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今晚同朋友去了食中菜☺️☺️怀旧灌汤饺这饺子很特别,以其薄皮和丰富的汤汁而闻名。饺子皮柔韧,咬下去能感受到汤汁瞬间爆发的鲜美,口感层次分明。焗叉烧包焗叉烧包的外皮酥脆,内馅则是香甜的叉烧肉,肉质软嫩。特色在于焗烤的过程,使得包子表面形成一层金黄的脆皮,与内馅的柔软形成对比。蒜蓉粉丝蒸鲜鱿粉丝吸收了蒜蓉的香气,蒸制后的鱿鱼肉质鲜嫩,搭配粉丝,让整道菜品充满海鲜的鲜味和蒜香。XO酱炒肠粉肠粉的滑嫩与XO酱的香辣相互融合,让人食欲大增。这道菜适合喜欢重口味的食客,搭配一些青菜,平衡了口味的厚重感。韭菜金钱蟹盒韭菜的清香与蟹肉的鲜甜相结合,包裹在酥脆的外壳中。每一口都能感受到蟹肉的鲜美以及韭菜的香气。沙嗲粉牛肉煲以沙嗲酱为基底,牛肉切片滑溜,经过腌制后煮至入味,粉丝则吸收了牛肉的鲜香。整体口感浓郁,沙嗲的香料风味恰到好处。Nostalgic Cantonese Soup DumplingsThese dumplings are special for their thin skin and rich soup filling. The dumpling skin is elastic, and b
Nostalgic Cantonese Soup Dumplings
These dumplings are special for their thin skin and rich soup filling. The dumpling skin is elastic, and biting into it releases a burst of delicious broth, creating a layered texture.
Baked Char Siu Bao
The outer skin of the baked BBQ pork bun is crispy, while the filling is sweet and savory BBQ pork with tender meat. The baking process gives the bun a golden, crispy surface, contrasting with the soft filling inside.
Garlic Squid with Vermicelli
The vermicelli absorbs the aroma of garlic, and the steamed squid is tender and fresh. Paired with the vermicelli, this dish is filled with the delightful flavors of seafood and garlic.
Wok fried with xo sauce
The smoothness of the rice noodles blends with the aromatic spiciness of XO sauce, greatly enhancing the appetite. This dish is perfect for those who enjoy strong flavors, and pairing it with some greens helps balance
Deep Fried Stuffed Crab Meat with chives
The fresh fragrance of chives combines with the sweet taste of crab meat, all wrapped in a crispy shell. Each bite allows you to savor the delicious crab meat along with the aromatic chives.
Sizzling Fresh local beef with vermicelli and satay sauce in claypot
Using satay sauce as the base, the beef slices are tender after marinating and cooking until flavorful, and the vermicelli absorbs the beef's savory taste. The overall flavor is rich, with the satay spices perfectly balanced.