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法国海盐烤牛骨髓配酸种面包 -呢度菜比较特别,因为佢系用一啲好似蚊香嘅嘢一路烧住上碟。牛骨髓烤至金黄,搭配海盐的咸香。酸种面包的酥脆外壳非常适合用来沾取骨髓。-嫩炒八抓鱼 - 八抓鱼肉鲜嫩,食落去好似系生嘅一样,有柠檬汁点缀增添了酸味,使整道菜更加开胃。仲有车厘茄、橄榄、洋葱陪衬。-黑松露薯蓉(v) - 薯蓉绵滑细腻,黑松露香气弥漫,让这道素食菜品更具奢华感。-法式烩羊肉 - 食到呢度真系有啲食唔到个羊肉,因为实在系太大份。今次呢个羊肉系超级腍。羊肉经过长时间烩煮,肉质软嫩入味,汤汁醇厚,搭配时令萝卜粟米西兰花。整体风味层次丰富,让人感受到法国料理的精髓。杏脯挞配开心果雪葩 - 杏脯挞食落去嘅时候一啲都唔记得咗呢个系杏脯,第一次食杏脯挞。果香四溢,感觉有啲酸味,开心果雪葩就甜。感觉味道有层次。Today, I went to a restaurant in Sheung Wan with my friends for dinner, and I recorded some funny moments. You all can listen to it! 😂Frenc
- 八抓鱼肉鲜嫩,食落去好似系生嘅一样,有柠檬汁点缀增添了酸味,使整道菜更加开胃。仲有车厘茄、橄榄、洋葱陪衬。
- 薯蓉绵滑细腻,黑松露香气弥漫,让这道素食菜品更具奢华感。
- 食到呢度真系有啲食唔到个羊肉,因为实在系太大份。今次呢个羊肉系超级腍。羊肉经过长时间烩煮,肉质软嫩入味,汤汁醇厚,搭配时令萝卜粟米西兰花。整体风味层次丰富,让人感受到法国料理的精髓。
- 杏脯挞食落去嘅时候一啲都唔记得咗呢个系杏脯,第一次食杏脯挞。果香四溢,感觉有啲酸味,开心果雪葩就甜。感觉味道有层次。
Today, I went to a restaurant in Sheung Wan with my friends for dinner, and I recorded some funny moments. You all can listen to it! 😂
French Sea Salt Baked Bone Marrow with Sourdough Bread
- The dish is quite special because it is served with something that looks like an incense stick burning on the plate. The bone marrow is baked to a golden brown and seasoned with sea salt, which adds a savory flavor. The crispy crust of the sourdough bread is perfect for dipping into the marrow.
Stir-fried Octopus
- The octopus is tender and tastes almost raw, drizzled with lemon juice that adds a nice acidity, making the dish more appetizing. It’s accompanied by cherry tomatoes, olives, and onions.
Black Truffle Mashed Potatoes (v)
- The mashed potatoes are creamy and delicate, with the aroma of black truffles wafting through, giving this vegetarian dish a luxurious touch.
French Braised Lamb
- At this point, I found it hard to finish the lamb because the portion was just too big. This lamb is incredibly tender. It has been braised for a long time, making the meat soft and flavorful, with a rich broth paired with seasonal radishes, corn, and broccoli. The overall flavor profile is rich and layered, allowing one to experience the essence of French cuisine.
Apricot Tart with Pistachio Sorbet
- When I tasted the apricot tart, I completely forgot it was made with apricots; it was my first time trying an apricot tart. The fruity aroma is abundant with a slight tartness, while the pistachio sorbet is sweet. The combination offers a layered flavor