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最近我去到铜锣湾,发现咗一间超正嘅越南餐厅An Choi,真系唔可以错过🥰!呢度嘅菜式不单止好味,仲有著名嘅越南风味,令人食过一次就想再嚟😍。💫PHO GA $78呢碗Pho Ga真系一流,汤底清甜又香浓,鸡肉嫩滑得来仲有啲香草味🥢。每一口都感受到越南的地道风情,配上啲米粉,简直系完美搭配!不过要小心啲辣椒,辣得我眼泪都流出嚟😂。💫Coconut Affogato $68椰子Affogato就系夏日清凉嘅最佳选择☀️!椰子冰淇淋滑溜溜,加上热咖啡,口感对比超级有趣😋。再加上少少烤椰丝,真系好满足,食完心情都好好💖。🎶🎶🎶Discover the vibrant flavors of Vietnam at An Choi, where the Pho Ga warms your soul and the Coconut Affogato cools you down. This culinary journey is a must-try for anyone craving authentic Vietnamese cuisine in Hong Kong.
呢碗Pho Ga真系一流,汤底清甜又香浓,鸡肉嫩滑得来仲有啲香草味🥢。每一口都感受到越南的地道风情,配上啲米粉,简直系完美搭配!不过要小心啲辣椒,辣得我眼泪都流出嚟😂。
💫Coconut Affogato $68
Discover the vibrant flavors of Vietnam at An Choi, where the Pho Ga warms your soul and the Coconut Affogato cools you down. This culinary journey is a must-try for anyone craving authentic Vietnamese cuisine in Hong Kong.