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十三姨的招牌老板娘鹅肝煎蛋捞饭,铺在饭面的肥美鹅肝和流心太阳蛋,与微辣的XO酱、干葱和秘制酱油拌匀,油香四溢的鹅肝融合辛香调味,让人回味无穷。此外,店舖亦有多款创新汤面,「呖咕呖咕」汤底浓郁甘甜,里面有玫瑰鸡锤、鸡叉烧及溏心蛋,面底除了有传统的米粉、粉丝、银针粉之外,还提供少见的翠玉瓜面,口感爽脆,吸附汤汁后更加美味。Nestled in the bustling heart of west kowloon, Lady 13 Kitchen is famous for its Lady Boss Foie Gras on Rice, featuring pan-fried foie gras with its rich oiliness complemented by the yolk of a sunny-side-up. Another must-try is their lineup of innovative noodle soups, such as Champion Chicken Soup. For those seeking a healthier noodle opt
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