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Prologue:I actually got lost in TST east trying to find this place. Apparently I took the wrong turn coming out of the MTR. At the end I had to flag a taxi and when I told the taxi driver where I wanted to go he said 'you're going to feel really stupid' but i said i don't mind coz i'm late already so he gave me a scoff and drove off. I arrived in less than a minute. Yep. The moral of the story is that everyone with a smartphone should get subscribe to a dataplan as well. anyone who doesn't have
I actually got lost in TST east trying to find this place. Apparently I took the wrong turn coming out of the MTR. At the end I had to flag a taxi and when I told the taxi driver where I wanted to go he said 'you're going to feel really stupid' but i said i don't mind coz i'm late already so he gave me a scoff and drove off. I arrived in less than a minute. Yep. The moral of the story is that everyone with a smartphone should get subscribe to a dataplan as well. anyone who doesn't have a smartphone better have a very keen sense of direction!
A very cozy and petit restaurant. Maximum seating capacity around 16. There is a sushi bar and also 2 rectangular tables, each accommodating a party of 4. I guess those 2 tables could be put together for a party of 8. But it would be a rather tight fit.
3 sashimi rice
Grilled fish set lunch $150
The portion was very generous, fish perfectly salted, skin crisp, meat was firm, fresh and oily - so oily a small pool of fish oil accumulated itself at the bottom of the plate. Quite unsightly but fish oil is supposed to be healthier than cooking oil and animal fat right. Grilled fish is supposed to be done with minimal quantities of oil aite I gobbled up the whole thing, with the help of a bit of grated radish and soy sauce. I would speak highly of this fish. Anyone who likes grilled fish should try this one.
I feel that the master really puts his heart into preparing food - appreciate that. The shy and polite waitress is a nice spectacle to add to the small, homey space. Like a family-run business. I would come here more often but for the inconvenient location. So I need someone who knows the way to bring me here in case I get lost again. That said, I wouldn't make a deliberate trip here, I don't think. There are places in HKI which offers good grilled fish too.