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啲嘢系高水准,个蒸饭饭粒分明,鱼肉新鲜,比起一般酒楼的话,其实好食不过其实系一个外国人饮茶嘅地方,你去到就明我讲咩然后最好笑系,当我举手,有个waiter 行过,佢示意转头,但唔知点解呢个时候再有另一枱叫佢时,佢又帮佢?我谂我睇落唔够𠮶枱人富贵啰,然后呢个waiter冇再返嚟啰?咩意思呢?When I raise the hand, there is a tall thin man, he shows that he will come back, refused me, however, when the other desk ask him something, he smile and help them, and he never come back. Is it that he only serve some people look likes rich? I am the normal Chinese, so they would not like to serve me? I would like to leave the restaurant after this,
然后最好笑系,当我举手,有个waiter 行过,佢示意转头,但唔知点解呢个时候再有另一枱叫佢时,佢又帮佢?我谂我睇落唔够𠮶枱人富贵啰,然后呢个waiter冇再返嚟啰?咩意思呢?
When I raise the hand, there is a tall thin man, he shows that he will come back, refused me, however, when the other desk ask him something, he smile and help them, and he never come back. Is it that he only serve some people look likes rich? I am the normal Chinese, so they would not like to serve me? I would like to leave the restaurant after this, my girl stopped me, so I just order some food for try, but I will never come back. Thanks
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