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跑马地街角既呢间餐厅不算起眼🍴原来来头不少😱大厨系名厨Robuchon 弟子👨🏼🍳 将意式风味更上一层楼 提升到更精致更Exquisite既味道🥰 店子不大 但很舒适😚 低调的餐厅有著酒店的质素⭐️ Bread Basket 🥖来点面包作开始 🍞 松软而不失麦香⭐️ Amuse Bouche 芝士同火腿🥓既咸鲜互相映衬 💫配上豌豆蓉的清新感很Fresh🌱⭐️ Burrata Cheese with trio of Tomatoes, Baby Lettuce, Anchovies and Capuliatu 🧀很传统的意大利Starter 😚 看似平凡但每一个元素只有一个字:鲜😍 Burrata Cheese十分滑 蕃茄好似啱啱系温室直送咁鲜嫩🍅⭐️ Pan fried Mediterranean Octopus with Chorizo, Dry Red Pepperoni and Baby Spinach 🐙八爪鱼肉质好鲜嫩爽口😊 调味唔会太多 香肠既咸香将海鲜味更画龙点睛🧡⭐️ Hokkaido Sea Urchin Risotto with Fresh Wasabi and Chive
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⭐️ Bread Basket 🥖
来点面包作开始 🍞 松软而不失麦香
Amuse Bouche
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⭐️ Amuse Bouche
芝士同火腿🥓既咸鲜互相映衬 💫配上豌豆蓉的清新感很Fresh🌱
Burrata Cheese with trio of Tomatoes, Baby Lettuce, Anchovies and Capuliatu
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⭐️ Burrata Cheese with trio of Tomatoes, Baby Lettuce, Anchovies and Capuliatu 🧀
很传统的意大利Starter 😚 看似平凡但每一个元素只有一个字:鲜😍 Burrata Cheese十分滑 蕃茄好似啱啱系温室直送咁鲜嫩🍅
Pan fried Mediterranean Octopus with Chorizo, Dry Red Pepperoni and Baby Spinach
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⭐️ Pan fried Mediterranean Octopus with Chorizo, Dry Red Pepperoni and Baby Spinach 🐙
八爪鱼肉质好鲜嫩爽口😊 调味唔会太多 香肠既咸香将海鲜味更画龙点睛🧡
Hokkaido Sea Urchin Risotto with Fresh Wasabi and Chives
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⭐️ Hokkaido Sea Urchin Risotto with Fresh Wasabi and Chives 💛
不单有丰富既海胆 🌊Risotto真材实料🍚都每一口都充满浓浓的海胆鲜味😍 意式既煮法令海胆更Creamy 包围每一粒米粒
Pan-fried Iberico Pork Neck with Trio of Endive in Balsamic flavor and Mashed Potato
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⭐️ Pan-fried Iberico Pork Neck with Trio of Endive in Balsamic flavor and Mashed Potato 🥓
猪肉鲜嫩🥩煎到油分好香而且唔会太肥 Endive既味道比较独特🥬可以中和猪肉既油脂
Tiramisu Served in Tumbler Glass with Coffee Ice
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⭐️ Tiramisu Served in Tumbler Glass with Coffee Ice ☕️
大厨自创既Tiramisu 食法好有创意😍 Tiramisu 好香浓而Creamy🍰 咖啡冰沙既浓好似饮紧Espresso 少少既苦涩令甜品变得更有层次🤗
Petit Fours
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⭐️ Petit Fours 🍪
用轻巧既甜点点缀今晚既晚餐🥂 同样十分有水准