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特制玉子腐皮寿司 $22Egg Tofu Sushi上面舖左满满一层嘅蛋🥚 口感有别于一般嘅炒蛋,因为用左慢熟嘅技巧,变的有颗粒感,有丰富嘅层次感🥰 佢地都加左牛奶入去煮,所以每啖都食到浓郁嘅牛奶香🥛 下面有一大旧已经加左饭素同埋醋嘅白饭,所以味道绝对唔会太单一😇 出面包左一块厚薄适中嘅腐皮,虽然豆味唔系好出,但系配埋饭同配料就好match👏🏼The thick and plump layer on the top is not like your usual scrambled eggs. They used a slow cooker method by heating the pan at just the right amount of temperature, so there will be tiny particles within the smooth egg, bringing a whole new texture. They’ve also used fresh milk in the egg, so each bite you take will also br
Egg Tofu Sushi
上面舖左满满一层嘅蛋🥚 口感有别于一般嘅炒蛋,因为用左慢熟嘅技巧,变的有颗粒感,有丰富嘅层次感🥰 佢地都加左牛奶入去煮,所以每啖都食到浓郁嘅牛奶香🥛
下面有一大旧已经加左饭素同埋醋嘅白饭,所以味道绝对唔会太单一😇 出面包左一块厚薄适中嘅腐皮,虽然豆味唔系好出,但系配埋饭同配料就好match👏🏼
The thick and plump layer on the top is not like your usual scrambled eggs. They used a slow cooker method by heating the pan at just the right amount of temperature, so there will be tiny particles within the smooth egg, bringing a whole new texture. They’ve also used fresh milk in the egg, so each bite you take will also bring a waft of milk aroma into your mouth.
The huge block of rice at the bottom has been flavoured with seaweed, furikake and vinegar. The fried tofu on the outside had just the right satisfying thickness, and even though it didn’t quite bring much bean flavour, it was a perfect match with the filling.
辣炒八爪鱼腐皮寿司 $32
Spicy Octopus Tofu Sushi
辣炒八爪鱼系佢地新出嘅,menu唔会有😎 八爪鱼被切成粒状,但依然保持到烟靭嘅口感🤪 酱汁味道似系平时系韩国餐见到嘅甜辣酱🌶️ 辣味唔会太呛口,只会有微辣嘅后劲😉
This new item is basically like a Korean version of spicy octopus. The octopus tentacles has been cut into small chunks, but still was able to maintain its chewiness. The sauce tastes like the usual Korean sweet and spicy sauce. It wasn’t too hot to handle, and it only brought a slight spicy sensation at the very end.