港铁湾仔站 A1 出口, 步行约5分钟 继续阅读
18:00 - 22:30
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联
自带酒水 详细介绍
电话订座 详细介绍
食记 (22)
I’ve been to Zahrabel many times and this was my first visit after Covid-19. The food was still excellent (I’d forgotten how good it tasted after a few months of social distancing). Service and atmosphere were wonderful, perfect for catching up with family and friends. This place was a wonderful introduction to Lebanese food for someone like me who is used to Chinese cuisine. 继续阅读
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等级1 2020-04-24
878 浏览
While the food is kind of decent, the service at this place is terrible, inexperienced and arrogant waiters.They are always on booking app at 50% off, but even with the discount, I would say don't bother.We were almost alone in the dining room, doesn't seem like they will survive much longer under such business environment 继续阅读
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等级1 2020-02-15
1026 浏览
It was an amazing experience ,the atmosphere and vibe is very warm and welcoming . The food was top notch , had the 6 dishes sharing platter . All the dishes were delicious , they were made with love and care . Would really recommend the Jos mahrouse and Batata harra as an appetizer . All the main course dishes are equally yummy . But personally I loved the chicken elmina and lamb kebabs. They were so juicy and tender. They'd just melt in your mouth . If you are looks for authentic Lebanese good this is the place . I would come here again to try out remaining of the dishes . A very enjoyable experience . The service was fast and the staff was sweet and welcoming .Rate 10/10 继续阅读
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等级3 2019-08-22
2357 浏览
搵食貼士:一定要訂位,仲要留意佢有同個別搵食平台做優惠,分鐘鐘做緊75節添!同事話中西日式都食到悶悶地,難得俾我地搵到間充滿異國風情的餐廳,仲要搵到個勁抵的優惠,於是搵食兵團一行三人即日訂位。12點仲可以訂到1230的位置,真係無得頂。如果即慶飯局,又有一定人數,可以考慮。先講環境,可能都係特別小小的菜式,所以客人唔多。除咗我地仲有2枱客人,所以我地同其他客人有一定距離,呢點真係唔錯。因為有時講吓八卦嘢都唔使咁尷尬。氣氛同佈置都一流,好靜,而且佈好有中東風情。跟住係服務,雖然我地用訂位平台訂訂位,又係食set lunch (set lunch都有折),但係都好好服務,上菜速度快,而且樂於回答問題,真係好好。跟住講食物,我地三個人叫咗三個餐,有串燒羊肉,串燒雞肉同乳酪雞肉。我只食咗串燒羊,雖然燒得好深色,但真係唔係燒焦咗!唔使驚串燒每份兩條,大約一隻筷子咁長。再跟一碟沙律拼鷹咀豆泥拼比得包及falafel。單尾有甜品同mint tea 或中東式咖啡。由頭盤到甜品都好有質素,沙律新鮮,炸fafel唔油膩。甜品唔太甜,而且好脆。我選咗mint tea 好香唔係茶包茶,同事的咖啡香之餘仲勁提神。總括嚟講係十分好的用餐體驗,但係佢一定要你入會,如果你係好講私隱,唔想俾資料人,就要諗過啦。 继续阅读
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等级3 2019-05-27
1845 浏览
Saturday dinner. Just cutting the laziness and going away from Central to dine, I looked up on Eatigo and Zahrabel in Wanchai popped up with a 50% discount. And it was booked. Middle Eastern, Lebanese is a fool-proof pick always.I didn't read the fine print to realize until they told us that it was only the sharing menus for the Eatigo discount. The good part was that they didn't charge the child.You have options to select 4, 6, 8 or 10 dishes and it could be a mix and match from any sections - the hot, the cold, the entrees.We did the usual hummus, baba ganoush, falafel, their nut dip. Besides the usual, we did the Arnabit Batata b’il Tahini - which was seasoned crispy cauliflower florets and spiced potatoes in a rich tahini sauce and a Vegetarian Fousulieh - a hearty and robust Lebanese bean stew, served with Lebanese rice.The hummus, baba ganoush and their nut dip were all good. Their falafels - which they only got two - were probably the best-tasting falafels in Hong Kong and one of the best I've eaten, ever. The aromatics were better than any I've had.My only question to the restaurant or the hospitality industry here - I understand you're portioning it for two, which means one for each (which by default wasn't enough), but you know there's a kid on the table. Would it break your bank if you served three pieces of falafels instead of two?I'm a fan of well seasoned foods, extra seasoned foods, but the Arnabit Batata b’il Tahini felt a bit too much for me. Or that, sided with labne or cacik might've made it perfect by cutting through the herbs and spices of the cauliflower and the potatoes.The bean stew was primarily red and light brown kidney beans. Seasoned to perfection. The rice and vermicelli could've been a bit more crunchier, but no complains there.Overall, the portions were quite little, I thought. But I the flavours were spot on. The presentations were great!Coffee or tea and mini desserts are included in the tasting menu and they were great too. Especially that muddy, spiced coffee.My arak based cocktail was cloyingly sweet with the date syrup. I'm not sure if they used too much of the syrup or paired it with the sweeter version of the arak, but it was too sweet for me. And I don't say that often. But if there's anything anise based, I got to have it. Kesak! 继续阅读
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