港铁铜锣湾站 F1 出口, 步行约2分钟
08:00 - 23:30
09:00 - 00:00
09:00 - 00:00
熊大成日嚷住要睇戲,但近排無咩戲熊妹想睇,喜歡睇懸疑驚悚片的熊妹發現有套叫西片《死無對證》淨係係銅記新開的戲院上映,而且每日只有一場,就揀呢套喇。晚上7點幾睇完戲,緊係周圍揾食!食減肥餐食到如火如荼的熊妹今日係可以食牛排🥩,咁就主要揾西餐喇。銅鑼灣街頭行下行下見到《WAA LAH! 》,外表裝修幾潮,而且店內又唔算多人,就試試喇。餐廳入面都幾大,有幾款枱型,分別係2-3人的bar高枱,2-4人的方枱同6-8人的梳化枱,地方夠寬敞,感覺舒服。店員帶到熊大熊妹係一張二人方枱坐低,就遞上餐牌喇。不嬲有選擇困難症的熊妹今次最快ready好叫餐,因為就只揀得肉眼牛排🥩,$155。熊妹要左五成熟,想食腍少少唔好咁鞋。好大一塊喎,好香的牛味,煎得幾夠火喉,外面煎得熟,入面仲係紅肉,五成都預左有少少血水,熊妹接受到喎,不過有少少肥膏,怕肥的熊妹就切走哂佢地喇。另外拌菜仲有幾舊切薯🥔,半個蕃茄🍅同一片菠蘿🍍。全部都有煎過唔係白恰的,菠蘿係新鮮菠蘿再煎香,唔係罐頭菠蘿,有驚喜喎!食完牛肉咁油,蕃茄同菠蘿真係可以解解膩,至於薯仔熊妹就撥哂俾熊大食喇,熊大喜歡肥嘛。而熊大見熊妹据排据得咁過隱,唔執輸點了板燒豬肩,$145,一於齊齊据排。豬肩係用蜜製醬油烹調,好似無牛排咁油膩,煮得好腍好入味,但又不蝕豬肩的爽口,係好唔錯。拌菜就同熊妹的牛排一樣都有齊切薯蕃茄菠蘿。晚餐加$20可以包跟餐沙律🥗或者餐湯同一杯餐飲。熊大話加一份試下,知道熊妹好鐘意食沙律,揀左沙律。其實就係啲沙律菜同幾粒切半的車厘茄,好少沙律汁,所以有啲乾啃。飲品熊妹見個西LAH!紅茶🍹幾得意,就試下。都幾好飲,甜甜地,凍飲都好有茶味,唔錯。其實呢間cafe啲食物款式不少,係銅鑼灣地段價錢都算便宜,而且份量大份,都幾抵食,熊妹會再來支持支持的。
餐廳雖然係銅鑼灣,但因為係內街,所以比較寧靜。餐廳出面個外牆好靚,色彩繽紛,好吸引到人入去。食物價錢合理,小食六十幾、意粉八十幾就有。爆谷雞雞件炸得幾香脆,同甜酸醬好夾個英文菜名好得意 Lollipork棒棒豬用蜜糖海鮮醬燒,甜甜地,個邊燒到燶燶地,好脆口。豬肉好淋,又唔會有好多肥膏,啱晒我!南瓜湯Set Dinner 加$20有湯同餐飲個湯幾香南瓜味又夠熱,唔錯泰式羅勒肉碎扁意粉好香羅勒味,加埋肉碎,好有泰國風味。自己本身都鐘意食硬身既意粉,但都覺得佢呢個硬左些少。整體感覺幾好,環境寧靜,食物味道唔錯,價錢又合理。
星期五要找一間不用排隊的餐廳真難經過白沙道呢間西餐廳竟然唔洗等!點了$198 六杯 自選啤酒,太抵了!330ml一杯另外點了一份肉眼扒$138肉超嫩,味道剛好不用醬汁不過擺盤普通一份肉醬長通粉$80 看似普通,但比想像好吃!擺盤更普通一份雞翼 $68很多隻,全單骨雞翼,偏辣,但香口整體來說價錢算抵!
I never write any review but the bad experience makes me do so! I have been a very loyal customers over the last 3 years (food or drinks at least once a week). Thing happened weeks ago...I had an happy hour with a girl friend and we had 4-5 rounds! My gf drank 1 around faster so we altogether ordered 9 drinks! But the bill said it’s 10 so I asked the manager to check! He changed the bill with an shit face and I was so surprised coz the ex-managers were sooo nice and friendly! Okie and the funny thing was...my gf went there again few days after with her colleagues...and they got shout by the manager! This is not accepted at all!!!! What a shit service and experience!!! Will never go back!!
Started my Friday with 1 hr exercise and headed off to meet a friend for lunch in Causeway. Normally I would eat something light after exercise (something to comfort my mind...haha). The weather is extremely hot this week and I'm losing my appetite. The cafe is comfy and cozy. Lunch menu starting at $55 (plus 10% service charge) is a reasonable price in Lee Garden area. Menu offers variety of selections from salad to pasta to burger to steak and all day breakfast. Chicken Caesar Salad $88Portion of the salad was bigger than I expected. Grilled chicken breast, romaine, bacon, poached egg and Parmesan cheese. I'm not a fan of salad dressing. For me, if I'm looking for a healthy salad...dressing isn't something healthy. I like how this place use the poached egg as a dressing. Bacon is crispy and crunchy. Chicken meat is tender and juicy. Lettuce is fresh. I would recommend this salad to those who want something light and healthy for lunch.