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住新界的我,对于九龙城真的特别不熟悉,若不是朋友邀约,便会错过了这开业不久的 一禅 NIZEN。店面虽然不大,但装潢走日系文青路线,塌塌米小茶室,更添日系风格。食物选择不算多,最喜欢一定是「日式烤野菜咖哩配椰菜花饭」,首先是椰菜花饭不是一般白饭,已经够特别了,而且咖哩配椰菜花饭原来很搭,很开胃!冷盘「麻酱椰菜卷」也非常推介,椰菜卷里包裹著牛蒡,原本以为会较清淡,但配上麻酱,整道菜马上升华了不少!另外,一定要试试他们自家烘焙的纯素蛋糕,极力推荐「伯爵花茶黑莓蛋糕」,这个真的是必吃!新品「黑芝麻豆腐蛋糕」也不错吃呢!饮品方面,比起主食更多选择,而且每款听上去都很吸引,但是喝起来味道偏淡,可以问店家要糖呢!另外,我原本很期待「青柠螺丝粉沙律」,因为很喜欢吃螺丝粉,但有小小失望,吃起来偏硬。整体来说,算是不错的体验,而且环境舒适,可以约三五知己来享受一下~I am really unfamiliar with Kowloon City because I live in the New Territories. If I were not invited by my friends, I wo
I am really unfamiliar with Kowloon City because I live in the New Territories. If I were not invited by my friends, I would miss this newly opened veg cafe - 一禅 NIZEN. Although the storefront is not large, the decoration is more like a japanese style, especially there is a Ta-ta-mi small tea room.
There are not many food choices. The favorite must be "Curry w/ vegetables". First, it is the broccoli flower rice not ordinary white rice. Very special, and tastes very good. It is also very appetizing! The cold dish "Cabbage Rolls" is also very recommended. It is wrapped with burdock. I thought the taste would be lighter, but with the sesame sauce, the whole dish tastes a lot better! In addition, be sure to try their home-baked vegan cakes, highly recommend the "Earl Grey Blackberry Cake", this is really a must-eat! The new cake "Black Sesame Tofu Cake" is also delicious!
In terms of drinks, there are more choices than main food, and they all sound very attractive, but the taste is not strong enough, you can ask the staff for sugar! In addition, I was originally looking forward to the "Italian Pasta w/ Lime Sauce", but there is a little disappointment. Overall, it is a good experience, and the environment is comfortable, you can enjoy it with your good friends~
日式烤野菜咖哩配椰菜花饭 HKD 68
Curry w/ vegetables
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麻酱椰菜卷 Cabbage Rolls HKD 60
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伯爵花茶黑莓蛋糕 HKD 50
Earl Grey Blackberry Cake
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黑芝麻豆腐蛋糕 HKD 50
Black Sesame Tofu Cake
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青柠螺丝粉沙律 HKD 70
Italian Pasta w/ Lime Sauce
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