[ Fine Kitchenette 为食馆 | 太子 ]This restaurant serves classic Cantonese/Guangdong dishes. It evokes some nostalgia with the separated dining rooms, I highly advise booking early to get to the main dining room where the staff can be more attentive. —— —— 银杏猪肺汤 (almond pork lung soup) $53/per soupA classic soup. This version though is grainier than the other’s I’ve had with mild but lasting almond taste, not artificial at all. The pork lung is tender and fatty, delicious and nutritious! We got 4 bow
[ Fine Kitchenette 为食馆 | 太子 ]

This restaurant serves classic Cantonese/Guangdong dishes. It evokes some nostalgia with the separated dining rooms, I highly advise booking early to get to the main dining room where the staff can be more attentive.

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银杏猪肺汤 (almond pork lung soup) $53/per soup

A classic soup. This version though is grainier than the other’s I’ve had with mild but lasting almond taste, not artificial at all. The pork lung is tender and fatty, delicious and nutritious! We got 4 bowls to share between the seven of us, which was sufficient.

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蒜蓉粉丝蒸蛏子皇 (steamed razor clam with garlic vermicelli) $???

The razor clam is tender and a tad overcooked so quite chewy, but still edible and able to be swallowed. The garlic vermicelli is some of the best I’ve ever had, incredibly flavourful, rich, oily (without being greasy), and savoury. I saved up the rest of the sauce to be eaten with anything else. And the vermicelli was also great, perfectly cooked and perfect length as well.

Normally they sell as a set of 4 but we asked to adjust the price and portion based on the number of people.

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瑶柱桂花炒鱼肚 (stir fry fish stomach with dried scallop, osmanthus, egg, and vermicelli)$108

First time trying this dish and it really showcases the chef’s wok hei. Each component is perfectly fried with the thinnest but shiniest layer of oil. Alongside the fish stomach, there is egg and vermicelli, eating everything together gave a melange of textures. The whole dish and especially the fish stomach is flavourless so I recommend eating it with the garlic sauce from the steamed razor clams, makes it 1000x better.

A very generous portion was shared between seven of us and I had 3 bowls of this!

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五味豆腐粒 (five spice fried tofu) $52

A classic and they do it slightly differently here. The cubes of tofu are smaller than usual which means more surface area for the crispy batter. However, I found the tofu to be very bland and lacked seasoning, although the batter was thin and the fry was great. Tasted much better when eating with the vinegar.

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为食脆皮鸡 - 半 (signature crispy chicken) $158

Their signature for a reason! The skin is shatteringly crispy and thin whilst still having this savoury taste to it. The flesh is moist and tender with a bite, and also very well seasoned. I highly recommend getting this.

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脆皮牛仔腩 (crispy beef brisket) $118

Also another fried dish that was executed very well. The coating is paper thin and the crispness of it contrasts incredibly well with the tender melt-in-your-mouth short ribs. Flavour wise it is very well seasoned. The portion is quite large but we happily finished it.

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龙仔海虾蒸饭 (steamed rice with prawn) $???

So glad we ordered this rice. Although the prawns are a tad overcooked and skinny, the rice is impeccable. Each grain is flavoured so well without being overly salty or intense; with the perfect amount of flavour. It reminds me of lotus leaf rice due to its aroma. I highly recommend adding the sauce from the razor clams to this rice, makes it 10 times better! A very generous portion of green onions on top which I love as it adds some crunch and pungency to each bite. We almost couldn’t finish this big basket of rice!

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油浸笋壳鱼 (deep fried marble goby) $3XX

We have been eyeing this fish since we arrived and since we weren’t that full by the end, we ordered it. They only had the big fish available so that was what we got.

Had to wait 30 minutes for this but oh so worth it. The coating is of the perfect thickness so you can taste the rich sauce it has been doused in and how it clings onto the seasoned batter but still think enough that it doesn’t overpower the soft, flaky fish inside. I really enjoyed this fish as each piece of meat was flaky and tender. Loved the chilli in the sauce too as it adds another dimension of flavour (I never had chilli with fish before and it works!) as well as the julienned scallions. Also, they fried this so well that the whole head became this crispy chip that was entirely edible! The only part that wasn’t eaten was the backbone as the spine was too thick, but everything else was consumed!

Perhaps the best oil-poached marble goby I’ve had! (Better than Sun Hon See)

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推介 🙆🏻‍♀️

💬 Overall, really enjoyed every dish served and the atmosphere too. But what shocked me the most was the price, our bill came to less than $2000 which is very reasonable as we were 7 adults that left very satisfied.

🗓 Revisit? ✅ ⭕️/ ❎
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为食脆皮鸡 - 半
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(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$300 (晚餐)
$ 52
为食脆皮鸡 - 半
$ 158
$ 108
$ 118