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在上环工作前的简单早餐, 就来到诸胜堂这港式茶餐厅, 也是传统的常餐作为主打, 就是汤意粉, 面包和炒蛋, 再加一杯港式冻奶茶, 就是一个不会太差的早上. 这里的汤意粉主角不是意粉, 也不是配料的猪肉肠和蟹柳丝, 而是比一般茶餐厅更有诚意的汤底, 不是味精水, 也不是罐头汤, 而是猪骨汤再加上忌廉, 学起来没有其他的口干感, 带点咸香和顺滑口感, 也算是有诚意.炒蛋蛋香够, 应该是用上日本蛋炒起的, 同样是炒得够滑, 但没有下很多的忌廉, 比较真实. 猪仔包也是吃过的茶餐厅比较高质素的, 够烫够脆, 焦位不多不少, 再加上刚刚好的奶酱, 整件事就是一个Good morning.Katsudo is a Hong Kong-style tea restaurant where you can have a simple breakfast before work. Their specialty is traditional meals like soup noodles, bread, and scrambled eggs, served with a cup of iced milk
炒蛋蛋香够, 应该是用上日本蛋炒起的, 同样是炒得够滑, 但没有下很多的忌廉, 比较真实. 猪仔包也是吃过的茶餐厅比较高质素的, 够烫够脆, 焦位不多不少, 再加上刚刚好的奶酱, 整件事就是一个Good morning.
Katsudo is a Hong Kong-style tea restaurant where you can have a simple breakfast before work. Their specialty is traditional meals like soup noodles, bread, and scrambled eggs, served with a cup of iced milk tea. The soup noodles have a more sincere and tasty soup base, made with pork bone and cream. The scrambled eggs are made with Japanese eggs and have a smooth texture without too much cream. The pork bun is also of high quality, with a crispy and hot exterior and a perfect amount of condensed milk. Overall, it‘s a good morning here.