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呢度嘅煲仔饭即叫即整,等咗大概20分钟,来到香喷喷,真系好正!最重要系食到底劲多脆卜卜饭焦🤩整体来讲,嚟咗呢度食几次嘅结论系,呢度嘅但真系做得好出色,总之有蛋嘅野都唔会差得去边~好似午餐有嘅叉烧滑蛋饭,或者见好多人都识嘅三眼仔叉烧饭等等。不过茶餐啊特餐啊𠮶啲通粉就冇咩特别!.Winter and Claypot rice 🍚 match made in heaven 👼 if you love claypot rice, u are in for a treat 😊 they make them only when u order so there is at least a 20 minute wait 😋 but trust me its worth it! my favourite part has to be the scrapping the crunchy bits stuck on the bottom of the pot 🤤 so DAMN good! overall, after coming here a few times, the food here is g
Winter and Claypot rice 🍚 match made in heaven 👼 if you love claypot rice, u are in for a treat 😊 they make them only when u order so there is at least a 20 minute wait 😋 but trust me its worth it! my favourite part has to be the scrapping the crunchy bits stuck on the bottom of the pot 🤤 so DAMN good! overall, after coming here a few times, the food here is great 👍 and the prices are amazing as well! expect a bit of a wait when u come tho
《咸蛋肉饼煲仔饭》$72 😋😋😋
《姜醋鲜鲩鱼煲仔饭》$72 😋😋
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