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上次去食丼灜𠮶阵见到隔离嘅壹.01有好多人帮衬,所以今日决定过黎试下😎 呢间系由四位青少年开创嘅小店,而店名嘅意思就系希望每日可以进步0.1%,睇得出佢地好有上进心💪🏼 呢到主打台湾菜,除左卤肉饭之外仲有唔少夜市小时同手摇饮料,而且价钱非常亲民🥰This restaurant specialises in Taiwanese food and drinks, which was opened by 4 youngsters. 香葱紫菜手撕鸡饭 $57Scallion and Seaweed Hand Shredded Chicken Rice 手撕鸡嘅份量超多,铺满晒成碗咁济🥴 肉质嫩滑,配埋紫菜丝、咸菜同酸菜一齐食非常惹味🤤 上面仲加左唔少嘅青瓜丝令口感提升,同时添加清新嘅感觉🥒There was a heap of shredded chicken, mixed with seaweed and pickles which made it very savoury. There were also cucumber slices to freshen up the palette.
This restaurant specialises in Taiwanese food and drinks, which was opened by 4 youngsters.
香葱紫菜手撕鸡饭 $57
Scallion and Seaweed Hand Shredded Chicken Rice
手撕鸡嘅份量超多,铺满晒成碗咁济🥴 肉质嫩滑,配埋紫菜丝、咸菜同酸菜一齐食非常惹味🤤 上面仲加左唔少嘅青瓜丝令口感提升,同时添加清新嘅感觉🥒
There was a heap of shredded chicken, mixed with seaweed and pickles which made it very savoury. There were also cucumber slices to freshen up the palette.
邪恶蛋之恋 $39
Taiwanese Egg Pancake
呢个系台湾嘅名物,即叫即整,上台时仲热辣辣🔥 出面嘅面皮煎得焦香酥脆,里面有一层薄薄嘅蛋浆同绵密嘅芋泥🤩 加埋咸香十足嘅肉松另味道更开胃👅
The freshly made egg pancakes were fried till the outer was crispy. The inner consisted of mellow taro paste and pork floss.
台北夜市小食拼盘 $39
Taipei Night Market Assortment
台湾肠、炸花枝丸同埋盐酥鸡都系夜市中嘅必点小食👍🏼 虽然有好多炸嘢,但完全唔觉得油腻😚 我最钟意就系盐酥鸡,咬嘅脆口嘅外皮之后里面肉汁饱满,令我食唔停口😜
There were Taiwanese sausage, cuttlefish balls and fried chicken. Although most were fried, they weren’t too oily.
秘制厚切蜜汁猪扒 $38
Thick Cut Honey Pork Chop
餐厅嘅推介菜色果然有料到👏🏼 外面嘅粉浆只是薄薄一层,所以食落好香脆,唔会太油腻😌 猪扒肉质软嫩,上面嘅蜜糖同芝麻可以更加带出鲜甜嘅味道😋
This is one of their recommended dishes. The fried batter was thin and crunchy, and the meat was very tender, with hints of sweetness from the honey.
饮品叫左黑糖珍珠鲜奶 ($40),黑糖味特出但略嫌珍珠淋左啲啲🤏🏼 豆奶 ($13)味道浓郁,口感顺滑🥛
Brown Sugar Bubble Milk Tea was strong in brown sugar flavour, but I wish the bubbles were chewier. Soy Milk however was very smooth and silky, with pronounced soy bean aroma.