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好多东南亚餐馆都有鸡饭但印尼嘅我第一次试....入面都几企嚟,而且都唔系净系得放假嘅印佣会去,几多香港人吓班兰鸡尖塔饭 ❤️ ($68)评分:7/10.对于呢个绿色嘅饭心存好奇 😀 呢个饭味道亦都唔伏,甜甜哋咁似椰浆饭~ 😉 平时见椰浆饭都系配辣酱多 (nasi lemak),怕太辣食唔到。呢个配鸡嘅完全唔晒担心呢个问题。不过鸡嘅方面就真系冇乜特别。尖塔饭比平日饭碗型嘅碟头饭份量少,其实谂落呢个饭都卖得都偏贵。午市时段应该会抵食啲。班兰沙冰 ❤️ ($42)评分:6/10.从来都冇见过班兰沙冰 🤔,原本以为有午市优惠(+$10) 先拣,但原来要正价就实在唔值喇 😓 虽然系几大杯,但味道实在太甜太假喇 😥 香精度太高。早知就叫牛油果沙冰唉I've never tried Indonesian style chicken rice but I'm especially drawn to this one because of the pandan flavored non-spicy nasi lemak rice 😋 it's served in a whacky shape of an i
班兰鸡尖塔饭 ❤️ ($68)
对于呢个绿色嘅饭心存好奇 😀 呢个饭味道亦都唔伏,甜甜哋咁似椰浆饭~ 😉 平时见椰浆饭都系配辣酱多 (nasi lemak),怕太辣食唔到。呢个配鸡嘅完全唔晒担心呢个问题。不过鸡嘅方面就真系冇乜特别。尖塔饭比平日饭碗型嘅碟头饭份量少,其实谂落呢个饭都卖得都偏贵。午市时段应该会抵食啲。
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班兰沙冰 ❤️ ($42)
从来都冇见过班兰沙冰 🤔,原本以为有午市优惠(+$10) 先拣,但原来要正价就实在唔值喇 😓 虽然系几大杯,但味道实在太甜太假喇 😥 香精度太高。早知就叫牛油果沙冰唉
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I've never tried Indonesian style chicken rice but I'm especially drawn to this one because of the pandan flavored non-spicy nasi lemak rice 😋 it's served in a whacky shape of an inverted cylinder and its actually pretty nice - somewhat sweet with a distinct pandan flavor that pops up briefly 😆 chicken is subpar though, and so was the pandan slushie - I can taste of nothing other than this intoxicating artificial sweetness 😅 that belongs more to flavourings than pandan leaves.