2007-08-30 11 浏览
疑点: 有无留意到almost所有comments都唔系regular会员所留既?? 唉~见到d comments好有保留﹐唔多想做白老鼠﹐奈何"靓仔"厨司竟然同我honey系旧相识。身为一位懂礼仪既honey我绝对唔敢唔show support喇~~ 去去去﹐快D去...So we went as 3, honey, his colleague and moi~~Conclusion as follow:1) if you are british or grew up in UK, don't go...原因系你会有受骗既感觉2) 野食真系麻麻﹐但比到信心我自己去开间餐厅...佢地整到既dishes我都识! Plus﹐I have every confident I can do them better. 尤其系甜品, pannacotta, sherbet , soffule, chocolate fondue我都得! 3) food presentation好唔掂!!4) 唔算鬼但要我比咁既$$去食咁既野...I'd rather go to 翠华!! Fat Angelo's好
疑点: 有无留意到almost所有comments都唔系regular会员所留既??
唉~见到d comments好有保留﹐唔多想做白老鼠﹐奈何"靓仔"厨司竟然同我honey系旧相识。身为一位懂礼仪既honey我绝对唔敢唔show support喇~~ 去去去﹐快D去...So we went as 3, honey, his colleague and moi~~

Conclusion as follow:
1) if you are british or grew up in UK, don't go...原因系你会有受骗既感觉

2) 野食真系麻麻﹐但比到信心我自己去开间餐厅...佢地整到既dishes我都识! Plus﹐I have every confident I can do them better. 尤其系甜品, pannacotta, sherbet , soffule, chocolate fondue我都得!

3) food presentation好唔掂!!

4) 唔算鬼但要我比咁既$$去食咁既野...I'd rather go to 翠华!! Fat Angelo's好味好多!!

5) 其实可唔可以sell 靓仔& sell british food者﹐d 野都唔british!! Not enough time nor space to go thru the country of origin of every dishes they hv!! But it ain't british i tell u!

Risotto - 汁太稀﹐饭唔够咬口﹐taste a little blend唔够香无层次感...即系好表面...食第一啖唔会令你懵起对眼然后讲"mmm...yum"既感觉啰!
Seafood 薯派- 完全唔掂﹐汁少not creamy enough﹐seafood唔香﹐Marks & Spencers 个Fisherman's Pie掂过佢好多好多...可惜HK无得买﹐如果唔系我实买比佢试下!
Apple crumble - 一个15岁都煮得掂既甜品我误会系safe choice, but...同事教我一句说话叫"高处未算高﹐底处未算底\" finally meant sth to me! If 你意为main dishes are not close to satisfaction then...try their dessert!! 点解咁丑怪唔serve the custard separately instead of一大pat咁pat落个过甜既crumble到?? 同咪点解个crumble 咁唔juicy??

Anyways, regarding to份量够唔够对一个矮矮地既女仔来说系ok既但我个friend就有少少...系我地walk past 九记闻到d beef香时真系流晒口水!!

最后系要题下就系饮食男女喇...mmm...篇野我未睇过但你地知唔知到magazines系点run架?? 知唔知advertorials系咩? journalist点pick边间restaurant去写? 你肯定佢地系pick而唔系其他因数??

Well, 最后我谂如果佢地唔improve﹐任佢爸爸﹑妈妈financially几support佢都好﹐佢都未必做得长。虽然我唔够胆系honey面前criticise佢个friend但我希望佢会听其他客人既comments. 我honey话仲要迟下去多次晚市support下㖞!! T^T 唉~~~~ I guess I am just glad that I am not the one who's paying!!

If I was, i'd def rather go to Fat Angelo's, Jimmy's Kitchen, Sunning, Tavoli...其实比我过去九记都好呀!! I love my beef, keekee

So ppl out there...don't let my comment stop you from going~ it could just be down to personal taste. If you do go and have comments abt his food, you shld really tell him and hope he'll change and improve!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)