64 浏览
Parma ham salad $168Well balanced salad with greens fig and Parma hamHomemade vinegar sauce is provided and feel free to pour in the amount you want It’s nothing to strong to overwhelm the ham Overall a nice starter to have Scallop and porcini mushroom ravioli $198Highly recommended It’s definitely not those traditional ravioli you can find in any supermarketThere are scallops in between the thin dough wrapWhich is full of umami and chewyThe sauce is slightly watery to make the dish less dry Roa
Well balanced salad with greens fig and Parma ham
Homemade vinegar sauce is provided and feel free to pour in the amount you want
It’s nothing to strong to overwhelm the ham
Overall a nice starter to have
Scallop and porcini mushroom ravioli $198
Highly recommended
It’s definitely not those traditional ravioli you can find in any supermarket
There are scallops in between the thin dough wrap
Which is full of umami and chewy
The sauce is slightly watery to make the dish less dry
Roasted Spanish iberico $358
An iberico tasted like beef without the sauce
Quite meaty and heavy
If you want something light
Simply soak it in the vinegar sauce
Which is both sweet and sour on your palate
Apple crumble $68
complimentary bread basket