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好失望,有两个罗。一系卫生,里面卫生堪忧,可以睇到油锅边缘都系油,而且板包裹嘅胶袋都系好黄。二系味,味道好行货啫,作为过日本旅行嘅人嚟讲味道真系好行货啫,而且唔正宗。本来我对鸡皮饺子呢味有住好大等咗好耐,因为以前喺其他家食过好惊艳嘅鸡皮饺子,但系呢间鸡皮饺子真系好难食。I am extremely disappointed, and there are two reasons for this. Firstly, regarding the hygiene, the internal hygiene situation is a cause for concern. One can observe that the edges of the oil pan are covered in oil, and the plastic bags wrapping the sockets are also extremely yellow. Secondly, the taste is rather ordinary. For someone who has traveled to Japan,
I am extremely disappointed, and there are two reasons for this. Firstly, regarding the hygiene, the internal hygiene situation is a cause for concern. One can observe that the edges of the oil pan are covered in oil, and the plastic bags wrapping the sockets are also extremely yellow. Secondly, the taste is rather ordinary. For someone who has traveled to Japan, the taste is truly mediocre and not authentic. Initially, I had high expectations for the dish of chicken skin dumplings because I had previously tasted incredibly amazing chicken skin dumplings at other restaurants. However, the chicken skin dumplings at this place are really unappetizing.
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