7 浏览
如果价钱等于服务加食物,甘样我可以俾合格讲真,食物质素真系唔错,但系佢地D Service就真系衰过茶餐厅话说,我家四个人cheap哩用圉购食晏, 佢上完D餐前面包之后我阿妈唔想食 olive oil and vinegar, 所以问waiter A 攞 butter点知waiter A话 : 我地餐厅无牛油架㖞我阿爸越坐越唔高兴,就问waiter B, 点解西式餐厅可以无牛油架呢? 点知waiter B好串甘话: 你想要咪出声啰未几, waiter B 就喺 Kitchen 附近?左D独立包装?牛油上?遏左一阵,D餐前Salad开始嚟喇, 四个人四个set lunch三个salad两个唔同size算,main course 两个猪柳一个pasta一个risotto竟然两个猪柳食完, 个pasta同risotto可以仲未到Finally, 忍无可忍揾经理见到个著唔同颜色衫嘅waitress, 上前问佢系咪 Restaurant Manager佢话系,问多两问,原来是 Restaurant Assistant Manager算, 同佢讲件事, 佢就话 Waiter A 唔知牛油番左货好,
讲真,食物质素真系唔错,但系佢地D Service就真系衰过茶餐厅
话说,我家四个人cheap哩用圉购食晏, 佢上完D餐前面包之后我阿妈唔想食 olive oil and vinegar, 所以问waiter A 攞 butter
点知waiter A话 : 我地餐厅无牛油架㖞
我阿爸越坐越唔高兴,就问waiter B, 点解西式餐厅可以无牛油架呢?
点知waiter B好串甘话: 你想要咪出声啰
未几, waiter B 就喺 Kitchen 附近?左D独立包装?牛油上?
遏左一阵,D餐前Salad开始嚟喇, 四个人四个set lunch
算,main course 两个猪柳一个pasta一个risotto
竟然两个猪柳食完, 个pasta同risotto可以仲未到
Finally, 忍无可忍揾经理
见到个著唔同颜色衫嘅waitress, 上前问佢系咪 Restaurant Manager
佢话系,问多两问,原来是 Restaurant Assistant Manager
算, 同佢讲件事, 佢就话 Waiter A 唔知牛油番左货
好, 两个问题, 第一,无货同餐厅无牛油系两回事. 第二,开档前 Manager 唔会 briefing D waiter 有咩缺货同番左货? 一系
个 AM 失职, 一系讲大话维护个 waiter
都算, 上左佢地 website (http://www.oceanna.com.hk/html/2007/contactus.htm) 写comment
什么fine dining 嘅 restaurant 来的? 可能只怪自己用团购
讲下D 食物
Minestrone Soup - OK, nothing surprising
Roasted Pork Fillet with Ham & Cheese - 猪柳入味而松软
Tuna and Mushroom Penne (changed from Fusilli) - Creamy and fresh, 又唔腻
Mushroom Risotto - Again, creamy and fresh, but sauce not the same as the penne, but the risotto was cooked a little too soft
总括嚟讲, for a fine dining restaurant, the service is just totally unacceptable, but the food is more than ok.
But for a tasting menu to attract me to go again, I WILL NOT even consider this place.