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My friend and I wanted to start off the beautiful sunny Saturday morning in Stanley. We arrived there at around 10:30am. My friend parked his car along the Stanley Main Street where most of the restaurants are located. We were a bit disappointed when we noticed many restaurants have not yet opened or only getting ready to be opened for business. So we only had a few options, either McDonald's, Pizza Express or this Spiaggia. It would idiotic to choose McDonald's after purposely driving to Stanl
We arrived there at around 10:30am. My friend parked his car along the Stanley Main Street where most of the restaurants are located. We were a bit disappointed when we noticed many restaurants have not yet opened or only getting ready to be opened for business. So we only had a few options, either McDonald's, Pizza Express or this Spiaggia. It would idiotic to choose McDonald's after purposely driving to Stanley from Kowloon for a "nice" breakfast. Pizza Express was still getting ready. We saw many diners in Spiaggia, and the staff kept on waving us in with a friendly smile.
Once we've sat down, we pretty much had no time to glance at the menu since there was ONLY ONE breakfast meal set for the price of $128. That same staff became for pushy and kept asking us what we want for starters and for drinks which come with the meal. We were told him to give us a minute, at least for us to have a look at the menu. Yet soon enough he came back with a more forceful tone. That moment, I actually wanted to leave. I didn't feel comfortable with someone acting like that especially in the morning!
My friend answered him and chose orange juice; whereas for me, I chose honeydew. In my mind, I thought it was fresh honeydew juice. (Didn't have enough time to read the menu)
Then, it came- A big slice of honeydew. WHAT?!!!
Then our "All-day Breakfast" came. WHAT?!!! It looked like some overnight leftovers gathered at a buffet in an inn. The days-old bread and croissants were put onto one plate. At least, each of our eggs, bacon, sausages, hashbrown and tomatoes were thrown together onto two separate plates...
Both of us could only laugh at what we have in front of us. Speechless. We were expecting to have a lovely, tasty breakfast with a nice view. But reality showed us the opposite. Hahaha.
The most acceptable part of this meal was that small cup of black coffee.
The lesson from this dining experience is to not dine in this restaurant if you have other choices. Or not to come to Stanley before 11am if you want to have a nice meal.
All-day breakfast
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