返完一日工~好想食YOGURT~~~今次揀左食尖沙咀o既yogurt bliss~~~o係亞士厘道~如果唔係真係專登想食呢間~都好少會去到....7點左右去到...一個人都無~~間鋪頭好大~燈光光猛~而且係梳化櫈~入到去都幾舒服~好surprise地望到店入面竟然得一個叔叔看鋪~~其實同間鋪頭感覺唔太match~不過叔叔態度親切~而且感覺好自在~我周圍影相佢都無理過我~而且亦可以隨意拎放o係櫃檯o既tissue & mango醬/strawberry醬加落yogurt度~幾體貼~yogurt有兩個size~$28 細+2個topping/$35 大+2個topping~+$3可多一個topping~價錢比其他yorgurt店平~因為就黎食dinner~所以同朋友都係叫左細~今日有yogurt有4隻味揀~原味~blueberry~chocolate~香芋~店員話大size先可以揀mixed~我地細size所以揀左一隻味~藍莓yogurt+oreo+奇異果topping~oreo topping只得黑餅而無cream~碎上~~比yogurt店失色~口感爭d~~~奇異果ok~唔酸~~~份量亦算多~香芋yogurt+pineapple+粟米片topping~pineapple好fresh~唔酸~match埋yogurt食感覺ok~粟米片不過不失~唔錯~~呢度o既yougurt較冰~感覺似雪芭多過yogurt~而且可能係因為叫左BLUEBERRY同香芋味YORGURT~乳酪應有o既酸味唔太出~~不過份量好足~yougurt中間並唔係空心~而係fill滿得~呢個值得一讚~而且店鋪入面有雜誌供應~即使放工自己一個過黎食杯乳酪refresh下都唔怕悶!!!
小學同學話要同我補祝生日, 我又有d野比佢, 咁就去左tst!突然記起呢間non-fat frozen yogurt.....咁就去試下la!!!唔係好難搵.....係地鐵站c1出, 直行右轉行3個街口, 右轉再直行就到!!!!我地2個路痴都搵到6點去到...唔係好多人!有大杯同中杯, 分別係$35&$28, 大杯可以choose two kinds of favour, 但2種size都可以加2種toppings!因為當dinner, 所以我地2個都嗌左大杯ge!我嗌左原味同blueberry加stawberry&kiwi, 而友人就嗌左blueberry同chocolate加stawberry&水蜜桃先講yogurt, 2隻味我都覺得甜左d, 唔係好夠乳酸味!!!!原味奶味好足, 好似食緊ice-cream咁blueberry就好fresh,....可以食到有粒粒種子!正至於toppings都一般, stawberry 好似放左好耐咁, kiwi就有金同綠2樣......幾好幾好!!!而友人ge水蜜桃係from can ge......有小小disappointed!overall, 值得去食ge!p.s 我地2個食左$70蚊, 友人話請客所以一次過比!食完離開後先發現佢找返$70即係buy 1 get 1 free, 仲要慳左$5
有點事要到老尖辦,辦好之後就四圍貢找點輕吃,趁天氣還熱,又試試未吃過的冰乳酪店先,是日的目標就在亞士厘道的Yogurt Bliss,店子是新的,但裝修得麻麻,店員就是一位叔叔及一位嬸嬸,拍多了兩張照片後,叔叔就開始阻止我拍照了,真沒趣。此店有賣冰乳酪,也賣Smoothie,是日一個人就吃杯冰乳酪好了,大的三十五元,細的二十八元,兩者也包兩款Toppings,看來大的多很多,而我個胃在那時是絕對可包容多一點Froyo,所以最後選了杯大的,店家除了有原味之外,另有四款口味的選擇,分別是藍莓、巧克力、芋頭及摩卡味,其實即咖啡味,而Toppings的選擇也不算少,最後選了奇異果及穀物脆脆。個杯都幾夠大,其實夠高身所以份量也挺多,先評一評它們的Toppings,綠色的奇異果一向都是很酸的,但不知為何是日的就一點也不酸,但觀其樣子非常乾身,又不像是漬了糖水,究竟點解?就真的是個謎了;穀物脆脆大大粒,慷慨的下了很多,粒粒都很脆而散出一點麥香,真不錯。當然都是Toppings連乳酪吃是最好,吃一口乳酪,嘩!這相信是本人吃過多次冰乳酪當中最冰的一次,吃起來幾乎是有索索聲,有點如咬破超微細冰粒之感,可是奶香就真的普通,而且也真的不夠酸,也不夠滑,但幸而還算夠挺而黏度足,看來店家的冰乳酪做好了第一個字,但做不好之後的兩個字,但從來兩者其實都有點矛盾,只好說店家的乳酪肯定是低脂吧;至於味道方面,芋頭味的冰乳酪真的挺強芋頭味,而摩卡味的咖啡味不夠濃,吃起來帶點奇怪的酸味,看來如再有機會來,要試試個原味才可評鑑。總括來說都還可以,加上至少夠健康,而且又夠冰,夏天吃確是非常消暑,但店家的服務就真的有長足的進步空間,先不要談不容許拍照這個問題,光是不准食客試吃一兩款味其實已經有點不近人情,如果就鄰店有間Froyo店有得試味,我真的包它衰硬,因為現時大部份的Froyo店,都是有得試味的,拋磚引玉的道理,為何店家不明呢?p.s. 此店的Froyo機竟然要warm up,所以我是等了近五分鐘才有得吃。
我係呢間鋪頭食過好幾次,平時同啲fd行到身水身汗刀會入泥嘆返杯原味~正~我不嬲刀中意d甜品丫,雪糕個d.....呢間d乳酪雪糕幫助腸胃消化又不含脂肪,食多d刀OK~記得第一次泥食,見到有五只乳酪味,自己又心多又想食原味,朱古力同士多啤梨味WO...就問下有冇得試食,點知呢間係有得試食仲比我試左呢三只味...滿足我願望XDDD(其他乳酪店一般刀好少比人試食=^=)呢間舖頭通常有五只味,我次次泥食刀5同味咁~我就中意原味同朱古力味..再講下呢間鋪頭,環境刀好乾淨~簡單設計但令人望起泥刀幾舒服。我同啲fd係附近行街刀會過泥食,佢地比d toppings好大方,又可以免費"支"d醬~有朱古力,士多啤梨同蔗糖醬(我覺得呢間比其他乳酪鋪頭比得鬆手~細杯刀好大杯,28蚊!~)我刀有飲過呢間既"藍苺士多梨啤乳酪飲品',見佢刀比好多藍苺同士多梨啤落去,飲落又真係幾清新。個老闆仲問我地意見,泥過幾次佢地間鋪刀不斷改善~整體泥講我覺得想消暑刀可以去呢度食~^^
