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全日温泉海南鸡饭餐 $58All Day Onsen Hainanese Chicken Rice 除左包前菜同埋汤,海南鸡仲有得拣要鸡翼/鸡胸/鸡髀/鸡柳等,想食咩就嗌咩😙 This set includes an appetiser, soup, Hainanese chicken rice which they provided with many various parts to choose from, wings/breast/drumstick/tenders etc.无味精靓汤MSG Free Soup 是日无味精汤系椰子鸡汤🥥清爽嘅椰子汤头配上油脂丰富嘅鸡精一定无得输😁 饮落甘甜,止渴一流👍🏼Today’s soup is a coconut chicken soup, a combination of fresh coconut juice and chicken broth. The essence of chicken was boiled into the broth, making it super sweet and umami. 酱油小黄瓜Cucumbe
All Day Onsen Hainanese Chicken Rice
This set includes an appetiser, soup, Hainanese chicken rice which they provided with many various parts to choose from, wings/breast/drumstick/tenders etc.
MSG Free Soup
是日无味精汤系椰子鸡汤🥥清爽嘅椰子汤头配上油脂丰富嘅鸡精一定无得输😁 饮落甘甜,止渴一流👍🏼
Today’s soup is a coconut chicken soup, a combination of fresh coconut juice and chicken broth. The essence of chicken was boiled into the broth, making it super sweet and umami.
Cucumbers in Soy Sauce
用酱油腌制嘅小黄瓜食落清脆爽口🥒 可惜咸左少少,要配饭食先中和返啲🙈
Crunchy cucumber bits were soaked in soy sauce, which made the dish a little too salty in my opinion. You might need to add some rice with that.
Chicken Wing, Chicken Breast, Drumstick + Oil Rice
点解呢间嘅海南鸡饭可以咁出名?原来老板工作自己研发嘅机器去控制煮鸡嘅时间同温度🌡️ 保证每份鸡肉都达到极致质素😌 无论系边个部位都非常嫩滑,连鸡胸都一啲都唔鞋😍 香饭有丰富嘅鸡油香,但落唔觉油腻,配埋鸡肉一起食就最正😋 隔离仲有三色汁,如果食食下觉得味道太单一就可以蘸埋啲酱一齐食,味道变得更有层次,唔经唔觉就食晒成碗🥣
The reason for why the Hainanese chicken from this shop is so famous is because the owner has invented his own machine which controls and regulates the time and temperature needed to cook chicken to its optimal form. No matter which part you choose (even the chicken breast), it was very tender and juicy. The oil rice had a slight aroma of chicken oil, but it wasn’t too heavy at all. If you want to add some different flavours, they provided a three coloured dipping sauce to spice up the dish even more.