!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
Suckling Pig, slowed cooked, crispy skin, zucchini & apple puree
Rainforest Snails, snails wrapped in spinach
Pissaladiere, Mediterranean ''pizza'' with caramelized onions, anchovies & olives
Valrhona Chocolate, fondant
  • Valrhona Chocolate fondant
  • Suckling Pig slowed cooked crispy skin zucchini & apple puree
  • Rainforest Snails snails wrapped in spinach
  • Pissaladiere Mediterranean ''pizza'' with caramelized onions anchovies & olives
2014-06-02 1893 浏览
 酒店設計結合簡約時尚與及東方優雅的氣派,由名師 Marcel Wanders 及著名的 yoo studio 精心打造,設計概念取材自中秋民間故事「嫦娥奔月」,透過傢俱、中式的布藝及圖案、牡丹花的牆身裝飾、定制的地毯、馬賽克裝飾等,巧妙地以現代手法演繹中國傳統文化。餐廳位於酒店 3 樓,以黑、白為主色調,配以典雅黑色吊燈、中色古典的牡丹花牆身圖案,並以一幅翠綠的植物牆作點綴,伸延至寧靜優雅的 Secret Garden 露天茶座,令滿室生氣盎然。購入了優惠$148一位的三道菜創意午宴 西班牙籍總廚 Guillermo Delavault 特別設計多款創意菜式,部份主要食材均由法國及歐洲等地空運,配合創意烹調突顯矜貴滋味。餐包:這款香草麵包好鬆軟,有少許nuts及橘皮不會苦澀。Seafood Salad 海鮮沙律: 沙律菜新鮮,海鮮只是一塊塊小魷魚片,入口算爽口。Smoked Salmon with Steamed Potato 三文魚配馬鈴薯:三文魚新鮮,馬鈴薯很爽口。三文魚與馬鈴薯中間夾了一層醬,令到兩者很配合,醬不會太膩,底層鋪滿青瓜片作裝飾。Beef Bourguignon 紅
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酒店設計結合簡約時尚與及東方優雅的氣派,由名師 Marcel Wanders 及著名的 yoo studio 精心打造,設計概念取材自中秋民間故事「嫦娥奔月」,透過傢俱、中式的布藝及圖案、牡丹花的牆身裝飾、定制的地毯、馬賽克裝飾等,巧妙地以現代手法演繹中國傳統文化。

餐廳位於酒店 3 樓,以黑、白為主色調,配以典雅黑色吊燈、中色古典的牡丹花牆身圖案,並以一幅翠綠的植物牆作點綴,伸延至寧靜優雅的 Secret Garden 露天茶座,令滿室生氣盎然。

西班牙籍總廚 Guillermo Delavault 特別設計多款創意菜式,部份主要食材均由法國及歐洲等地空運,配合創意烹調突顯矜貴滋味。
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Seafood Salad 海鮮沙律: 沙律菜新鮮,海鮮只是一塊塊小魷魚片,入口算爽口。
Seafood Salad
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Smoked Salmon with Steamed Potato 三文魚配馬鈴薯:三文魚新鮮,馬鈴薯很爽口。三文魚與馬鈴薯中間夾了一層醬,令到兩者很配合,醬不會太膩,底層鋪滿青瓜片作裝飾。
Smoked Salmon with Steamed Potato
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Beef Bourguignon 紅酒炆牛肉: 牛肉用上牛腩位置,炆得入味且好鬆軟,紅酒味道適中不會過濃。
Beef Bourguignon
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Fried Turkey with Seasonal Vegetables 火雞粒炒菜: 火雞肉質尚算嫩滑,雜菜新鮮。紫菜及芝麻的點綴與菜式有點夾夾不入。
Fried Turkey with Seasonal Vegetables
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Chocolate Brownie with Ice Cream朱古力布朗尼配雪糕: 外觀吸引,雖然口感較平時的Brownie鬆散,但Brownie上面鋪滿nuts增加了口感。其中一款雪糕選擇了berries,像雪芭不會太酸,而且味道清新。另一款選擇了Chocolate,味道香濃而不膩,朱古力濃度應該有70%。
Chocolate Brownie with Ice Cream
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Iced Latte/ Iced Leon Tea: Iced Latte 味道偏淡,可能是太多冰吧。
Iced Latte/ Iced Leon Tea
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$148 (午餐)
Smoked Salmon with Steamed Potato
Beef Bourguignon
Chocolate Brownie with Ice Cream
This new restaurant came to our attention due to 2 things:1. nice intro for some of their dishes from one of the writers of U-magazine2. good deals for foods (-20%) and drinks (-50% from 4pm)It is located on the 3rd floor of a boutique hotel (Mira Moon Hotel).  Definitely not a highly visible location in terms of traffic but it would not be that inconvenient to find if you are familar with Wanchai and Causeway Bay.The restaurant was a bit quiet when we arrived at around 6pm.  The menu was quite
This new restaurant came to our attention due to 2 things:
1. nice intro for some of their dishes from one of the writers of U-magazine
2. good deals for foods (-20%) and drinks (-50% from 4pm)