I usually came to this street specifically for Pizza Expree or Busan Korean Food, I love the two restaurants so much that I never failed to stuff myself overly much every time. Yogurt Bliss was one of the stores that caught my attention but I never had a chance to try it. Since I love froyo and my froyo race is still going on, today I skipped dinner and went to try their froyo out.Service - To be honest the store was not as hip when compared to other froyo stores in town. it seemed to be very localised, I bet it is opened by native Chinese whose sole purpose is to make a profit, profit and profit. One of the younger waiter was polite and passionate about his job, but not very helpful. I had to rephrase my questions four times before he understood me. (I hope its not my fault.) The elder waiter was impatient and very unhygienic! When I asked the young waiter whether I could taste the froyo flavours, he then went to put on a plastic glove. The elder waiter interrupted abruptly, telling him off about using the plastic glove was a nonsense and went to squeeze the froyo for me. I was a bit shocked by that action. When he handed me the tasting cup, I wanted to refuse as the tip of the froyo was literally touching the dude's index finger! Ew, I immediate lost interest in it. Anyway I do think the younger waiter actually provided a better service than the elder one, and he should be the one to improve.Back to the Froyo - I ordered a small cup ($28) since both the cup sizes include 2 toppings, so no point getting a large one($35). As usual, I chose Original Flavour. For the froyo toppings, there was quite a lor to choose from, I chose biscuit and banana. The topping portion they offered was quite generous, especially the biscuit, which was 2 big chunks! In Yogurt Bliss, you could add Caramel, Strawberry or Chocolate sauce as much as you want at the saucing counter next to the cashier.For the froyo itself, it was rather disastrous. The texture was like soft ice-cream with zero tartiness. Taste wise, it was quite sweet and had no sourness. In Yogurt Bliss, I felt like eating ice-creams rather than eating froyo. What's more, the froyo melted fast.If you really love froyo, I personally reckon Bestberry, Berrygood and Misocool. They are all pretty nice choice.If you are interested in my Froyo Race, you could check my reviews in my personal page Openrice.com or below:-www.cinnamon4coffee.blogspot.com