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先讲食物再讲服务。呢间餐厅我去过几次架啦,今次有朋友系外国返黎所以去呢道食,贪佢个酒桶好坐,易倾偈。点知咁失望。deep fried camembert cheese with wildberry sauce - 呢个几推介,d wild berry sauce 加埋 芝士 超夹。(留意:camembert cheese本身几味道未必个个钟意)Highly recommended the camembert cheese, it goes really well with the wildberry sauce. thuringian sausage - 普普通通 - 一般猪肉肠,无特别骚。薯都算滑。overall it was ok, nothing really excited should be expected. spaghetti with clams in garlic, chilli and olive oil - 一个字 - 咸 !!!! unfortunately this dish was really salty, i hope they didn't do i
Highly recommended the camembert cheese, it goes really well with the wildberry sauce.
overall it was ok, nothing really excited should be expected.
unfortunately this dish was really salty, i hope they didn't do it on purpose so that we can consume more alcohol.
Really disappointed with this dish, it was raw.
后记 Remarks:
(Long story short - I was really disappointed with the way they deal with the whole situation of the raw dish, not only they refused to make us a new plate, instead they just took the left over 1/3 of the dish back and microwaved it. they also insisted we have to pay for the dish initially, not until we told them the other 2/3 that was on our small plates were raw too they then took those plates in and reheat it and bring it back out as 1 dish and we never touched the dish since they brought it out. Then they offered us free drinks, but we wouldnt take the offer, told them we wont be paying, then they cancelled the order for us. )
碟 risotto一上枱我地就分咗 2/3 落我地 d碟仔到,点知食落系跟本未煮熟。咁咪同 d staff讲啰,之后佢收返净返系原本个碟个 1/3 入去。过咗 10 分钟到罗返个 1/3 出黎话帮我地整返熟 (感觉系 叮过,问佢 佢口快话系 之后话唔清楚厨房点处理). 咁我地问佢点解唔系煮过碟啦,得返 1/3? 佢话厨房唔会煮过,咁我地话咁你呢碟收半价呀??佢话无d咁既规举。咁即系点?钱要俾足,食物得返 1/3 仲要系叮熟。
之后我个friend问咁其余系我地碟个 2/3 呢? 佢话我地净系指原碟个 1/3 未熟。点呀?用 common sense都知生就系成碟都生la !! 之后我个朋友有 d唔耐烦叫佢咁你张我地个 2 碟都罗入去整熟佢。佢竟然最后张 2 碟倒返埋一碟 叮返熟出黎。 咁我地无食啦 .. the waitress 过咗几个字仲问我地点解唔食?系咪唔开心 ? 我地话无唔开心 因为呢碟野我地唔会俾钱,佢话唔得 最多可以请我地饮野。我个刻已经唔想再食/饮佢间店舖任何野。所以坚持 最后佢都 cancelled the order.
我想讲 d waitress系好nice, 我唔知佢点同厨房沟通,但系都要有common sense 成件事handle 得好差.