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香港首间新派德菜餐厅,上年5月先开业,装修轻奢简约。大厨Peter Find系德国人,Heimat就系家乡嘅意思,主打精致德国家乡菜。餐厅根本上只做tasting menu,六道菜嘅「chef’s story」可按照个人需求,更替个别菜式嘅食材,更加提供素食version。6-course vegetarian menu (1080$)Rote Beete und Gurke (Beetroot, Cucumber Salad)Fruhling Erbsensuppe (Spring Pea Soup, Confit Cherry Tomato)Koenigsberger Klopse (Omni-Pork Dumpling, Capers, Gherkins)Kraut and Paprika (Braised Cabbage, Red Bell Pepper, Goulash Spices)Kohlrabi und Kartoffel (Kohlrabi, Roasted Potatoes)Birne Vanille und Mandel Milch (Poached Pear,
6-course vegetarian menu (1080$)
Rote Beete und Gurke (Beetroot, Cucumber Salad)
Fruhling Erbsensuppe (Spring Pea Soup, Confit Cherry Tomato)
Koenigsberger Klopse (Omni-Pork Dumpling, Capers, Gherkins)
Kraut and Paprika (Braised Cabbage, Red Bell Pepper, Goulash Spices)
Kohlrabi und Kartoffel (Kohlrabi, Roasted Potatoes)