It is located on the 3rd floor of a boutique hotel (Mira Moon Hotel).  Definitely not a highly visible location in terms of traffic but it would not be that inconvenient to find if you are familar with Wanchai and Causeway Bay.

The restaurant was a bit quiet when we arrived at around 6pm.  The menu was quite simple but it is still okay as most dishes are uncommon to the usual spanish restaurants.

2 of us ordered 6 tapas and appetizers:

Chinese Waffle & Serrano Ham - Interesting concept and the waffle tasted good.  However, we do find the combination a bit dry and starchy as the portion of waffle was too much.

Pissaladiere - Taste of this puff style pizza was very good but the portion was too big for just 2.

Typhoon Shelter Garlic Frog Legs - Good concept and the frog legs were very good.  Nevertheless, the small dices of bread were just too much.  It could be very filling if you are taking too much of the bread.

Crispy Slowed Cooked Suckling Pig - It is as good as most other top Spanish restaurants but this should be within expectation.

Rainforest Snails
- It is okay but it would not be of high memory.

Caramali Endive Spoon
- This was pretty refreshing and it is recommended. 

Selection of Spanish wines was a bit weak, only one red being offered by the glass.

Overall, I would consider this as a modern restaurant (not really that Spannish) suitable for dinning with a few friends in a relatively quiet ambient (missing some noisy and happy mood but it would suit those who do not want too many people around) and at reasonable cost per head. Foods are okay but there is room for improvment.  Just hope that they would be able to make themselves more attractive in order to draw better and repeated traffic.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$350 (晚餐)
  • Typhoon Shelther Garlic Frog Legs
  • Caramali Endive Spoon
  • Pissaladiere
2014-02-11 2837 浏览
Initially I was just looking around at the Mira Moon hotel but the Super Giant captivated me.The logo was so well designed.Super Giant is tapas bar with a secret garden open-air terrace.The decor was chic and modern and I loved the black chandeliers.After looking at the menu, it was not that expensive so I dined there.They had these interesting edible cigars which I ordered!!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Bread:I would have liked olive oil and vinegar with the bread but it was served with butter.The herbs i
Initially I was just looking around at the Mira Moon hotel but the Super Giant captivated me.
The logo was so well designed.
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Super Giant is tapas bar with a secret garden open-air terrace.
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The decor was chic and modern and I loved the black chandeliers.
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After looking at the menu, it was not that expensive so I dined there.

They had these interesting edible cigars which I ordered!!
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I would have liked olive oil and vinegar with the bread but it was served with butter.
The herbs in the bread were strong and it had pieces of orange peel in it which gave it a kick of bitterness.
Duck Cigar Havana Style:
As expected, I was wowed by the presentation, they were just like real cigars in a box.
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There was a side of poppy seeds and chili flakes to enhance the taste but the chili flakes were not spicy so they could have been something else.
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On one side of the duck cigars, they were dipped in poppy seed and chili.
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I felt that sauce was needed so asked for ketchup and mustard which complemented it nicely because without the sauce, it was just the taste of duck which got a bit heavy.
The duck meat inside the roll was just like pulled pork and the roll itself with slightly crispy.
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It was lacking smoke because the marketing team said that there was meant to be smoke coming out of it when the box was served and opened infront of you.
I am tempted to try their breakfast but it is hardly unlikely because waking up early takes too much effort.
Price: $8X
Service: OK
Service charge: 10%
Yummy factor: ok
Toilets: yes
Glass of water provided: yes
English Menu: Yes
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)