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最近我同朋友去咗观塘嘅Classy - Seafood & Steak庆祝生日,入到去就感受到一种高雅嘅氛围,装潢真系好靓🥳。餐厅嘅服务人员都好专业,令我哋感觉宾至如归💫。💫焦糖洋葱番茄野菌意大利饭 $128 呢碗意大利饭真系好有惊喜!焦糖洋葱嘅甜味同新鲜番茄嘅酸味完美融合,仲有香浓嘅野菌,口感丰富得来又唔会太腻😋。每一口都带出食材嘅鲜味,简直系一个味觉享受!🍚🎵🎵🎵Indulge in a delightful culinary experience at Classy, where the caramelized onion and tomato wild mushroom risotto is a true masterpiece. Each bite is a harmonious blend of flavors, making it a must-try for any food lover!
💫焦糖洋葱番茄野菌意大利饭 $128
Indulge in a delightful culinary experience at Classy, where the caramelized onion and tomato wild mushroom risotto is a true masterpiece. Each bite is a harmonious blend of flavors, making it a must-try for any food lover!